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Before studying LUK, I didn't know how to pronounce, lacked confidence and was afraid to speak in
public, didn't connect with people and didn't work in groups.

- After studying at LUk, I was helped by the coach, the ted team and everyone in the group. I became
much more confident, learned how to debate, work in groups, communicate with people and most
importantly, I feel like I have improved a lot and am ready to become a global citizen


1. On the first day go to Luk, I was really surprised with this comfortable and flexible learning
environment and was confused and shy when meeting the ted team and the coach. It took me two
days to talk to the students. group members to connect with each other to do the first exercise


. I learned how to pronounce, how to work professionally, how to communicate with people with
confidence. It was really difficult when I first started, my challenge was to practice 6 hours a day to
pronounce well. Better yet, it was very difficult for me when high school only studied on books and
didn't practice anything


. The first time I learned to give a presentation, I was very scared and nervous. Every day I had to
practice speaking in front of the mirror to make myself feel confident and sometimes talk to my
roommate. I learned how to update the news every day and then write. I'll take out a notebook and
then present to everyone what I've learned


. I have become more confident when presenting thanks to diligent practice after each presentation
at luk2, I realized that my challenges at luk3 are no longer a problem for me.

5.luk4 ,5

.I learned about debate, it's very difficult to control a good team. In the first class, I lost luk4's first
match. Everything was not good from speaker, Q&A, logistics, researcher, everyone did not do
well. .my challenge was to find questions to beat my opponent, I had to probe my opponent looking
for information related to the topic and ask difficult questions to get points

.According to my own experience, I see that luk5 is a combination of all the elements learned
through the levels,

. Needs concentration and teamwork. Practicing pronunciation, making presentations, and finding
information that opponents mentioned was really difficult, but after many debates, everything was
resolved through my own practice and everyone's help, so Arguing is no longer difficult


-I feel very great after experiencing all the levels at luk, a memorable journey

It has helped me become more confident, develop my speaking and listening skills, debate thinking
and work very well in groups

it connects me with people and finding friends to help me through the levels is really thank you luk
-I will keep and use the skills I learned at Luk to develop myself well to one day become a global
citizen. Thank you for everything.

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