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Technological Literacy can be Applied to Nurses

DATE: 22/05/18
GROUP MEMBERS: Jahkada Edwards
Maya Heetai
Sariah Hernandez
Tiana Elcock
Leandra Dennis
Jahkada:My name is Mrs.Edwards,this is my co-worker,Mrs.Heetai,and
we are from the Eastern detachment .Today’s demonstration will be
done by Ms.Elcock.
Maya:Can you all introduce yourselves for us?
Sariah:My name is Sariah Hernandez.
Jordan:My name is Jordan Gomez.
Leandra:My name is Leandra Dennis.
Maya:Today we are going to be dealing with Technological Literacy
when applied to Nurses
Jahkada:You may ask what is Technological Literacy?Technological
Literacy is the ability of an individual to work independently and with
other,to responsibly,appropriately and effectively use technology tools to
access,manage,integrate,evaluate,create and communicate information.
Maya:Also to help one to communicate,solve problems daily live or
work problems,and enhance life long learning skills for future progress.

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