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Ronald King L.

Salazar GE 5: Science, Technology, and Society

BS in Civil Engineering

Let’s Check:

Activity 1. Now, that you know the essential Historical Antecedents of Science and
Technology from the different periods up to the Philippine inventions. Let us try to check your
understanding of these historical antecedents. In the space provided, write the correct words
or terms needed to answer the following statements:
1. In ancient times, these were also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new
Answer: Communication

2. A civilization known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire
for great things.
Answer: Sumerian Civilization

3. Was the ancient people's primary challenge though they were successful in harnessing the
rich resources that the world could provide?
Answer: Conservation of Life

4. The early writing system of the Egyptians which they believed it was provided to them by
their gods by using symbols.
Answer: Hieroglyphics

5. The location of this civilization is on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia, and one
of their major contributions is the development of the first writing system known as cuneiform.
Answer: Sumerian Civilization
6. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievements they
contributed much to the world were in science and technology.

Answer: Greek Civilization

7. Known to be the strongest political and social entity in the west and looked up by other
civilizations as their model in terms of legislation and codified laws.

Answer: Roman Civilization

8. It is the first newspaper of Romans that contained the Roman Empire’s announcements to
their people, and it was engraved in metal or stone and publicly displayed.

Answer: Gazettes

9. A period was wars; massive invasions and migrations were prevalent. Technology is
important in the field of weaponry, navigation, mass food, and farm production and health.

Answer: Medieval / Middle Ages

10. The process of heating the product to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil

Answer: Pasteurization

Let’s Analyze:

Activity 1. Getting acquainted with the science and technological developments in

different periods is not enough. What also matters is you should also be able to explain its
relationships to the lives of the people as we go over the advancements towards the future. I
will let you define your answers thoroughly.
1. How did the development in science and technology shape human history? You set/mention
some examples to defend your answer.

Answer: Science and Technology developed human shape human history in many ways. It
completely changed the way of our lives. Those engines, internet, and gadgets enable us to
share ideas much faster even in what country you want to communicate arround the world,
and also in our goods it is so effective because it can move from place to another place
quicker than before. It is also significant when it comes to businesses because
communications and what other events are done by using gadgets or computer. So Science
and Technology has a large impact in our society because you can use things easier and
quicker, and that is how our life make easier.

2. How science and technology affect society?

Answer: This thing is one of the biggest impact in the society even in our daily lives in every
field because from the power of engines, cellphones, computers, and networks could have an
important role in the society to live people in easier way. Espicially, works can be done easier
through high-tech machines and equipment. It makes everybody to feel easy and comfortable
to live.

3. Do you agree with these continuous developments? Why or why not?

Answer: In my opinion, Yes, because this continuous developments or we can say

innovations can really help things to put in order from disorder, and hard to easier. That is
why innovators are still innovating, because they want us to live in a comfortable life or to
live in easy and peace. Continuous development are important because even now there is
still things that it is hard to do, so innovators don’t stop doing their job unless they could
come up with the problem of how they make people life easier and easier.
In a Nutshell:

Activity 1. Studying and learning the historical antecedents in the course of science and
technology, especially in the present time, is relevant to appreciate and to be able to get ideas
on how it changed and improved people's life. It constitutes a different impact to have a
convenient experience and to leads to aiming for development continuously. Thus, we cannot
deny that we owe the early people’s ideas to come up with high technology applications. Based
from the pieces of information and the exercises that you have done above, kindly site your
points of view after my ideas.

1. The historical antecedents ushered the most development in the society in terms of
infrastructures, medicines, preserving of information or transmitting information, mass
productions, agriculture, and even for the protection of one another.

2. On the contrary, it shows improvements in people's lives as an effect of technological

progress. Due to its possible destruction to the environment, there must be limitations in such
developments and might lead to scarcity of natural resources.

Your Turn:
3. We the present time people are now on an easily way life of living because of the ideas that
we claim in the early people’s idea.

4. Today there are many technological advancement to enhance our daily activities, and for
that Science and Technology is the reason for its existence.

5. Science and Technology can be traced from the origin of human life about so many million
years ago and each era has significant advancement.

6. Also it is done through observation by the early people’s and through experimentation that
try to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.
7. Studying Science and Technology, you will know by making life easier. Science has given
man the chance to pursue their societal concerns, and to improve human condition.

8. It include especially the health of the people like of how medecine made and quickly made,
not like before. There are so many ways about the improvement of technologies from past
era’s until now that we get ideas from them. So because of our stepping stone, we have to be
very thankful to the early people, because they are the one who started this, and because I
could say that we can develop a thing or situation if we get an idea from a thing or a person in
the past.

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