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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Computer and Information Sciences

Sta. Mesa, Manila

Mentoring Report
(Intelligent Tutoring System for

In Partial Fulfillment in COSC 3103

Advanced Topics in Computer Science

Submitted by:

Dela Cruz, David Kim E.

Mediodia, Arnel Miguel A.
Mercado, Karol Pauline J
Pereira, Josana A.
Intelligent Tutoring System for
Canave, Mara Margarita; Ferias, Aimie Lyn; Pelacio, Gian Marc;
Toledo, Adriane

I. Summary of Mentoring Activity

January 26 was when we first got a text from their group asking for a date where they can
meet us in person for consultation about their project. On a later date, we begin to consult
one another via facebook chat. Their group was quite independent and needed little help in
managing their own which is quite remarkable based on their preferred project. Still, we
think that we managed to give them important insights about their project that contributes to
the system’s development.

II. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Group

Strengths Weaknesses
Can stand on their own Lack of communication
Only one member of the team actively
Have the courage to take the risk
communicated to our group
Well-organized team
Independent team
Every member contributes and is valuable to the

III. Individual Grades

Member Name Grade
Canave, Mara Margarita 2.00
Ferias, Aimie Lyn 1.75
Pelacio, Gian Marco 1.25
Toledo, Adriane 1.50

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