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1. Do you think we should spend more money searching for new natural resources or
on educating the people to conserve the resources we already have?
➢ I think educating the people to conserve the resources we already have is what we
need because searching for new natural resources will take a lot of time and
money, and we only have limited natural resources. That is why we really need to
educate people to conserve because we might end up losing every resource we

2. Some people believe that we cannot reserve the damage that has been done to our
environment. Do you agree? Why or why not?
➢ I do not agree because although we are the main reason why the environmental
damage is increasing, I believe that we still have a chance to change it. We just
need to stop our habit of wastage and start doing little things that will make a
difference. If the government takes part in it and starts creating programs based on
raising awareness, reforestation and conservation, the environmental damage will
be reduced on a large scale. However, for change to occur, we need to push harder
for immediate action, and we have to start to change and find ways to do our daily
activities without harming the environment. That is why we have to start asking
what we are going to do to avoid and reduce the environmental damage for
ourselves, but more importantly for future generations to come. If we have the
power to cause this, we have the power to correct and reserve it.

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