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Colaborative Task

Integrants: Armijos Melissa, Guevara Vanesa, Zatan Glenda

Date: 10/01/2024

c Our immune system is made up of two distinct types of immunity.

f There is the innate immune system, and then there is the acquired
or also known as the adaptive immune system.

b The innate immune system is concerned with keeping harmful

invaders from penetrating into the body.

a The adaptive immune system is a more complex response to

invaders that do penetrate into the body, primarily through an

e The innate immunity, which is something we are born with and

does not continuously change, as does the adaptive immune system.

j Innate immune protection is always present in exposed parts of the

body, most vulnerable to the outside environment, such as our eyes,
skin, nose, mouth, lungs, and the digestive system.

d Masked cells and natural killer cells play dominant roles in our
innate immune defenses.

g The second type of immune protection in the body is our acquired

immunity, which is also known as the adaptive immune system
because it has the ability to adapt and recognize and fight new

L Because our environment is made of an endless number of

invading antigens, which are constantly evolving and changing, it is
essential to our survival that we have a defense system that is
capable of adapting to the changing threats as they occur

i When we encounter a foreign substance, our adaptive immune cells

jump into action.

h Unique white cells are then developed to identify and destroy the
invading substance as well as remember it for the future
k This process in the adaptive immune system is called

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