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orkboo Рівень High


За 5 днів зрозумієте найскладнішу та найактуальнішу
граматику свого рівня
Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Любий учаснику
Поки що називаю вас ще не студентом, бо цей
марафон – це посвята в наші студенти. 

Всі, хто проходить наш марафон, змінюють своє
ставлення до “нудної” граматики і назавжди
забувають, що таке зубрити правила. 

Найголовніше — вивчаючи мову, змінюють своє
життя, починають заробляти стільки, скільки
хочеться. Кожен, хто приходить до нас у школу,
знає, що англійська зі Study Less — це бути в
комʼюніті з однодумцями та в команді
професіоналів. Study Less — це пройти курс і
отримати результат, це про “вивчити англійську
раз і назавжди”.

Наталя Дудченко,

засновниця школи та творець марафону

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

 Закріплюємо тему
1 граматичну практичними завданнями та
тему щодня на практикумі з викладачем

вступ Зна й о м ство у часників із м енеджеро м і
наставнико м чат у


Present Simple / Continuous

рави л а м ара ф он у таі як він проходити м е .
Виконання завдання 1- го дня
Ве б інар - практикум

2 Past Simple / Present Per f e ct / Present

Tuesday Per f e ct Continuous / Past Continuous

Вівторок Виконання завдання 2- го дня

Ве б інар - практику
О три м ання Workbook за виконання 1- го завдання

Future Forms
Середа Виконання завдання 3- го дня
Ве б інар - практикум

G erund / n initi e
I f v
Четвер Виконання завдання 4- го дня
Р оз м овна практика на Speaking Clubs

L in k in g ver b s
Пʼятниця Виконання завдання 5- го дня
Р оз м овна практика на Speaking Clubs

випускний на город ження п ере м ож ців

Відповіді на тестові запитання практичної частини кожного дня є в кінці зошита


Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Доросла людина Зрозумійте, навіщо ви
виконує тільки те, що прийшли на марафон і
вважає важливим та який результат ви хочете
значущим для себе отримати за 5 днів

Ви можете дати собі спочатку

будь-яку установку: “Я пройду/
Кожне виконане завдання в чаті

не пройду марафон”; “Я займу

принесе вам не лише перемогу

призове місце”; “Я виграю”.

й стипендію, а й дофамін —
Обережно добирайте слова
гормон, який відповідає за

та думки. Запишіть ціль на

відчуття щастя. Ви

аркуші паперу, напишіть дату

перебуватимете в піднесеному

обіцянки та повісьте на
настрої та будете сповнені сил
видне місце

Щоб підтримувати свій Старайтеся відвідувати

стан, спілкуйтеся в чаті, практикуми. Закріплювати
ставте запитання в чаті матеріал обовʼязково
потрібно практикою

Візьміть до уваги той факт, щ о

Ви самі несете
помилки — це абсолютн о
відповідальність за свій
нормально. За них не має бути
результат, а наша команда
соромно. Це частина навчання допоможе та підтримає

Граматичний марафон Рівень High


Наталя Менеджер
Дудченко групи
автор Граматичного марафону, головний із організаційних

провідний викладач школи питань. Можна поставити будь-

яке запитання, що стосується

марафону та навчання

Наставник Стипендія
групи переможц я
головний у чаті з англійської мови, за умови виконання усіх
викладач школи. Можна поставити обов ’ язкових завдань марафону
будь-яке запитання, що стосується учасник може отримати стипенді ю
англійської — $150. Далі її можна використати на

основний курс навчання в школі

Study Less. Стипендія переможця
надається одноразово та не
сумується з іншими стипендіями .

спеціальний символ у соціальних
мережах. Виглядає так: #
Використовується на марафоні для
навігації відповідей. Щоб після практикум-
марафону я змогла знайти всі свої
завдання, я буду підписувати їх
хештегом - #NatalieDudchenko і практичний вебінар за граматичною
день #Day1 темою дня з викладачем школи

Граматичний марафон Рівень High


щоденних ЗАВДАНЬ
Це чекліст, можете сміливо позначати галочкою пункти, які вже зробили:

Перейдіть за посиланням на
завдання вашого рівня

Подивіться відеоурок із автором

марафону та провідним
викладачем школи Наталею
Дудченко. Конспектуйте головні
моменти за бажанням

Виконайте практичні завдання

дня та надішліть у чат,
використовуючи хештеги

НЕОБОВʼЯЗКОВО (за бажанням):

ввечері відвідайте вебінар-

практикум із викладачем школи

за темою дня для вашого рівня

Відкрийте Workbook за темою

дня та ознайомтесь із
додатковим матеріалом

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Понеділок / Monday
тема: Present Simple / Continuous
(Advanced moments)
1 Подивіться

2 Теоретична частина
Some additional advanced moments when we use these aspects:
We use Present Continuous to describe:

1 An action in progress at Currently, I’m writing a book.

the time of speaking I’m doing yoga now.

2 An action which is true This month I’m learning Italian.

around the time of speaking This summer I am taking an English course.

An irritating situation which You are always throwing away my stuff. 

happens regularly,in this case we You’re forever losing your keys.

usually use adverbs like 'always', You’re constantly complaining about your

'forever' and 'constantly'.

We use Present Simple to describe:

1 W ith performance verbs We apologize for not replying to

(admit, apologize) you on time.

2 Comments during football

matches (it is shorter to use )
Look. He runs and he scores.

PM of Great Britain resigns.

N ewspaper headings A terrible storm hits the island.

Fire breaks out into the hotel room.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

To tell a story, sequence of actions –

we use Simple and Continuous

Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous. They are called
"stative verbs".
The most common stative verbs are:

1 feelings and emotions dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want

agree, believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know,

2 thoughts and opinions seem, mean, recognise, remember, suspect,
think, understand

3 senses and perceptions appear, be, feel, hear, look, see,

seem, smell, taste

There are some exceptions: stative verbs which can be used in both
types of tenses.
Non-Continuous verbs

1 Be You are friendly (in general) 

You are being friendly with her (right now)

2 See Isee you (I can see you now, look)

They are seeing (They are in a relationship.)

3 H ave I have a cat (possess)

I am having a good time with you ( = experience a good time)

3 Практична частина

Task №1. TEST Choose the correct option.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Як сказати англійською: “Я зараз

проводжу класно час”?
I have a good time now
I’m having a good time now
I’m having a good time now

What ______ here?

are you doing do you do

She is a miserable girl! She is _________

about the weather.
3 constantly complains
constantly complaining

Now the car _______ $5000.

costs is costing

We can see that the amount of waste

_________ gradually.
reduces is reducing

Як сказати англійською: “Ти зараз

грубий із нею!”
You are so rude with her!
You are being so rude with her now!
You being so rude with her now!

T hey ____ us a fortune.

owe are owing

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Як сказати англійською: “Я вірю, що ти зможеш

пройти марафон до кінця”?
I believe you can accomplish the marathon
I am believing you can accomplish the marathon
I’m believe you can accomplish the marathon
Як сказати англійською: “Ти зараз із
кимось зустрічаєшся?” (У тебе є хлопець
чи дівчина?)
9 Are you currently seeing someone?
Do you currently see someone?
Are you currently see someone?

The political situation ___________ quite

dramatically as a result of the fighting in the city.
is changing changes

Практика говоріння

Task №2. For the chat Уявіть себе бло гером . В и подорожуєте . Розкажіть, чим
ви займаєтеся, як проходить ваша по їздка . Що
особливо го в тому місті чи що вам, навпаки, не
подобається .

Корисна лексика для використання:

I am in ... now – Я зараз в ...
usually – зазвичай

stay in a nice hotel – зупинитись, often – часто

проживати в гарному готелі

rarely – рідко

day-off – вихідний
never – ніколи

explain – пояснювати
now – зараз

go skiing – кататися на лижах

at the moment – у цей момент

It is snowing – йде сніг

currently – зараз, у поточний час

always – завжди

I am in New York now. I am staying in a nice

hotel. I moved here because the level of
salaries in Poland is currently not increasing. In
addition, I got tired of doing the same work all
the time. That’s why it is not going well this
year. In New York, it’s much more complicated
to find a good job. At first , I didn’t like my job,
but now I am beginning to like it. How is it
going in Italy now?

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

4 Лексика дня
PM – prime minister

resign – звільнятися, іти у відставку

miserable girl – нещасна дівчина

натисніть сюди constantly – постійно

щоб потренувати нові слова gradually – поступово

reduce – зменшувати

owe – заборгувати

fortune – фортуна, доля, багатство

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Вівт оро к / T uesday

тема: Present Perfect / Past Simple & Present

Perfect Continuous / Past Continuous
1 Подивіться

2 Теоретична частина
In the English language, there are only 2 tenses: Present and Past.

Future is delivered by many-many different ways and one of them is “will”.

Other things are just aspects. There are 4 aspects:

Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect is

I have accomplished two Java courses.

1 defining result or experience I have read ten book this year.

(we see the result now)

She has accomplished our marathon.

Sarah has had a baby. (means it

2 defining an action that happened recently).

happened recently Did you know that someone has recently

invented a chip for learning languages?
Past Simple
uses time definitions like:
yesterda defines itself through time expressions like:
last mont
last yea There is no connection with the present tense, no results now.

last wee Did you collect the Kinder Hippos when you were a child?

several days ag
etc Last Christmas I gave you my heart.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

P ast ontinuous

is similar to Past Simple, but it is used while talking about long actions that were
lasting for some time in the past.
Ten years ago, I was putting in much more effort to recall English words and
start speaking English.

Last summer, I was reading a book for two hours every day of the month.
Past Continuous uses time definitions like:
for two hour de nes itself through time e pressions like
fi x :

from five to seven

for some period of tim Iwas visitin my friends all last year
g .

all summer
all yea
P resent erfect ontinuous.

is similar to Present Perfect, but it is used while talking about long actions that are
lasting for some time in present.
I have been cooking all morning. I’m so tired.

I have been running around the city all day.

Why are you so sweaty? – Because I have been doing sport.

Past Continuous uses time definitions like:
for two hour de nes itself through time e pressions like
fi x :

for some period of tim Iwas visitin my friends all last year
g .

all summer
all yea
Below we’ll give you the table of irregular verbs
перша друга третя переклад

b e was e e /w r b een бути

b e ome
c b e ame
c b e ome
c ставати

b e ing b e an g be ung поч н и ати

br eak br oke br oken л м

а ати

br in g br ou t gh br ou t gh пр но
и сити

b uild b uilt b uilt бу д увати

b uy b ou t gh b ou t gh кп у увати

c an could een a le
b b мог ти

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

перша друга третя переклад

catch caught caught ловити
choose chose chosen вибирати
come came come приходити
cost cost cost коштувати
cut cut cut вирізати
do did done робити
drink drank drunk пити
drive drove driven їздити
eat ate eaten їсти
fall fell fallen падати
feel felt felt відчувати
fight fought fought боротися
find found found знаходити
fly flew flown літати
forget forgot forgotten забувати
get got got отримувати
give gave given давати
go went gone йти
grow grew grown рости
have had had мати
hear heard heard чути
hit hit hit бити
keep kept kept тримати
know knew known знати
learn learnt learnt вивчати
leave left left залишати
lose lost lost втрачати

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

перша друга третя переклад

make made made зробити
meet met met зустрічати
pay paid paid платити
put put put класти
read read read читати
ride rode ridden їздити
run run run бігти
say said said сказати
see saw seen бачити
sell sold sold продавати
send sent sent відправляти
shut shut shut закривати
sing sang sung співати
sit sat sat сидіти
sleep slept slept спати
speak spoke spoken говорити
spend spent spent витрачати,
проводити час
stand stood stood стояти
steal stole stolen красти
swim swam swum плавати
take took taken брати
tell told told розповідати
think thought thought думати
understand understood understood розуміти
wake woke woken прокидатися
wear wore worn носити
win won won перемагати
write wrote written писати

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

3 Практична частина

Task №1. TEST Choose the correct option.

Where ___________ recently?

1 have you been were you was you

We _____ to London 5 months ago.

2 went were have been

Have you ______ the USA yet?

3 visit visited visiting

We _____ our school in 2019.

4 launch have launched launched

Yes! I am so proud. I _______ this marathon

5 Граматичний

марафон finish have finished finished

How long ______ English?

have you been learning
6 were you learning
was you learning
Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Mm... smells good. You _____ a pie all morning.

7 have been baking was baking
have baked

She _______ yesterday’s grammar all morning.

8 revised has been revising
were revising

We ________ a lot recently.

9 have been practicing
were practicing practiced

How long ______ English classes?

was attending
10 have been attending
were attending

Практика говоріння

Task №2. For the chat Розкажіть про свої achievements. Що вже вдалося
досягти, а що ще в планах? Наведіть 5 прикладів
ваших досягнень та 5 прикладів того, що ще не

1 I have bought a car. But I haven't bought

a house.

I have found a dream job. I started

working there 2 months ago.

3 I have decided to visit gym regularly (з

маленької літери).

I haven't learned English yet, but I started


a Grammar marathon at Study Less.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

4 Лексика дня
since – з якогось часу, моменту

book – бронювати

натисніть сюди launch – запустити (бізнес)

definite – певний

щоб потренувати нові слова pie – пиріг

revise – повторювати

last – тривати

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

середа / Wednesday
тема: Future Forms
1 Подивіться

2 Теоретична частина
Future Form Usage Examples
expresses a future fact or I'll be 30 in a few days' time.

prediction – at sometime in It'll be cold and wet

the future this event will tomorrow, I'm afraid.
happen. It's not an
intention, decision
arrangement, willingness,
will for prediction is based I t h in k L abo u r will win t h e
more on an opinion than a nex t election.

fact or evidence. Often used I h ope yo u 'll come.

Will for with I hope....., I think..., I'm
predictions sure

other usage of will I' ll he l p you carry those bags

= offer.

W ill you marry me? =

willi ngness.

W ill you open the door? =


My car won't start. = refusal

I' ll l ove you forever. = prom i se

can express a prediction C aref u l ! Th e g lass is g oin g

Present based on a present fact. to fall over !

Contin u o u s for T here is evidence now that L oo k at t h e s ky ! It's g oin g

arran g ements something is likely to to be a lovely day !
happen. We can predict
future based on present

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Future Form Usage Examples

sometimes there is a little or We'll run out of money if
no difference between “will” we aren't careful

and “going to” We are going to run out of

Present money if we aren't careful.
Continuous for
we use "going to" when we She is going to have a baby.
have physical evidence to (Look at her bump)

support our prediction Liverpool is going to win. (It's

4-0 and there are 5 minutes
will is used to express a I'll phone you back in a
decision or intention made minute.

at the moment of speaking

Will and The phone is ringing. I'll
"going to" for get it.
decisions and
going to is used for future When she grows up, she's
plans, decisions, or going to be a ballet
intentions made before the dancer.
moment of speaking
expresses personal I'm having lunch with Brian
arrangements and fixed tomorrow.

plans, especially when the

time and place have been What time are you meeting
decided. It's usually in the him?
near future

is often used with verbs of A re you coming to the

movement and activity cinema tonight? I'm meeting
Present the director tomorrow.
Continuous for
PC is used to refer to It's going to raining
arrangements between tomorrow

people, not events that – NOT It's raining tomorrow.

people can't control

T he sun ’s rises at 5. 3 0
tomorrow. – NOT The sunis
rising tomorrow.
PC is used to emphasize an I'm going to ask her to
arrangement(I’m seeing my marry me – NOT I’m asking
girlfriend tonight), but her to marry me.
“going to” emphasizes a
person’s intention

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Future Form Usage Examples

future event based on a My flight leaves at 4pm.

timetable or calendar What time does the film

Present start?
imple for
timeta les

after if, when, as soon as, We'll have a picnic when he


unless... comes.

I'll leave as soon as it stops

expresses an activity that Don't phone at 8.00. I'll
will be in progress before or be having dinner.

after a time in the future This time tomorrow, I'll

be flying to NY.
a future event that will Don't worry about our
happen in the natural guests. They'll be arriving
course of events. Not related any time soon.

to intentions, arrangements, We'll be going right back

or willingness to football after the break.
an action that will be I'll have done my homewor
completed before a definite y this evening.

Future Perfect time in the future. The form


isn't very common

3 Практична частина

T as k №1. TEST C h o o s e t h e co rre c t o p t i o n .

he department a meeting to
discuss some changes toda .
T IT ________


has will have is having

W o r k b o o k
Граматичний марафон Рівень High

They ________ upgrading the computers

around the university and Brian _________
us the upgraded software.

2 are going to talk about; is going to show

will talk about; is going to show

is going to talk about; will show

I expect people ______ a lot of questions.

3 are having will have

are going to have

We ________ in London for three years by next week.

4 will be will have been

are going to be

The meeting ______ at 2 pm.

will start starts is going to start

I have a meeting at 1 pm, but I _____ to

come after that.
am trying will try am doing to try

I hope I ______ you there.

will see am seeing am going to see

________ by the time it gets dark?

8 Will we arrive Are we going to arrive

Will we have arrived

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

Mr. Smith ___ currently ____.

9 —; speaks is; speaking will; speak

Due to the schedule, the lecture _____ at 7 pm.

10 will start starts is going to start

Практика говоріння

Task №2. For the chat Using a 'bucket list before retirement' tell
about your goals and plans. What do you want
to accomplish before you retire?

If you are sure that

you will accomplish

use Future Simple

If you are planning,

but aren't sure

use to b e going to

If you k now the age

( the deadline ) when it
will be done

use Future P erfect

I will definitely go

I am going to visit 30

I will have bought a

car by the age of 30.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

4 Лексика дня upgraded software – оновлене програмне


prediction – передбачення

intention – намір

willingness – готовність

evidence – доказ

go skydiving – стрибнути з парашутом

buy my own house – купити власний будинок

натисніть сюди go on safari – поїхати на сафарі

щоб потренувати нові слова see the seven wonders of the world – побачити
7 чудес світу

spend New Year's Eve in Times Square –

провести переддень Нового року в Тайм

do volunteer work – займатися волонтерством

get a tattoo – зробити тату

run a million of dollars – заробити мільйон


attend 10 music festivals – відвідати 10

музичних фестивалей

be thankful – бути вдячним

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

четвер / Thursday
тема: Gerund / Infinitive
1 Подивіться

2 Теоретична частина
When we use two verbs together in a sentence, the form of the second verb
depends on the first verb.

Verb + -ing (gerund)

We use -ing form after the following verbs:

adore, like, love, enjoy, would mind, suggest, imagine, keep waiting, avoid, appreciate,
admit, anticipate, can’t help, can’t stand, consider, continue, describe, delay, deny,
discuss, escape, fancy, forgive, finish, go (go swimming, go dancing), involve, keep,
mention, (don’t) mind, miss, object to, practise, postpone, prevent, quit, recall,
recollect, report, resent, resist, recommend, risk, spend/ waste (time/ money), save,
start, stand, tolerate, understand.

I can’t help smoking. – Не можу не палити.

I can’t stand drinking beer. – Терпіти не можу пити пиво.

I recall having seen him before. – Зверніть увагу, як ми утворюємо минулий час із

герундієм: ha e
v ed
+ V -
або 3 тя форма дієслова.. – Пам'ятаю, що десь його


He admitted having falsified the documents. – Він визнав, що сфальсифікував

документи. (Having falsified – минулий час: він визнав у минулому (admitted), що

having falsified документи до того).

She quit jogging. – Вона перестала бігати.

Verb + TO + infinitive

We use to + infinitive after the following verbs:

agree, offer, decide, refuse, promise, deserve, seem, appear, tend, pretend, can/ can’t
afford, allow, arrange, ask, begin, choose, continue, expect, fail, help, hope, intend,
learn, manage, need, plan, start, threaten, want, would like, would love, would prefer.

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She refused to change the date of the meeting.

The government failed to reduce unemployment.

There seems to be a problem with my internet connection.

He refused to pay his bills.

I’d like to see the manager.

3 Практична частина

Task №1. TEST Choose the correct option.

I like ________ Criminal Minds, but today I’d prefer

______ something else.
1 watching; seeing to watch; seeing
watching; to see

I consider this project is worth _______.

2 invest to invest investing

Bill is thinking of _______ the police force.

3 joining to join join

We’d better ______ before 7pm.

4 leave leaving to leave

He refused ______ the fine.

5 paying pay to pay

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It is complicated, but you should go on

_______ English.
learning learn to learn

We agreed ______ next week.

7 meeting to meet meet

I can’t imagine ________ on her.

8 he cheats him cheating

he to cheat

She decided _______ for this position.

9 not to apply to not apply

not applying

Would you mind ______ me a cup of coffee?

10 to bring bringing to bringing

Практика говоріння

Task №2. For the chat Розкажіть сюжет улюбленого мультика, казки,
використовуючи нижче подані слова та
правильну форму дієслова після них.


enjoy would mind would rather promise suggest


I want to tell you about inderella. his


story is really important or a lot o

f f

people. I wouldn t mind watching this


again and again.I belie e inderella

v C

deser es to be happy, and her story


inspires me to be more independent

and bra e.

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

4 Лексика дня would mind – бути проти

avoid – уникати

appreciate – цінити

admit – визнавати

anticipate – передбачити,передчувати,очікувати

can’t help – не можу не

сan’t stand – терпіти не можу

delay – затримувати

deny – заперечувати

escape – втекти,уникнути

fancy – хотіти,уявляти

involve – залучати

натисніть сюди mention – згадувати

щоб потренувати нові слова object to – заперечувати проти

postpone – відкладати на потім

prevent – запобігати

quit – кинути, припинити щось робити

recall – згадати,відкликати

resist – чинити опір

tolerate – витримувати, терпіти

refuse – відмовити

seem – здається

appear – з’являтися

tend – прагнути

pretend – прикидатися

afford – дозволити собі(по кишені)

threaten – погрожувати

Граматичний марафон Рівень High

п’ят н иця / Friday

тема: Linking verbs

1 Подивіться

2 Теоретична частина

We use linking verbs when an adjective or a noun phrase is used after a verb to
define the subject (what or who the subject is, the adjective or a noun phrase is
a compliment):
Jessica is a doctor.
After the verbs appear, look, prove, seem we can either include or omit to be:
The party looked amazing. / The party looked to be amazing.

She seemed unable to think. / She seemed to be unable to think.

BECOME (= get)

She became recognised as an expert in a marketing sphere. = She got

recognised as an expert in a marketing sphere.


My son went crazy when he saw Santa Clause.

Everything went wrong today.

We also use go in such phrases as go deaf, go blind, go bald (NOT get)

But we have some exceptions: get ill, get old, get tired

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3 Практична частина

Task №1. TEST Choose the correct option

Give me a few minutes to ______

changed, and then I’ll be ready to go.
become get

We ______ bored watching the movie yesterday.

2 got turned become

He’s actually quite friendly when you

_______ to know him.
become get

At college, she ______ an athlete.

4 became came

Cutting that wood looks like hard work. I’ll

take over from you when you _____ tired.
get go

I had just ______ divorced when I met Marianne.

6 became got

The reason for my decision will _____ clear at

the next meeting.
become get

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After the strange events in the house, she

_____ convinced that it was haunted.
became got

After the spider bit Rachel, her ankle _____ red.

9 went got

He ______ hungry in the evening.

10 got turned

Практика говоріння

Task №2. For the chat Choose 1 topic to talk about. Use linking verbs.

1 Bad date 2 The best / worst day ever 3 The best vacation

Yesterday I had a terrible date. At the
beginning, nothing seemed to go bad.
But then that man was being so rude. I
thought I would just go crazy. I wanted
to end this as soon as possible, I got
emotionally tired.

4 Лексика дня

go deaf – оглухнути

натисніть сюди go blind – осліпнути

go bald – лисіти

щоб потренувати нові слова

go bust – розоритися

convinced – переконаний

Граматичний марафон Рівень High


Present Simple / Continuous Present Perfect /

(Advanced moments) Past Simple &
Task №1. TEST Present Perfect
Continuous / Past

I’m having a good time now

are you doing 

Task №1. TEST
3 is constantly complaining
1 have you been

4 costs 
2 went

5 is reducing
3 visited 

6 You are being so rude with her now

4 launched

7 owe 
5 have finished

8 I believe you can accomplish the marathon

6 have you been learning

9 Are you currently seeing someone?

7 have been baking

10 is changing 8 has been revising

9 have been practicing

10 was attending


Future Forms Gerund / Infinitive Linking verbs

Task №1. TEST Task №1. TEST Task №1. TEST
1 is having
1 watching; to see
1 get

2 are going to talk about; 2 investing

2 got

is going to show
3 joining
3 get

3 will have
4 leave
4 became

4 will have been

5 to pay
5 get 

5 starts 
6 learning 
6 got

6 will try
7 to meet
7 become

7 will see
8 him cheating
8 became 

8 Will we have arrived

9 not to apply
9 went 

9 is; speaking
10 bringing 10 got
10 starts

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