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Long time ago in a galaxy far far away, my friend was doing T-Pose and singing the Jurassic

Theme song. Nobody ever knew why he did that. Whenever anyone asked him, he just changed the
topic. One day, while he was singing the song in his bedroom, his mum came in and saw something
really weird. He kept singing and still doing the T-pose. She saw a cup, half full, of a green substance.
He didn’t realize that his mother was in the bedroom, so he grabbed the cup and drank it all until the
last drop. Then his mum started screaming because she didn’t know what her son just drank.My
friend turned around towards his mum and saw his mother had fainted. He just noticed that his
finger-nails started growing fast. In less than a minute, his nails were as long as his hands. He felt
terrified. He couldn’t help his mum out because his nails were so long.

He looked in the mirror and saw that his hair became purple. It was grimy and spiky. He went
outside to ask his neighbor who was a doctor. The doctor couldn’t believe his eyes. My friend asked
him for some special remedy but the doctor had nothing and just slammed the door. He started
wondering what he drank that caused all this. Then he remembered, Radioactive Chug Jug. His head
started swelling. His eyes were watery. A person, probably his neighbors’ wife, saw that he was half

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