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Macmillian Writing Paragraph

From sentence to paragraph

Dorothy E. Zemach / Carlos Islam

Contents (To the Teacher/To the Student)

In this unit, you will learn ...
- formatting for handwritten and word-processed assignments.
- how to write headings
- about process writing.

LOVE, Loving you, girl, I love you dangerously, Perhaps Love에서의 love와 다른 단
어의 품사와 자리(위치)
want, force, compel, ...

이다/있다, 되다와 하다 vs. be(1, 2), become etc (2). do(have, get, take, ...); make etc.

Mission (im)Possible

기밀을 지키고 계속 경계해야 돼. 스파이가 우리들 중에 있거든.

그는 눈에 띄지 않도록 훈련을 받았지.
맞춰봐... 여기서 누가 이중간첩인지 말이야.

1. 기밀을 지키고 계속 경계해야 돼. (지속 + ~ 있어(명령).)

→ Guard your secret and be on a constant lookout.
2. 스파이가 우리들 중에 있거든. → A spy is among us.
3. 그는 눈에 띄지 않도록 훈련을 받았지. → He is train to be invisible.
4. 맞춰봐... 여기서 누가 이중간첩인지 말이야.
→ Guess who the “double agent” here is.

영작 강의 (명사어구로 영어식 사고방식 따라잡기)

‘look out constantly ≦ be on a constant lookout’ (동사와 부사가 잘 발달된 한국어와
달리 영어는 명사어구를 이용한 문장을 만드는 경우가 많다. → 따라서 명사어구를 생각해 내
어야 한다.)
여행 잘 다녀와. ‘Trip well.’ ≤ ‘Have a nice trip’ (Have a good day!)

(A) 우리말식 표현법 (B) 영어식 표현법

-짧은 여행을 했다. I tripped short time. I had a short trip.
-자전거 여행을 했다. I tripped by bicycle. I had a bicycle trip.
한국인은 trip을 동사로 사용한다. 즉 우리말 그대로 영작하면 trip을 동사로 사용하게 된다.
그런데, 영미인들은 ‘여행했다’가 아니라 ‘여행을 가졌다(가지고 있다 + 과거)’로 사용한다. 즉
기본동사를 이용한 영어식 사고를 생각해 보아야 한다.

The Vanishing Wallet

본인은 지갑을 잃어버렸다.
본인은 갈색 치마를 입은 여학우에 정신이 팔려 뒤따라 갔었는데, 도서관으로 돌아와보니
지갑이 사라져 버렸다. 지갑은 가져가도 좋다.
하지만 갈색 치마의 내 사랑이여, 훔쳐간 내 마음을 돌려달라.
전화를 기다리겠노라. TEL) 000-0000-0000.

영작강의 Take, Get, Have 구분하기

‘Take my wallet. (그래, 지갑 가져가라.) 소유의 개념도 have, get처럼 가지고 있죠.
소유하기는 하는데 강한 의지로 내것으로 만들었다면 take, 어쩌다 보니 갖게 된 것은 get,
그리고 have는 그 중간 정도의 의지를 가지고 잇는 상황을 보여준다고 합니다.
∙She took my computer. → 그녀가 내 컴퓨터를 빼앗아 갔다.
∙She got my computer. → 그녀가 내 컴퓨터를 가져갔다. = 어쩌다 보니 그녀가 내 컴퓨
터를 가져가게 되었다. (하지만 돈 주고 중고거래를 통해 샀을 당연함이 있음)
∙She had my computer. → 그녀가 내 컴퓨터를 가지고 있었다.
∙I took a job in the hospital. → 병원에서 일자리를 잡았다.
∙I got a job in the hospital. → 병원에서 일자리를 얻었다. (어쩌다 보니? <- 노력 있음)
∙I had a job in the hospital. → 과거에 병원에서 일을 했었다.

1. 본인은 지갑을 잃어버렸다. → I lost my wallet.

2. 본인은 갈색 치마를 입은 여학우에 정신이 팔려 뒤따라 갔었는데, 도서관으로 돌아와보니
지갑이 사라져 버렸다. → I was attracted to a female student who was wearing a
brown skirt. I followed her. When I came back to the library, my wallet was gone.
3. 지갑은 가져가도 좋다. → It is Ok. take(Take) my wallet.
4. 하지만 갈색 치마의 내 사랑이여, 훔쳐간 내 마음을 돌려달라.
→ But my darling in a brown skirt, bring back my heart you stole.
5. 전화를 기다리겠노라. TEL) 000-0000-0000.
→ I am waiting for your call. TEL) 000-0000-0000.
The Islamic Temple

이슬람 사원에 들어가려면, 여자는 반드시 차도르를 입어야 한 대. 입구에서 아저씨가 손에

쥐어주는데, 기분이 좀 이상.... 맨날 이걸 뒤집어쓰고 다녀야 하는 이슬람 여성들이 불쌍하게
느껴지기도 했다. 이번 기회에 이슬람 문화를 공부해 봐야지. ㅎㅎ

영작강의) 기본동사 make로 영작하기

I felt strange when I wore it. vs. It made me feel strange.
She made cake. 무 → 유/Now it make sense. 이제 말이 되네.
I made it worse. / He tried to make me understand him. (동작 조작)

1. 이슬람 사원에 들어가려면, 여자는 반드시 차도르를 입어야 한 대.

→ Every woman must wear a chador to enter(get) into an Islamic temple.
2. 입구에서 아저씨가 손에 쥐어주는데, 기분이 좀 이상....
→ A guy hand(s/ed) me a chador at the entrance and it made me feel strange.
3. 맨날 이걸 뒤집어쓰고 다녀야 하는 이슬람 여성들이 불쌍하게 느껴지기도 했다.
→ I am(feel) sorry for Islamic women because they have to wear(wrap) this thing
around them all the time. --> ‘안됐다’의 ’sorry‘
4. 이번 기회에 이슬람 문화를 공부해 봐야지. ㅎㅎ
→ I should take this opportunity to study about the Islamic culture.

1. Look at these student papers. Check (✔) the ones that have the correct form of
an academic assignment.

➲ Handwritten ➲ Word-processed
a.( ) School uniforms are not good for students. They
are not attractive, so students feel bad when they are
a. I think students should wear uniform to school
wearing them. Students like to express their
personalities by choosing their own clothes.

2. Look at these different ways of writing headings for student papers. Answer the
questions below.

Karen chou
Professor Miller
English Writting 1
April 12, 2011
School uniform Are good
1. What is the writer’s name?
2. What is the name of the class?
3. Who is teaching the class?
4. What is the title of the assignment?
Sebastian Mitchell
School uniforms
2nd draft
September 5, 2011
Students Should Choose Their Own Clothes
1. What is the writer’s name?
2. What is the title of the assignment?
3. What is the assignment about?
3. Who does “2nd draft” mean?
4. When did the writer write the assignment?

How does your teachers want you to write the assignment?

Write an example here:

Process writing
3. Take a quiz! First guess the correct answers. Then read the paragraphs below
to check your guesses.
a. "Process writing" means
☐ writing in English.
☐ writing with a word processor.
☐ writing in several stages (steps).
b. Before you begin to write, you should
☐ finish the homework for your other classes.
☐ get some ideas.
☐ ask your friends for help.
c. Your teacher may ask you to read a classmate's paper and answer some
questions about it. This is because
☐ you can learn a lot by reading your classmate's assignment.
☐ your teacher is too busy to read all the students' papers.
☐ you are a better writer than your classmate.
d. Your teacher may ask you to write another draft. This is because
☐ your teacher can't think of any new assignments.
☐ the first time, your paper was bad.
☐ you can make your paper better by making some changes.

e. Before you hand in your paper for a grade, you should

☐ ask teacher to give you a your good grade.
☐ check it carefully.
☐ put some pretty stickers on it.

a. Musicians practice their pieces many times before a concert. Athletes work out
before a competition. In the same way, good writers go through several stages
when they write. "Process writing" will guide you through these stages so your final
paper is really your effort.

b. The first stage of process writing is getting ideas. In this course, you will learn
and practice several different ways to get ideas. Try them all and see which way
works best for you.

c. An important stage in process writing is sharing your writing. You can see how
other writers like you handled the same assignment, and you can get some good
ideas from them. You can also see how well someone else understands your ideas.

d. After you finish your assignment, put it away for some time. When you look at
it again, you may have new ideas. Your classmates may help you find new ideas,
too. Writing your paper again (called "revising") gives you the chance to improve
your paper.

e. Before you give your teacher your paper, check it carefully. Read it out loud.
Does it sound natural? Did you forget any words? Did you remember to write the
heading correctly? Does your paper look neat? Remember to give your teacher
your best effort!

Beginning to Work
In this unit, you will ...
- Recognizing and writhing complete sentences
- learn how to begin and end a sentence
- learn the common features of a paragraph.
- Identifying the topic of a paragraph
- Identifying strong and weak paragraphs

1. Look at this chart. Check ( ✔ ) the answers for your country.

I’m not sure./
It’s common It’s not common.
It depends.
a. High school students have
▢ ▢ ▢
part-time jobs.
b. University students have
▢ ▢ ▢
part-time jobs.
c. University students have
volunteer jobs (jobs that don’t ▢ ▢ ▢
pay a salary).
d. Part-time jobs pay a good
▢ ▢ ▢
e. After graduation, both men
and women want to find a ▢ ▢ ▢
full-time job.

2. Share your information with a group of your classmates. Ask and answer these
questions about part-time jobs.
- What are common part-time jobs?
- Have you ever had a job? What was your first job?
- What kind of job do you think is best for a high school / university student?
- (your idea)

3. You are going to read a paragraph called Part-time Jobs and High School.
What do you think the paragraph is about? Circle the answer.
a. Useful high school subjects
b. Working and studying at the same time
c. How much money a part-time job pays

4. Read the paragraph. Did you choose the right answer in exercise 3 above?

5. Which sentence tells the writer’s most important idea?

1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐
6. What do sentences 3, 4, and 5 do?
a. They show new ideas.
b. They give examples.
c. They show different opinions.

7. Do you agree with the writer? Why / Why not?

Writing focus: What is a sentence?

How many words are in the shortest English sentence? Except for one-word
commands (Sit!), a complete sentence in English needs two words: a subject (a
noun and pronoun) and a predicate (a verb) (She sits).
Of course, most English sentences are longer than just two words, but every
sentence tells a complete thought. Groups of words that do not make complete
sentences are called phrases.
If you need more information on complete sentences and phrases, see pages

8. Work with a partner. Look at the following. Some of them could be sentences
with the correct punctuation. Check (✔) the ones that could be sentences.
a. ☐ housewives and young parents
b. ☐ some retired people want to work
c. ☐ earn some extra money
d. ☐ meet new people
e. ☐ volunteer jobs don’t pay a salary
f. ☐ an opportunity to learn new skills
g. ☐ several part-time jobs

Language focus: Capital letters and final punctuation

Sentences in a paragraph ...
▸start with a capital letter
Part-time jobs can be stressful.
▸end with a period (.) question mark (?) pr exclamation point (!)
Many students work as tutors.
How old were you when you got your first jobs?
I will never work in a restaurant gain!

Note: Exclamation points are not as common in academic writing as they are in
casual writing. Don’t use them too often. Never use more than one exclamation
point at the end of a sentence in academic writing.
The company offered me a part-time job!! = when writing to friends
The company offered me a part-time job. = when writing in school
9. Unscramble the sentences and write them on the lines below. Begin and end
each sentence correctly.

10. Look again at exercise 8 on page 7. Write the complete sentences with correct
punctuation. Add to the phrase to make complete sentences. Then share your
sentences with a partner. How are they different?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________________
g. ______________________________________________________________________

Writing focus: What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a group of about 6-12 sentences about one topic. Every sentence
in a strong paragraph is about the same topic. All of the sentences explain the
writer’s main idea (most important idea) about that topic. When the writer wants to
write about a new main idea, he/she begins a new paragraph.
A paragraph can give information, tell an opinion, explain something, or even tell
a short story. The sentences are arranged logically, so the reader can easily
understand what the writer wants to say.
In academic writing, a paragraph has a topic sentence that directly tells the reader
the main idea. The other sentences in the paragraph, called supporting sentences,
give more information about the topic. They add specific details and explanations.
In academic English, the topic sentence is usually (but not always!) first or last.

11. Work with a partner. Read the groups of sentences below and on page 10.
Circle the letters of the strong paragraphs. If you think the sentences make a
weak paragraph, say why. Choose one or more of these reasons.
- The sentences are not all about the same topic.
- There are not enough sentences.
- There is no topic sentences.
- Some sentences say the same thing.

a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________________

e. __________________________________________________________________________

f. __________________________________________________________________________

12. Read this paragraph about a student’s first job. What is the topic?
a. Working in a laboratory
b. Getting my first job
c. What my first job taught me

Learning Responsibility
1. My first job was as a sales clerk in a small clothing store. 2. It wasn’t a difficult
job, and it wasn’t really a very interesting job. 3.
13. Cross out the sentences that are not connected to the topic.
14. Which additional sentences could be connected to the paragraph? Write C
(connected) or U (unconnected).
a. ______ I answered the phone and opened the mail.
b. ______ On weekdays I did my homework for school.
c. ______ I once worked delivering pizza, too.
d. ______ I learned how to choose and order new clothing.
e. ______ Dressing neatly and professionally was an important part of the job.
f. ______ A lab assistant is a good job for me.
g. ______ In the future, I would like to take some business trips.

Put it together
a. Look at these sentences for a paragraph about having a part-time job in high
school. Cross out the ones that are not connected. On a separate sheet of paper,
write a paragraph using the connected sentences. They are already in the right
order but are not yet correctly punctuated.

b. Check your writing.

Did you ...
▢ include a heading on your paper?
▢ format the paragraph properly (see page 2)?
▢ start and end each sentence correctly?
▢ give the paragraph a title?

c. Hand in your paragraph to your teacher.

Part-time Job
지난주부터 부업을 시작했어. 인터넷에서 옷을 경매로 파는 거야.
오늘 처음으로 주문이 2개 왔지...^^ 주문해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.
참 궁금하다 그 두 사람이 누군지...^^ Re: 니네 엄마 아빠가 아니었을까?

[영작 강의] 보조동사로 영작하기가 자신 없을 때 명사로 대신하기

동작을 나타내는 말이 두 개 이상이면 보조동사로 써야 한다고 말씀 드렸습니다. 그런데 보조
동사를 쓰는 것에 자신 없는 초보는 명사를 이용해서 간단하게 영작할 수 있습니다. 아래 예
문을 가지고 설명해 보겠습니다.
- 주문에 주셔서 감사드립니다.
이 문장에는 동작이 두 개 있죠? (주문하다, 감사드리다) 자, 둘 중 하나는 보조동사인데 의
미상 ‘주문하다’가 보조동사 부분입니다. 이것을 명사로 만들면 보조동사에 대한 고민없이 매
우 간단히 영작할 수 있습니다.
‘주문해 주셔서’를 명사화 하면 ‘주문’이 되겠네요. 따라서 ‘주문을 감사드립니다’라고 하면
되죠, 여기에 뜻을 보완하기 위해 명사 앞에 ‘당신의’라는 소유격을 넣어 봅시다.
- 당신의 주문을 감사드립니다. --> Thanks for your order.
- 예문2; 제가 계획하고 있는 것(= 제 계획)에 대하여 말씀드리겠습니다.
- 제 계획을 말슴드리겠습니다. --> I will tell you my plan. (명사절을 명사로 만드는 것)

1. 지난주부터 부업을 시작했어. (지난부에 부업을 시작했다.) 주어는 I 동사는 시작했다.

영작하기: Last week, I started (or have started) on a part time job.
2. 인터넷에서 옷을 경매로 파는 거야. (난 옷을 경매에부쳐 인터넷에서.)
I auction(ed) clothes on the Internet.
3. 오늘 처음으로 주문이 2개 왔지...^^
I(‘ve) received(/got) my first two orders today.
4. 주문해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다. (그들의 주문을 감사드립니다.)
I am thankful for their orders.
5. 참 궁금하다 그 두 사람이 누군지...^^ (난 그 두 사람이 누구였는지 궁금하다.)
(I know what you did last summer. / I wonder who they were.)
I wonder who those two people were.
6. Re: 니네 엄마 아빠가 아니었을까? (아마 너의 엄마와 아빠였을거야.)
re: Maybe They were your mom and day.

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