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The textile industry has been one of the most important sectors of the Romanian

economy, but massive imports of products from China and Turkey have led to a
significant decline in the market. As the standard of living was low, consumers
preferred to switch to better prices but lower quality. January 1st 2005 meant a
deadlock for the Romanian textile industry due to the elimination of quotas on
textile imports and the addition of Chinese products already on the market, and as
we know, no one can compete with the Chinese.

At present, the employers have designed a series of projects to develop the textile
sector and it is estimated that 2009 will bring a balance to the market without any
further decline. In this respect, manufacturers must abandon the lohn system and
apply the luxury lohn, because consumers will also slowly give up the "no name"
in favour of the "label".

As the internet has evolved considerably in the last decade, fashion has taken on
new forms and conquered new virtual territories: various fashion houses have
started to promote their image and products by presenting their collections online,
virtual fitting rooms have been created, the Second Life space also includes clothes
shops, fashion presentations, etc.

The Internet has become increasingly important in selling products. However, it is

argued that clothing products do not lend themselves very well to the online
environment. Even Romanian fashion magazines are not trying to penetrate the
internet market because they consider that readers prefer the materiality of the
printed product and not the cold interface of a website.

E-marketing or online marketing differs from traditional marketing due to a unique

feature: interactivity. The advantages of using e-marketing include: global reach,
low prices, measurable results, personalisation and the idea of real-time marketing.
E-marketing strategies are: email marketing, text messages, websites, search
engines and banners.

An email campaign involves going through several stages to be successful. The

key element of an e-mail campaign is to build up a database of potential
consumers' e-mail addresses who are interested in the subject of the campaign. The
data in the database can be procured by several means: external providers, personal
marketing efforts, special web-bot programs. The structure of a specific e-mailing
message should include: subject, message, links, response method offered. The
content of the message also includes a number of rules including: make sure the
message meets the needs of the audience, get to the point quickly, keep messages
short, use a personal style, mention the benefits of the product, leave blank spaces,
offer a guarantee, include all contact details, etc.

The success of a banner campaign depends on several factors including: site

selection, selection of pages or sections that fit naturally with the advertiser's offer,
banner format, landing page.

Following the theoretical steps of a banner campaign, an attempt was made to

develop such an online promotion campaign. Although the services offered, i.e.
banner posting, were free, the results of the campaign were disappointing.

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