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Republic of the Philippines

University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus
Catubig, Northern Samar

Educ. 829

Marvin N. Acedera Prof. Flordie U. Lao

MaEd-I Learning Facilitator

TOPIC: * Definition of Administration and Supervision

* Scope of School Administration and Supervision

Educational administration and Supervision program focus on the general principle and methods
to teach students how to manage schools and other educational organization. School Administration and
Supervision should be democratic, must be cooperative in character, to be effective, must be scientific,
must be based on accepted educational philosophy, must be creative, must be preventive and constructive,
must be centered on child growth and development and must be flexible.
A successful school is about much more than teaching. While good teaching and learning are
crucial, the administration that underpins it is key to providing a well-rounded education that e
encompasses the whole child. Effective administration and operation support an education that goes well
beyond imparting knowledge. School operation teams ensure that students daily needs are met: that they
receive healthy and nutritious meals, sleep and learn in a safe environment, and receive appropriate
medical care and mental health support. Beyond the day to day, the administrative team are often the ones
responsible for recording, checking and analyzing student data, so that can be enable those responsible for
both learning and wellbeing to tailor their approach to the needs of the students.

 the process of overseeing a company’s overall performance.
 a universal process which characterized all group efforts-public or private, large and small scale.
 Technically it is the organization, direction and coordination and control of human and material
resources to achieved the desire ends.
 is all about the planning, directing, organizing and controlling human or material resources in
educational setting.
 the act of getting things done, of seeing that processes and methods which assure action employed
and of obtaining consecrated action from different individuals.
 According to Russel T. Gregg defines “educational administration is the process of utilizing
appropriate materials in such a way as to promote effectively the development of human qualities.
It is concerned not only with the development of children and youth but also with the growth of
adults and particularly with the growth of school personnel”.
 Goods Dictionary of education defines educational administration as “all those techniques and
procedures employed in operating the educational organization in accordance with stablished
3 reason why effective school administration is
so important for student education
1. Allows teacher to focus on teaching: having robust system, policies and procedures in place
ensure that teaching and learning flows as smoothly as possible. Crucial information such as
assessment result, pastoral data and lesson observation informs tailored teaching strategies to help
children achieve as highly as possible.
2. Administration Promotes Accountability: parents select a boarding school because they believe
it will provide their child with the best possible education and start to their future careers. From a
marketing perspective, parents are as important to school principals as the students. Parents are the
one who will continue to choose the school for younger siblings or make recommendations to
their friends.
3. Administration Informs Decisions: good data supports the vision and decision making of the
school leadership team. An effective administration department is able to extract and analyze key
data to inform a school’s strategic decisions around education provision.

Administration is a process of 6 elements

 Decision Making implies the analysis of the alternatives particularly the consequences in the
 Planning is concerned with the setting of goals an organization, preparation of program of course
action designed to accomplish goals to plot the operation of the program.
 Organizing has to do with arrangements of functions of offices and personnel so as to reciprocal
 Communication: without communication in an organization, it is impossible for an organization
to get things done effectively.
 Coordinating aims to insure smooth operation of performance of all sectors of the organization.
The administrator’s problems are how to make the people accept assignments willingly and to
adjust their behavior to that group. In order to accomplish a group goal requires firm and fair
exercise of authority and persuasive performance of the leadership function.
 Evaluating pervades all the elements of the administration process. It aims to determine whether
goals long range are implemented. It points out strengths and weaknesses of organizational
operations and leads thereby, the administrator to make more rational decisions.

 means overseeing the performance of a person or a group. As compared to administration is used
to implement the policies, rules and techniques passed by management.
 According to Good, supervision refers to all efforts designated school officials directed toward
providing leadership for teachers and other educational workers in the improvement of instruction.
 refers to the improvement of the total teaching and learning situation and the conditions the affect
 It is a socialized function design to improve instruction by working with the people who are
working with student/pupils.
 According to ‘Barr, Burton and Brueckner’ supervision is an expert technical service primarily
concerned with studying and improving condition that surrounds learning and pupil’s growth. It
implies leadership on the part of the supervisor.
 According to ‘Crow and Crow’ supervision is to supervise is to criticize, to evaluate to appraise or
to praise.
Represent the whole of the education system Represent a portion of it in terms of
improving the total teaching-learning
Emphasize authority service
Favorite condition essential to good teaching Carries on the better operation and
and learning: (provides) improving it: (operates)
Decides, directs and orders the execution of Assist, advises, guides, and leads the
educational program (directs) operation and improving the program

Scope of School Administration

1. Administration of School Personnel: includes all policies, activities and practices of the
administration and staff designed to increase the effectiveness of teaching personnel.
2. School Finance and Budget Management: includes the financing of the school system, the
sources of funds and the estimated expenditures.
3. School Plant Management: these resources cover the planning and organization of school
facilities and buildings to ensure that the school environment is safe, stimulating and effectively
4. Curriculum Organization and Management: includes the process of selecting curriculum
elements from the subject the current social life and the students experience, then designing the
selected curriculum elements appropriately so that they can form the curriculum structure and
5. Guidance and Discipline: includes the system of rules, punishments and behavioral strategies
appropriate to the regulation of children and the maintenance of order in schools. Its aim is to
control the students action and behavior.
6. School and Community Relation: The Phil. Education Act of 1982 described educational
community as those person or group of persons who are associated in the institutions involved in
organized teaching and learning system.
7. Non-Formal Education: includes organized school based educational activities aimed at
attaining specific learning objectives for a particular clientele, especially the illiterate adults and
out of school youths.
8. Evaluating Results of School Administration

Scope of School Supervision

1. Inspection: this is actually a study of school conditions to discover problems or defects of the
students, teachers, equipment, school curriculum, objectives and methods.
2. Research: to remedy the weaknesses of the solution to solve problems discovered.
3. Training: acquainting teacher with solutions discovered in research through training. Training
may be in the form of demonstration teaching. Workshop, seminars, classroom observations
individual or group conference, inter visitation, professional classes etc.
4. Guidance: involved personal help given by is the function of supervision to stimulate,
direct, guide, encourage the teacher to apply instructional procedures, techniques, principles and
5. Evaluation: appraises the outcomes and the factors conditioning the outcomes of instructions and
to improve the products and processes of instruction.
“Modern Supervision is based on the following Educational Concept”
- Instructional supervision is a dynamic, growing process that is occupying an
increasingly important role in the school.
- The aim of the supervision is to offer leadership in the improvement of
educational experiences for children and youth.
- Leadership is centered in a group, not in an individual. Leadership is guided
by the spirit of cooperation rather than competition.
- The type and quality of supervision are affected by the situation, the
organization, in which the supervision exist.
- The climate of human relationships within the group and the degree to which
the members are committed to group goals influence the degree of change in
- The actual role of supervision and of instructional leaders is a composite of all
the expectations held for the role by the people associated with it.
- The primary goal of supervisory leader is to foster democratic leadership in

Activities of Supervision
 Survey of the school system
 Improvement of classroom teaching
 In service education of teachers
 Selecting and organizing materials for instruction
 Researching the problems of teaching
 Determining the desirable physical condition of teaching
 Performing semi administrative duties


1. To structure classroom environment for effective teaching and learning.
2. To select and utilize methods and techniques and instruction materials which will ensure the
steady growth of each student.
3. To help the teachers and the students to formulate instructional goals or aims to be accomplished.
4. To provide the school system with a clearly defined supervisory program that will ensure the
attainment of instructional goals or aims.
5. To formulate evaluate procedures to measure the effectiveness of the total supervisory program.
6. To develop proper attitude in the entire teaching personnel that supervision is a cooperative
endeavor and that no teacher fulfills his profession obligation unless he cooperates with other.
7. To provide help and guidance to pupils and teachers to meet their day to day problems.
8. To develop the attitude that instructional improvement is closely related to self-improvement of all
members of the teaching personnel and staff.
9. To develop a sound working relationship in which teacher feel secure and confident.
10. To promote good school community relationships essentials to good teaching and productive
Therefore, the purpose of supervision is to supply the leadership which will help
the staff members improve the instructional situation and in doing that the to grow
professionally themselves. Instead of showing or telling the teacher how to do their
jobs better, the supervisor or the principal works with them in the study and analysis
of the total learning situation in order to improve it. In other words, the purpose of
supervision is to improve instruction through proper direction, guidance and
stimulation of teachers.
The two terms are interrelated, effective learning which is the fundamental aim
of supervision, cannot be accomplished under inefficient administration.
Administration is intended solely to facilitate instruction: instruction must be so
administered as to make it efficient and effective. The way the school plant is operated,
the manner the teachers are selected and assigned, the methods of preparing the
school budget, the attitudes of the administrators toward the problems of children, the
requirements for promotion from year to year. All these aspects of school
administration become part of the ways of learning of all human beings connected
with the system.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Eastern Philippines
Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus
Catubig, Northern Samar

Educ. 829

Marvin N. Acedera Prof. Flordie U. Lao

MaEd-I Learning Facilitator


1. What is effective Administration?

2. If you will be a supervisor what are the qualities and skills, you
have? Why?
3. How will you deal or managed the unsociable, strict and arrogant
4. Which do you prepare, become administrator? or supervisor? Why?
5. Is administration and supervision help us as individual? How?

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