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a. Assertion ( the explain which should be proved )

Since 1987, homosexuality has not been categorized as a mental disorder or
mental disorder. However, until now, there are still many who think that
homosexuality is a deviant sexual behavior. This makes homosexuals often
experience discrimination. Homosexual is a term to describe the sexual
identity of a person who is personally, emotionally, or sexually attracted to
another person of the same gender. From a psychological point of view, this
bad habit will affect the psyche and have a very strong effect on the nerves.
As a result, the perpetrator feels he is not a real man or woman, and feels
worried about his identity and sexuality. It can also have an effect on the
mind, causing the culprit to be gloomy. A homosexual always feels
dissatisfied with the release of his lust.
b. Reasoning ( the reason why that statement is logical )
This behavioral deviation is also inseparable from the social role or the
surrounding community, including the closest people. For example, if a boy
is accustomed to playing with dolls from a young age, it will form a
feminine soul and vice versa. In addition, urban lifestyles and the way
people talk around them spur people to develop in a deviant direction
because of curiosity and social demands. is still a debate among social and
legal circles who also question justice and the human side. Some countries
are already open to the freedom to choose a partner and give sexual
freedom, even to conduct same-sex marriage. But in Indonesia itself, this is
still a matter of knowledge and is considered inappropriate deviant behavior,
and also deviates from religious teachings.
c. Evidence
Sexual orietation determined behavior can appear in someone who is
influenced by their social environment, so there needs to be good education
and assistance during the child's growth and development. This deviant
behavior is difficult to cure from a person, but that does not mean it is a
pathological that is contagious. So the need for support from family, closest
people, and also the environment to be able to distance themselves from this
deviant behavior.
d. Link back
So this is the caused sexual orientation is still often a debate from social and
legal circles. especially in Indonesia very deviant and inappropriate
behavior and also deviate from religion. Sexual orientation can also arise
because of being influenced by other people or their social environment, so
as parents we must accompany and also educate when children grow and

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