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把 (Quantifier, function word , SOV)?

Mandarin Chinese 把 (bǎ) construction which is placed between a subject and an object

It used as function word or quantifiers. Look at the example below: 一天,Mike 去 Jack 家,对 Jack 讲:
“Jack,你有把(quantifiers)好园艺刀,我能用两天吗,我想修剪一下我的花园” Jack 回答说:“可
以,你把(function word)剪刀拿回去用吧” “把”used as a function word is a little bit difficult, the
basic sentence structure is The subject + 把+ n.+ v. e.x. 我把作业交了/你把信寄了/他把饭做了/我把

1.Quantifiers. 把(ba3):一把剪刀、一把米(a handful amount of rice)、一把稻草(a handful

amount of straw) 2.n. 把(ba4):门把手(the handle of door)、茶壶把(the handle of teapot)
3.verb. 把(ba3):把住、把门 把住=抓住=坚持住=守住=hold on 你去把门吧=你去守门吧 “把门
”comes from the“门把手”,it seems like who holds the handle of the door is the guardian of house,who
is also in charge of security. 4.fuction word 把(ba3):S+把+n/O+V+了 她把他打了。—he was beated
by her. 我把电视打开了。—The TV has been turned on by me. In Chinese,sometime we use"把"to
indicate passive/active vioce of sentences,and use"了"to indicate that the action has been done while
being asked.

Long answer: It is a function word to keep the object preceding the verb. Otherwise you can say “請做完
作業” it would sound as fine in modern standard mandarin, but in some mandarin variant, it does not
sound native to say a SVO phrase alone. People may treat the “VO” altogether (like the English
participles i.e. finishing as in “After finishing homework, he plays football.”) and expect another phrase
afterwards, like “請做完作業,才去打球” (please finish your homework before playing sports, literally
“please do finish homework, then go hit ball.”)

The word “把” is historically the word for “take” in some varient and still today, “give me a bag” in
Shanghaiese language is “把吾隻袋” lit. “take/bring me a bag.”

Some other Chinese languages do this too, in Hokkien (Minnan-Amoyese) we say “請共功課寫了”
which can word-by-word translate into modern standard mandarin as 請把作業寫完,” but the function
word ‘共 kā' comes from the lenition of the verb ‘共 kāng' to do, to mess with something.

• Both SVO and SOV sentences are legit, but to construct a SOV phrase you take the form “S 把-O V.”

• the function word “把” were a verb meaning “to take sth, to hold sth in hand.”

• Not only mandarin does this, but the words used by others don't have to come from the word
meaning 'to take.’
It is a signpost, indicating the noun following the object of the sentence.

In this typical structure,

Subject + 把 + Noun + Verb.

The noun must be the object to the verb and the verb is some actual or practical treatment towards the

For instance, you can’t say “请把我爱” because 爱 is a feeling, not a real action, and makes no impact
on “我”.

It’s a word when you want to place the object before the verb. There’s arguably no equivalent in English.
Possible equivalent: to have (object) (verb in its past tense)

Example 請把作業做完

把 here is a function word which has little real meaning. The closest counterpart in English would be
make as the translation of this sentence is:

Please make the homework finished.


It is a grammar structure very common in Chinese called 把字句 or the “ba” sentence structure.

You could techincally say this sentence like this - 請做完作業 - “please finish your homework”

The “ba” structure here is used to emphasize the word “homework” - like if you would say in English -
“the homework, please finish it”

Here, 把 is a preposition to show the relationship with the object. It has no meaning, but stresses the
object and tells people how to deal with the object.

For example, the sentence here means

請把作業做完 “Please finish your homework”, and you can also say “請做完作業”. The difference is
that your sentence stresses “作業”.

In classes to junior students, your sentence is called “把字句” (“把” sentence). The order in the
sentence is different to the normal one, and the sentence can stress the object or the predicate.
In this sentence represents a requirement. Asking kids to finishing his homework.Also can say 請做完作
業。it’s same mean but more mandatory for the first one.

If have to know the words 把 means,it’s pretty complex,it not only a verb,also a noun which can use it in
many more sentence and understand it fully,you will understand this word

In " 請把作業做完 ",把 more or less like " go to do " , so it's means plz go to finish ur homework , it's a
verb .
However , when “把" as a noun , it's means handle or knob things . Because handle also something
could go to do another thing .

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