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18 useful Microsoft Word add-ins: Create

business documents in a flash

By Templafy
February 21, 2017
4 min read
Turn Microsoft Word into a Swiss-army knife and unleash dozens of add-ins
designed to augment Word’s powerful features to become even more
productive, efficient and creative at drafting and editing documents with the
world’s most widely used word processor.
Take your business documents to a whole new level with these 18 smart Microsoft Word add-ins
and tools (a brief note on compatibility: The majority of the add-ins we have listed work fine
with Microsoft Word 2013 or a later version). Check them out.

The best Microsoft Word add-ins

1. Consistency Checker

The add-in scans your document for hyphenation, variations in spelling, common typos and
abbreviations. It’s an easy way to find mistakes in your document that Word’s built-in grammar
and spelling checking tool wouldn’t find.

2. Office QR

Office QR lets you create or insert a QR code into your document to link to contact details, a
website or a file. Once you have created the QR code, you can use the default editing features in
Word to adjust the size and location of the code.

3. DocuSign for Word

DocuSign allows you to electronically sign and send a document without having to leave
Microsoft Word.

4. Translator

The add-in is powered by Microsoft Translator and helps you translate words and sentences in a
document by either highlighting text in the document or entering it into the add-in window. The
add-in will automatically detect the language and translate it into the destination language.

5. Handy Calculator

The Handy Calculator can be used right within Word to obtain a figure, calculate project hours
or to carry out general arithmetic operations without having to leave the document. Needless to
say Handy Calculator is true to its name.


This useful add-in provides definitions to abbreviations you find in a document. To do so, just
open right within Word, select the abbreviation that you would like to know
more about, and wait for the add-in window to display its exact definition.
7. Symbol Search

Symbol Search allows you to search for and find symbols to insert into your document in a
handy way. Displaying symbols by category, you can use the add-in to conveniently search for
symbols by keywords.

8. Picket Presentation Images

The add-in works great if you are looking for images to insert into your Word document. The
app lets you either pop open the add-in window and search for whatever you need or simply
select text in your document and pick the add-in from the context menu.

9. Paletti

Paletti lets you spice up your Word document with fancy color themes that you can easily create
and save for future usage.

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10. Maps for Office

Maps for Office creates Google maps directly within your Word document. The app comes with
a price tag of $3.49, but you can check out a free version.

11. Lucidchart

Lucidchart is a free add-in for Microsoft Word with which you can make diagrams, charts and
mockups to the next level, spicing up your document with visually compelling graphics.

12. Wikipedia

This add-in allows you to access relevant information to a certain topic from right within your
Word document using a task pane for easy navigation.

13. Pro Word Cloud

Pro Word Cloud can be used to create visually compelling word clouds from the text elements in
your Word document.

14. Graph Plotter

This useful add-in lets you visualize mathematical equations and turn them into graphs in your
Word document.

15. Lorem Ipsum Generator

The Lorem Ipsum Generator is a simple tool to envision how your document would look like
before it is completed by filling empty space with placeholder text to implement a compelling
document template.

16. Font Finder

This plugin organizes the most suitable fonts so you can conveniently apply them to your Word
document without having to leave the application.

17. Dictionary (Merriam Webster)

The Merriam Webster Dictionary Is a great addition to the thesaurus built into Word, letting you
research a word or phrase in the document you are reading. The add-in is also a handy tool
whenever you want to make sure a word or phrase you are using in a document is correct when

18. Templafy

The Templafy add-in for Microsoft Word gives you access to the digital corporate assets you
need to create on-brand documents. Best practice content such as text elements, images and
brand assets are easily available from right within the application - for your ultimate productivity
boost. Templafy's centralized administration platform allows administrators to instantly roll out
up-to-date content so they can trust employees have access to templates and digital assets that are
both legally and brand compliant. Additionally, administrators can set up advanced document
templates, such as contracts or proposals, which employees can customize by answering simple
questionnaires. Templafy also allows for the latest employee information and company details to
be automatically inserted into the correct part of all company documents.

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