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Workplace Etiquette

*** Please be courteous to the fellow employees. ***

● Be on time. Traffic can be unpredictable, so plan your commute to work wisely.

● Dress appropriately & comfortably. But don’t make it too casual.
● Refrain from being loud. Whether you are on the phone or talking to a colleague, avoid being
loud. Be especially quiet where coworkers are on business calls.
● Organize Your Work-space. Remember to keep your desk clean and organized. If your desk
looks like a sloppy mess, people will associate the same about you.​
● Don't take personal calls at your desk. If you have to, then it's fine to take a personal call at your
desk sometimes, but end it quickly so that you don't disturb those around you.
● Don’t take your personal work to the office.
● Don’t use cellphones in office hours unless it’s urgent.
● Don't get too personal at work. It only kills productivity. Any personal engagements, please do
during breaks or after you clock out.
● Leave other than when you are sick. Please send an email request a week ahead so that your
tasks are assigned to others appropriately.
● Break time. Take 1 hour break possibly between 1pm-2pm. You can take 30 mins and two 15
min short breaks in between work hours.
● Don't Be Out the Door at Six O’clock. It won’t hurt you to stay a few minutes past closing.
● As a company policy, all the PCs in office premises are being monitored and tracked.

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