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Subject: Alice in Wonderland

Grade Level: Grade 10


a. Discuss each element of the story through an activity.

b. Appreciate how the selection relates to a real-life setting.

c. Create a self-composed short story.

d. Present the elements of the story using big book.

Learning across curriculum:

1) English: Analyzing literature and storytelling techniques.

2) History: Exploring the Victorian era and its influence on literature.

3) Psychology: Examining the concept of identity and self-discovery.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, interactive quiz platform]

1) Conduct an interactive quiz about Alice in Wonderland, covering key elements

and characters.

2) Use a K-W-L chart to assess prior knowledge and generate curiosity about the

3) Organize a role-playing activity where students dress up as characters from the


Activity 1: Exploring Elements of the Story

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Copies of Alice in Wonderland, chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will work in groups to analyze different elements of the story.


1) Assign each group a specific element to analyze (e.g., plot, characters, setting,

2) In their groups, students will read the assigned portion of the story and discuss the

3) Each group will create a visual representation of their element on chart paper.


- Content (accuracy and depth of analysis): 20 pts

- Creativity and presentation: 15 pts

- Collaboration and teamwork: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the plot of Alice in Wonderland contribute to the theme of self-

2) Discuss significance of the characters Alice in Wonderland in relation to the real-

life setting.

3) How does the setting of Alice in Wonderland enhance theical nature of the story?

Activity 2: Real-Life Connections

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

: Internet access, multimedia devices

Significance: Students will explore how Alice in relates to real-life settings.


1) In small groups, students will research and present examples of real-life situations
that parallel events or themes in Alice in Wonderland.

2) Each group will create a multimedia presentation to showcase their findings.


- Research and content: 20 pts

- Presentation skills 15 pts

- Creativity and relevance: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does Alice's journey in Wonderland reflect the challenges and discoveries
individuals face in their own lives?

2) Discuss a real-life situation that can be compared to the "eat me" and "drink me"
scenes in Alice in Wonderland.

3) How can the concept of the Cheshire Cat's disappearing smile be applied to real-
life situations?

Activity 3: Creating a Self-Composed Short Story

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials: Writing materials, story templates

Significance: Students will apply their understanding of storytelling elements to

create their own short stories.

1) Individually, students will create a self-composed short story inspired by Alice in


2) They will use story templates to guide their writing process.

3) Students will present their stories to the class.


- Story structure and coherence: 20 pts

- Creativity and originality: 15 pts

- Language and grammar: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does your self-composed short story reflect elements of Alice in


2) Discuss the themes or messages conveyed in your short story and how they
relate to the real world.

3) Explain the significance of the characters in your self-composed short story and
how they contribute to the overall plot.


Students will actively engage with the story of Alice in Wonderland, analyzing its
elements, connecting them to real-life situations, and utilizing their understanding to
create their own imaginative stories.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Task 1: Organize a field trip to a local theater production of Alice in Wonderland.

Task 2: Assign students to write a reflective essay discussing how the themes and
messages in Alice in Wonderland can be applied to their own lives.

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment questions, rubrics]

Question 1: Analyze how Alice's journey in Wonderland represents a metaphorical

exploration of identity. (15 pts)

Question 2: Compare and contrast the setting of Alice in Wonderland with a real-life
setting of your choice. (10 pts)

Question 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of the big book presentation in conveying the
elements of the story. (20 pts)


1) Write a journal entry from the perspective of one of the characters in Alice in
Wonderland, reflecting on their personal growth throughout the story.

2) Create a visual representation (e.g., artwork, collage) that captures the essence of
Alice in Wonderland and its connection to the real world.

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