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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School


To the Respondent,
We are currently conducting our research entitled; “Job Satisfaction and Work Efficiency of
Engineers” as a partial fulfillment of our course requirements for the subject Practical Research 2
at University of Perpetual Help System Laguna. In this light, we are humbly requesting for your
time and effort to go over this questionnaire as your responses will be very much helpful in
achieving the purpose of our research. Rest assured that the information you will provide will be
kept confidential and will be used for research purposes only. Thank you!

Sam Ezekiel H. Flores

Researcher / Group Leader

Name of the Respondent: (Optional)

Part I. Job Satisfaction

Directions: Below are statements to measure job satisfaction in terms of salary rate, basic
assistance and allowance, achievement appreciation, colleague relationship, years in the field and
working environment. Put a check mark (/) in the column corresponding your choice. Use the
following as your guide.

Numerical Categorical Verbal Verbal Description

Rating Response Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High I experience the indicator 76-100% of the time.
3 Agree (A) High I experience the indicator 51-75% of the time.
2 Disagree (D) Low I experience the indicator 26-50% of the time.
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low I experience the indicator 1-25% of the time.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA
Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Indicators SA A D SD
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. My salary is enough to sustain my needs.
2. I can save money for emergency use.
3. I still have money for luxury and recreation.
4. I do not apply for loans.
5. I do not need extra jobs to meet my needs.
6. My company offers sufficient employee benefits.
7. My company provides privileges to lessen my transportation
expenses like shuttle service or company car.
8. My company provides insurance and health care benefits.
9. My company gives clothing and cost of living allowance.
10. My company gives bonuses on special occasions.
11. I receive salary increase for achievements and performance.
12. I am offered a higher position in the company.
13. I get recognized for excellent work performance.
14. My company awards certificates of achievement.
15. My company considers achievements in giving workloads.
16. My company promotes harmonious relationships among
17. My company nurtures teamwork among employees.
18. My company encourages healthy competition.
19. My company holds programs and activities on special occasions.
20. My company gives fair treatment to employees.
21. My company’s working environment is safe and sound.
22. My company practices safety measures and drills.
23. My company has enough facilities in the workplace.
24. My company’s working environment is clean, convenient and
25. My company has enough equipment in the working place.

Part II. Work Efficiency

Directions: Below are statements to measure work efficiency in terms of attendance, punctuality,
relationship with co-workers, relationship with superiors, attitude towards work and the tendency
to work overtime. Put a check mark (/) in the column corresponding your choice. Use the
following as your guide.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA
Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Numerical Categorical Verbal Verbal Description

Rating Response Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High I experience the indicator 76-100% of the time.
3 Agree (A) High I experience the indicator 51-75% of the time.
2 Disagree (D) Low I experience the indicator 26-50% of the time.
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low I experience the indicator 1-25% of the time.

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I am always present at work.
2. I have valid reasons in case of absence at work.
3. I always attend seminars and other company activities.
4. I always attend company meetings.
5. I come to work on time.
6. I attend company meetings and seminars on time.
7. I do my tasks as soon as possible.
8. I submit paper works on or before the deadline.
9. I have established good relationship with my co-workers.
10. I do not cause distractions to my coworkers.
11. I do not make up false stories about my coworkers.
12. I feel comfortable with the people I work with.
13. I am in good terms with my superiors.
14. I can easily approach my superiors.
15. I can communicate well with my superiors.
16. I respect and feel respected as well by my superiors.
17. I have positive outlook in doing tasks.
18. I can work efficiently even under pressure.
19. I do not complain about workloads.
20. I work in an organized manner.
21. I do not slack at work
22. I work overtime for additional compensation.
23. I work overtime so I can finish my task as soon as possible.
24. I work even during my day off.
25. I work overtime because my workload requires it.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA
Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Thank You!

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