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Meat processing includes slaughtering the animal, cutting the meat, checking it for safety,

packing it, distributing it to retailers, and selling it to customers. But it is not as easy to do as it
sounds. The whole process is under a system. Where local butcher shop meat is unhygienic meat
because local butcher not maintain in a really hygenic way and the meat loss a lot of nutrients in
warm weather like slaughter the animal in the stress, hang the meat without any protection in
warm weather for the reason all the nutrients of the meat is extracted and grow microorganism
which can cause of many diseases.Dhaka and some other parts of Bangladesh are polluted for
many reasons and here peoples have been facing air pollution, water pollutions, etc. causing risks
and deceases to human health. In addition taking unhygenic meat can cause of kidney problem,
cancer and other diseases.

The focus of my research will be on why NSU students are purchase meat from local butcher
shop, why they are not ineterest purchase processed meat and how its work after knowing the
side effects can put their life in danger in future for consuming local butcher shop meat.I also
want to know if they have faced any problems or understand after consuming meat from local
butcher shop. I hope to find answers of the questions mentioned above through my research

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