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Practice test 1:

Question 1: Advertising works in isolation from other parts of communications mix, is

the statement true or false?
A. True
B. False

Question 2: The two key drivers of engagement include:

A. information and disregard response
B. Thinking/feeling and behavioural responses
C. WOM and detach response
D. Purchase and refund response

Question 3: What is the key criticism of Schramm’s core model of communication?

A. It is not clear who the ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’ are referring to
B. It does not include a feedback loop
C. It does not refer to the message transfer process
D. It ignores the effects of personal sources and influencers on the communication process

Question 4: According to Fill and Turnbull (2019) professional industry bloggers (for
example a cat blogger who is not part of your interpersonal network) is an example of
opinion leaders. Is this statement true or false?
A. True
B. False

Question 5: The attitude construct model refers to________, feelings and behaviour?
A. Purschase intention
B. People
C. Pesuasion
D. Knowledge
Question 6: Most of the early advertising models were developed on the principle that
individuals move through a series of sequential stages, those stages link to_________
A. Advertising triggers and touchpoints
B. Superior recall and engagement
C. Cognitive, affective, conative
D. Information, involvement and emotional processing

Question 7: The major criticism of Hierarchy of Effects model is that they assume that
consumers move through the decision making stages in a logical, rational manner. Is this
statement true or false?
A. True
B. False

Question 8: What is the purpose of a ‘profile’ advertising strategy?

A. To develop stakeholder relationships, corporate image and reputation
B. To take a B2B approach to advertising
C. To influence end users by pulling them through the channel network
D. To influence marketing channel buyers by pushing themthrough the channel network
towards the end users

Question 9: A Pull positioning strategy targets____________

A. End users
B. Retailers
C. Stakeholders
D. Suppliers

Question 10: Advertising strategic balance considers the relation

A. Audience strategies
B. Push, pull and profile strategies
C. Business Strategies
D. Marketing Strategies

Question 11: Examples of brand positioning strategies include?

A. Price
B. Quality
C. Nationality
D. All of these

Question 12: Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a
brand name. Is this staement true or false?
A. True
B. False

Question 13: Which statement below is true about brand positioning?

A. Brand positioning is an operations task
B. Brand positioning is making an organisation branding similar to its competitors
C. Brand positioning is related to an organisation’s market share
D. Brand positioning makes a brand different or stand out from the rest

Question 14: Advertising is used to reach large audiences with detailed and complex
A. True
B. False

Question 15: Which of the eclectric models of advertising places the greatest emphasis on
shared values?
A. The persuasion/go to model
B. The involvement/play model
C. The salience/talked-about model
D. The sales promotion/do model
Question 16: The principle role of adbertising isdirected towards____________ with the
target audience.
A. Generating a sale
B. Measuring the reaction
C. Changing the perception
D. Engaging

Question 17: Which of the following quotes is not directly related or a definition of
A. “… the capacity to reach huge audiences with simple messages.” (Fill and Turnbull 2019)
B. “… the prime goals are to build awareness of a product or an organisation in the mind of
the audience and engage them” (Fill and Turnbull 2019)
C. “… paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source designed to
persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future.” (Richard and Curran 2002)
D. “… the plannes and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual
understanding between an organisation and its publics.” (CIPR, 2018)

Question 18: Advertising that uses emtional appeals, such as fear, rather than those that
use rational, information based messages, are better at motivating a change in
A. True
B. False

Question 19: Fill and Turnbull (2019) state that classifying media by traditional and new
is broad, vague and misleading
A. True
B. False

Question 20: Media by form can be broken down into Class, Type and_____
A. Tools
B. Media Channels
C. Vehicles

Question 21: The acronym used to classify media by source is?


Practice test 2:
Question 1: What would be a deontological reason for an advertisement being classified
as 'unethical'?
A. The end result does not warrant the approach taken
B. The end result is classed as sexist by some feminists
C. The end result has unresolvable consequences
D. The end result is culturally specific

Question 2: What is the purpose of a 'profile' advertising strategy?

A.To develop stakeholder relationships, corporate image and reputation
B. To take a B2B approach to advertising
C. To influence end users by pulling them through the channel network
D. To influence marketing channel buyers by pushing them through the channel network
towards the end users

Question 3: What is a key criticism of Schramm's core model of communication?

A. It is not clear who the 'sender' and 'receiver' are referring to
B. It does not include a feedback loop
C. It does not refer to the message transfer process
D. It ignores the effects of personal sources and influencers on the communication process
Question 4: Shrimp's CAN model (2010) refers to advertising campaigns being
'connected', 'appropriate' and ?
A. Newsworthy
B. Never-ending
C. Novel
D. Niche

Question 5: Creativity is only relevant to TV advertising

A. True
B. False

Question 6: The major criticism of Hierarchy of Effects models is that they assume that
consumers move through the decision making stages in a logical, rational manner
A. True
B. False

Question 7: AIDA stands for _______________

A. Awareness, Involvement, Desire and Attention
B. Attention, Interest, Desire and Action
C. Action, Interest, Desire and Attention
D. Acquisition, Interest, Desire and Action

Question 8: When processing advertising messages, an individual’s intention to behave in

a certain way is the
A. Cognitive Component
B. Conative Component
C.Affective Component
D. Attitude Construct

Question 9: Which two key audiences are missing from the following communication
A. b-2-b and b-2-c
B. marketing manager and sales manager
C. opinion leader and opinion former
D. customer and consumer

Question 10: What does 'CPM' stand for?

A. Cost per million
B. Cost per impression
C. Cost per thousand
D. Cost for mobile

Question 11: The missing label in Fills planning framework diagram below is?
A. Fill Plan
B. Strategic analysis
C. Business analysis
D. Context analysis
E. Evaluation analysis

Question 12: A communication model that ignores the effects of personal sources and
influencers on the communication process is?
A. Influencer model of communication
B. Schramms Linear Model
C. Interactional model of communication
D. Multi-step variation

Question 13: Successful creativity leads from identifying a client’s ____________

A. History
B. Budget
C. Location
D. Needs
Question 14: An advertising appeal used to change people’s behaviour?
A. Rational Appeal: product content
B. Emotional Appeal: Fear
C. Rational Appeal: Information based on product
D. None of these

Question 15: The missing facet from the brand identity prism is?
A. Relationship
B. Advertising
C. Profits

Question 16: Fame campaigns work by _____________________

A. Featuring popular celebrities and being likeable
B. Featuring strong product attributes
C. Being easily remembered for its creative content
D. Getting talked about and making the campaign famous

Question 17: Egan (2007) identifies five main tools of marketing communication, there
are __________
A. Product, Price, Place, People and Physical evidence
B. Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations, Direct Marketing
C. Selling, Buying, Distribution, Manufacture, Marketing
D. Advertising Strategy, Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

Question 18: It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of outdoor advertising? True or

A. True
B. False
Question 19: Strategic balance considers the relation between ______________
A. Advertising strategies
B. Push, pull and profile strategies
C. Business strategies
D. Marketing strategies

Question 20: Successful brands might be considered to encapsulate the three Brand Ps
(3BPs). These are:
A. positioning, preconditions, and preference
B. promises, processes and payback
C. performance, processes, and preferences
D. promises, positioning and performance

Question 21: The primary role of media is to enable _________ and ______messages to
be channelled to, from, and among audiences
A. Brand and Product
B. Creative and Engaging
C. Planned and Unplanned
D. Product and Service

Question 22: What is a key strength of digital advertising media?

A. It is free
B. Everyone will watch your digital ads
C. Everyone has a Smartphone
D. It can be easily measured

Question 23: Which of the three P’s of marketing communication positioning strategy is
illustrated in this diagram?
A.Positioning Strategy
B. Push
C. Pull
D. Profile
E. Positioning

Question 24: What label is missing from Schramm’s (1955) model of communication?
A. Listener
B. Medium
C. Decoding
D. Feedback

Question 25: Which of these is not a marketing communication tool?

A. Advertising
B. Sales Promotion
C. Public Relations
D. Social Media

Question 26: Advertising messages using rational appeals include the presentation of…
A. Factual product or service information
B. Emotional situations with the product or service
C. Humorous situations with the product or service
D. Consumer behaviour product or service habits

Question 27: A great deal of advertising is directed towards __________ of the target
A. Generating a response
B. Measuring the reaction
C. Changing the perception
D. Getting the attention
Question 28: Fill et al (2013) identifies three models of communication. Which one of the
following is not one of these mode
A. Schramm’s core model of communication
B. The influencer model
C. The interactional model
D. The communication innovation model

Question 29: Music is used frequently in advertising as ___________

A. a mood setter
B. a standout feature
C. background
D. an executional cue

Question 30: Advertising works in isolation from other parts of the communications mix
A. True
B. False

Question 31: The body that regulates advertising in the UK is:


Question 32: When processing advertising messages, the level of knowledge and belief an
individual hold about a product/service is the
A. Conative Component
B. Cognitive Component
C. Affective Component
D. Attitude Construct
Question 33: Which framework is used to determine campaign objectives for

Question 34: Advertising that uses emotional appeals, such as fear, rather than those that
use rational, information based messages, are better at motivating a change in behaviour
A. True
B. False

Question 35: The attitude construct model refers to knowledge, feelings and ?
A. Behaviour
B. Purchase intention
C. People
D. Persuasion

Question 36: Which of the three P’s of marketing communication positioning strategy is
illustrated in this diagram?
A. Positioning Strategy
B. Push
C. Pull
D. Profile
E. Positioning

Question 37: What is the name of the model below?

A. The Reinforcement Model
B. The Central Route Model
C. The Elaboration Likelihood Model
D. The Message Persuasion Model

Question 38: Advertising messages can be positive and negative.

A. True
B. False

Question 39: Which of the following is not a school of art to have been represented in
A. Symbolism
B. Corkism
C. Impressionism
D. Art Deco

Question 40: Effective strategic development at all levels needs to be based on the setting
of clear and detailed:
A. Targets
B. Plans
C. Analysis
D. Objectives

Question 41: A Pull positioning strategy targets __________________

A. End users
B. Retailers
C. Stakeholders
D. Suppliers

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