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Narrator: In a village, there lived a family of four, mum, dad and their children;
as every year, when the holidays approached, they celebrated, but this year
was different, one of the family members had not been at home for three
months, let's find out who it was.

Setting: Barzola's home

(The mother is cleaning while her children are tidying up their rooms)
Mother: What a tiring day, I hope my husband arrives soon.

(The doorbell rings and the mother opens the door)

Postman: Good morning madam, I have a letter from your husband.
Mother: Okay, thank you very much.
Postman: With your permission, I'll leave

(Mother closes the door and starts to read the letter)

Mother: Let's see what the letter says....
Father: Dear wife, I'm very sorry but I don't think I can make it home for
Christmas, I have too much work and they won't give me permission, I promise
to make it up to you and the children, I'm really sorry, but I tried.
Love, your husband.

Mother: He won't make it, how will I tell this to the kids?

(The mother becomes sad and hears footsteps on the stairs, the mother hides
the letter.)
Son 1: Mum, we've finished tidying up.
Son 2: Yes and we heard the doorbell, is dad back yet?
Mother: It wasn't Dad, it was just the postman delivering some papers.
Son 2: I thought Dad was already here.
Son 1: I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Son 2: It's been months and he's still not back.
Son 1: Christmas is coming, so he'll be back.
Son 2: Maybe he's forgotten us by now.
Son 1: Don't be silly, Dad will come back.

(The children start to fight)

Mother: Please, children, calm down, a letter has arrived from your father,
saying that he will be back for Christmas.
Son 2: I knew it, we always spend Christmas together.
Son 1: You didn't seem very convinced.
Mother: Just go to the kitchen and wash your hands, it's almost time for lunch.

(The children run off to the kitchen.)

Mother: I'll tell them the truth some other day...


(It's early and the children are going to school)
Mother: Bye kids
Children 1 and 2: Bye mum

(Mother closes the door)

Mother: I have to find the moment to tell them the truth about their father...

(In the evening .... The children come home and open the door.)
Son 1: Mum, we're home from school.
Son 2: I think she's out, I don't see her anywhere.
Son 1: Maybe Mummy's in her room.

(The children run up the stairs to the second floor until they stop outside their
parents' room because they hear someone crying)
Son 1: Mummy's crying.
Son 2: What if... Has something happened to Dad?
Son 1: He said he was fine, we'd better ask.
Son 2: I don't want to go in.
Son 1: Then go to your room and I'll talk to Mum.
Son 2: It's OK.

(The younger brother runs off and the older brother stays behind, slowly
knocking on the door)
Son 1: Mum, can I come in?

(Mother blows her nose and tries to calm down)

Mother: Come in, son
Son 1: Are you all right?
Mother: Not really
Son 1: Is it dad?
Mother: It's not that, you know your dad will be back soon.
Son 1: Then why were you crying?
Mother: These dates make me a bit sentimental.
Son 1: It's OK, Mum.
Mother: Yes, better call your brother so we can start decorating the house.

(The boy, listening to the conversation behind the door, gets excited and runs
down the stairs.)
Son 1: I think he already knows.


Narrator: As snow falls and covers the streets, the Barzola family begins to
decorate their home for the holidays, the children running excitedly from place
to place, their mother looking at them with a doubtful face.

Son 2: Can we put something else on the tree?

Son 1: Why don't we just leave it like this?
Son 2: But I think it needs more decoration.
Son 1: And I think it's enough.
Son 2: I was just saying.
Son 1: Are you an expert?
Son 2: Better than you, maybe
Son 1: You're a hater

(Mother enters the scene)

Mother: Have you finished decorating?
Son 2: Not yet, Mother
Son 1: We're a bit late, but we'll get it done, everything has to be ready for dad's
Son 2: And when do you think he will arrive?
Son 1: Mother told me that Father will be here soon.
Son 2: Is that true, Mom?
Mother: Yes, children, so keep on decorating.
Son 2: That's right, Mother.

(The children continue to decorate the house in preparation for their father's


Narrator: The children excitedly watch through the window as their father
arrives, Christmas is minutes away and they still see no sign of him, their
mother begins to feel guilty for not telling them.

Mother: Children, I need to talk to you.

Son 1: What happened, Mum?
Son 2: Is it something important?
Mother: I just wanted to tell you that I've been keeping the truth from you about
something for a while now, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be sad
and I didn't want you to spend Christmas in low spirits, what I want to say is
that... your father is not going to...
(There are five minutes left before Christmas starts and the doorbell rings, the
children run out)
Son 1: It's Dad, I'll get it.
Son 2: I want to be the first to greet him.
Mother: Children, please listen to me. ....

(They open the door excitedly, without hearing what their mother is saying, and
find their father on the other side of the door, full of presents.)

(The children at the same time shout Merry Christmas and hug their father)
Son 2: You almost didn't make it Father
Father: I was a little late because I was buying presents.
Son 1: It's not about the presents, it's about you.
Son 2: We thought you weren't coming.
Father: I'll always come, no matter how far away I am.

(The mother watches in surprise as her husband arrives and then runs out to
join the family hug).
Mother: You said you wouldn't make it.
Father: It's Christmas, I couldn't miss it.
Mother: This is a Christmas miracle.
Father: Maybe it is, but we'd better get it over with, I'm here now, so the whole
family's together.

(They end the family hug and go into the living room to continue their

- Better than lots of presents under the Christmas tree, is a

happy and united family. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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