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Chapter 1: Methodology

1.1 Introduction
In the pursuit of designing a power quality monitoring system aligned with the stringent
EN50160 standard, a meticulous methodology has been devised. This section expounds upon the
systematic approach employed to integrate the ZMPT101b and ACS-712 (5A) sensors, ensuring
precision, reliability, and compliance with industry benchmarks.

1.2 Description of Sensors

The pivotal selection of sensors lays the foundation for robust power quality assessment. The
ZMPT101b sensor as shown in figure[x], serves as the linchpin for detecting voltage anomalies,
sags, and swells. Its inherent sensitivity, coupled with the ability to capture transient fluctuations,
grants a comprehensive view of power quality. On the other hand, the ACS-712 (5A) sensor as
shown in figure[x],, plays a critical role in measuring current variations. Its precision is
harnessed to provide accurate insights into load variations, harmonics, and inrush currents.
1.3 Placement and Configuration of Sensors
The strategic deployment of sensors is a cornerstone of accurate data collection. The ZMPT101b
sensor is meticulously placed at points susceptible to voltage fluctuations, such as near sensitive
equipment or at critical nodes in the power distribution network. This strategic placement
optimizes the detection of voltage sags and swells, contributing to the system's overall reliability.
In parallel, the ACS-712 (5A) sensor is strategically positioned to monitor current fluctuations at
load-intensive nodes, offering insights into current harmonics and dynamic load changes.

1.4 Calibration Procedure

Precision in measurement hinges upon meticulous calibration procedures. Each sensor undergoes
calibration against traceable industry standards, assuring alignment with accepted measurement
accuracy. Calibration involves meticulous adjustments to the sensors' internal parameters to
eliminate any inherent bias. By recording calibration coefficients, the system ensures that raw
sensor readings are accurately translated into meaningful measurements. The Calibration
procedure of both sensors and their results are discussed below.

1.4.1 Calibration of ZMPT

The calibration process of the ZMPT101B voltage sensor plays a critical role in ensuring
accurate and reliable measurements. The method employed for calibrating the ZMPT101B
involved a systematic and meticulous approach to establish a correspondence between input
voltage variations and the sensor's output signal. This calibration procedure was imperative to
obtain precise measurements of alternating current (AC) voltages.

The calibration process commenced with the utilization of an auto transformer, a versatile tool
capable of varying the input voltage applied to the ZMPT101B sensor. To guarantee safety, the
output of the auto transformer was directed through a Voltage Dependent Resistor (VDR) circuit
consisting of carefully selected 51.5k and 100k ohms power resistors. This configuration ensured
that the voltage levels were within a safe range during calibration.

Subsequently, the VDR-attenuated output was connected to the input of the ZMPT101B sensor.
This transformative step resulted in an AC signal offset by approximately 2.5 volts, effectively
adapting the signal to a range of 0 to 5 volts. However, the output signal was not directly
compatible with the ESP32 microcontroller, which is designed to accept signals with peaks up to
3.3 volts. To bridge this disparity, another VDR circuit was employed at the output of the
ZMPT101B sensor. This circuit, meticulously constructed with 50k and 100k ohms resistors,
ensured that the ESP32 could effectively interface with the adjusted signal.

To validate the calibration's effectiveness and precision, a diverse set of input voltages were
applied to the ZMPT101B sensor using the auto transformer. The responses of the sensor were
meticulously recorded and scrutinized using an oscilloscope. The resulting data was carefully
analyzed, and calibration tables were constructed for the different phases of the kit.
This meticulous calibration procedure lays the foundation for acquiring dependable and accurate
measurements of AC voltages, a cornerstone of the successful implementation of the kit's

The tables containing the values of different input voltages and output voltages for all the three
ZMPT101B employed for three phase measurement along with their respective regression
equations are shown below.

Sensor# 1


41 0.46 119.884 0.46
47 0.52 137.428 0.52
56 0.63 163.744 0.63
61 0.68 178.364 0.68
68 0.76 198.832 0.76
74 0.824 216.376 0.824
82 0.91 239.768 0.91
91 1 266.084 1
96 1.06 280.704 1.06

Slope= 0.003726

Intercept= 0.014767

Equation= 0.014767+0.003726X

Sensor# 2


40.5 0.46 118.422 0.46
47.5 0.536 138.89 0.536
54.6 0.616 159.6504 0.616
61.8 0.704 180.7032 0.704
68.6 0.768 200.5864 0.768
75.1 0.856 219.5924 0.856
82.7 0.936 241.8148 0.936
89.8 1 262.5752 1
96.6 1.08 282.4584 1.08

Slope= 0.00379

Intercept= 0.012904

Equation= 0.012904+0.00379X

Sensor# 3


41 0.46 119.884 0.46
47 0.52 137.428 0.52
56 0.61 163.744 0.61
61 0.67 178.364 0.67
70 0.75 204.68 0.75
77 0.83 225.148 0.83
84 0.9 245.616 0.9
91 0.96 266.084 0.96
97 1.04 283.628 1.04

Slope= 0.003498

Intercept= 0.039836

Equation= 0.039836+0.003498X


1.4.2 Calibration of ACS-712 (5 A)

The calibration process for the ACS-712(5A) current sensor was an essential endeavor to ensure
the accuracy and reliability of current measurements. This meticulous procedure was undertaken
following a systematic approach that guaranteed a precise correspondence between input current
variations and the resultant output signal. The calibration of the ACS-712(5A) was a critical step
to achieve accurate measurements of alternating current (AC) currents.

The calibration process began with the utilization of an auto transformer, which facilitated the
controlled variation of input voltages applied to the ACS-712(5A) sensor. This voltage alteration
was meticulously performed while adhering to the required safety precautions. The output of the
auto transformer was then seamlessly directed to the ACS-712(5A), where it was transformed
into a signal offset by approximately 2.5 volts. This transformed signal featured values ranging
between 0 and 5 volts, effectively adapting it for subsequent processing.

To facilitate seamless interaction with the ESP32 microcontroller, another crucial step was
introduced. A Voltage Dependent Resistor (VDR) circuit was strategically integrated at the
output of the ACS-712(5A) sensor. This circuit was thoughtfully assembled, utilizing 51.5k and
100k ohms resistors, to ensure compatibility with the ESP32's input range. This configuration
was pivotal in enabling the ESP32 to effectively engage with the signal output from the VDR
circuit at the ACS-712(5A) output, preventing signal degradation or loss.

To validate the effectiveness and precision of the calibration, a comprehensive series of tests
were conducted. A 200W bulb was employed as a load within the experimental setup to simulate
varying current scenarios. Diverse input voltages were applied to the ACS-712(5A) sensor using
the auto transformer, and the sensor's responses were meticulously observed and recorded using
an oscilloscope. The resulting data was then methodically analyzed, leading to the creation of
calibration tables for different phases of the kit.

This meticulous calibration procedure lays the foundation for acquiring dependable and accurate
measurements of AC voltages, a cornerstone of the successful implementation of the kit's
functionality. The tables containing the values of different input voltages and output voltages for
all the three ZMPT101B employed for three phase measurement along with their respective
regression equations are shown below.

1.5 Data Collection

The data acquisition process within the ESP32 microcontroller stands as a pivotal component of
the project's functionality. The endeavor to effectively capture and process signals from the
sensors demanded careful consideration due to the ESP32's constrained data handling
capabilities. This phase of the project encompassed two crucial aspects: the appropriate selection
of data array size and the meticulous acquisition of data from sensors, specifically the ACS-
712(5A) and ZMPT101B voltage sensors.
The ESP32's limited data handling capacity necessitated a judicious approach in determining the
size of the data arrays that would house the incoming sensor data. Through a systematic process
of trial and error, an optimal data array size of 2750 was identified for each sensor type. This
choice provided ample space to accommodate not only the incoming sensor data but also
facilitated the execution of essential signal processing tasks. This carefully chosen array size
ensured that the ESP32 had sufficient memory resources to manage the incoming data and
efficiently process it without compromise.

Acquiring data from sensors such as the ACS-712(5A) and ZMPT101B voltage sensors was
executed with precision and attention to detail. The ESP32, acting as the central hub of data
collection, interfaced seamlessly with these sensors, capturing their outputs and channeling them
into the designated data arrays. The ACS-712(5A) sensor, calibrated to provide accurate current
measurements, furnished data pertinent to the project's current analysis. Simultaneously, the
ZMPT101B voltage sensor contributed voltage data, both of which were meticulously processed
for further analysis.

This data acquisition process was not only integral to the project's success but also emphasized
the necessity for meticulous planning and resource allocation. By harmonizing the selection of
appropriate data array sizes with the skillful acquisition of sensor data, the project demonstrated
an astute balance between the ESP32's limitations and its potential. The successful data
acquisition phase laid the groundwork for subsequent signal processing, analysis, and ultimately,
the fulfillment of the project's objectives

1.6 Data Analysis

Data analysis stands as the pivotal cornerstone of the project's success, where the acquired data
undergoes meticulous processing to extract meaningful insights. The initial step involves the
acquisition of voltage (V) and current (I) signals from the dedicated sensors. These signals,
gathered in arrays, are then subjected to a series of processing stages to unlock their underlying
information. Through a regression equation derived from the calibration process, the acquired
signal is transformed into input peak-to-peak values, enabling a precise representation of the
original measurements.

The subsequent phase of analysis focuses on calculating the Root Mean Square (RMS) voltages,
a crucial metric in understanding the magnitude of the electrical quantities. This step allows for a
comprehensive assessment of voltage levels and contributes to the broader understanding of the
electrical system's behavior. Finally, the project culminates in the measurement of the mains
frequency. This is achieved by employing the zero-crossing method, a technique that identifies
the frequency of the voltage waveform by detecting instances where it crosses zero.
The meticulous process of data analysis encapsulates the project's essence, as it not only
uncovers the nuanced information hidden within the acquired data but also translates it into
meaningful and actionable insights. Through this comprehensive approach to data analysis, the
project achieves its objectives by delivering a comprehensive understanding of the electrical
system's dynamics and behaviors

1.7 Validation of Results

Robust validation mechanisms are embedded to bolster the credibility of the generated results.
Validation involves cross-referencing sensor-generated data with concurrently collected data
from reference instruments. By demonstrating the consistency and conformity of sensor readings
with established standards, the system reinforces the reliability of its outcomes.

1.8 Experimental Setup Diagram

A comprehensive experimental setup diagram serves as a visual guide, elucidating the spatial
arrangement of sensors, connections, and data flow. This visual aid provides readers with a
contextual understanding of the system's architecture, enhancing comprehension.

The flowchart of the experimental setup is shown below,

The diagram of the hardware setup is shown below,

1.9 Limitations and Considerations
Recognizing the complexities inherent in real-world scenarios, this project acknowledges the
potential limitations. Factors such as environmental conditions, sensor tolerances, and
installation variances could impact measurement accuracy. Transparency in acknowledging these
considerations underscores the integrity of the study.

1.10 Conclusion
In the realm of power quality monitoring, meticulous sensor selection, precise calibration, and
robust data collection constitute the bedrock of accurate insights. This comprehensive
methodology encapsulates a holistic approach, ensuring compliance with the EN50160 standard
and equipping the power industry with a potent tool for improved operational efficiency and

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