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21.Pork –свинина
1.Demigod –напівбог
22.Require –вимагати
2.Warrior –завойовник
23.Diseased –хвороба
3.Trickster –обманщик, шахрай
24.Rotate –повернути
4.To crumble –розсипатися
25.Windward –проти вітру
5.Shapeshifter –перевертень
26.Leeward –попутний напрямок
6.Escape –втеча
7.To hunt –полювати
27.Shallows –мілководдя
8.To spread –розповсюджувати
28.Channel –канал, пролив
9.Draining –посуха
29.Bait –приманка
10.Devoured –пожираючий
30.Concern - занепокоєння
11.Chief –головний
31.Endangering – досвідченість
12.Wondrous –чудеса
32.Begged –благати
13.Fibers –волокна
33.Ancestors –предки
14.Undertow –підводні камені
34.Voyagers –мандрівники,
15.Mischievous – бешкетний
16.To whisper – шепотіти
35.Stole –вкрасти
17.To lead – вести
36.Lurked –затаївся
18.Guide – направляти
37.Forbid –заборонити
19.Path – шлях
38.Cavern –печера
20.Fixed –фіксований, вирішений
39.To restore - відновити
40.Wreaking - руйнування
41.Tweeting – чирикати, твітити
42.Oar –весло
43.Slimy –слизький
44. Riddance - позбавлення
45.Pebbles – галька, камінчики
46.Curse – проклинати
47.Smote –вразив
48.Self-taught –самоучка
49.Escaping –втеча
50.Defeat –поразка
1.To be struck from – уникати
51.Knots –вузли
2.To chase away - прогнати
52.Sidekick –помічник, напарник
3.To throw up - вирвати
53.Blow dart –дротик
4.To be curious about smth – бути
54.Buttercup –жовтець(лютік) квітка
зацікавленим в чомусь
55.Scavenger - сміттяр
5.Meet the eye – зловити погляд
56.Entrance –зачаровувати
6.To be hard on smth – бути грубим з
57.Seerifice –жертва,
7. Blame smth onsmb – звинувачувати
58.Realm – королівство
когось в чомусь
59.Sparkly treasure – блискучі
8.Who are you meant to be? – Яке твоє
60.Destructed –зруйнований
9. To put back – покласти на місце
61.Mortals –смертні
10.Afraid of smth – бочтися чогось
62.Hawk – яструб
11.Got blasted outta the sky – звалився з неба
63.Crustacean –рачок (маленький
12.Tighten the halyard! Bind the stays! -
рак) ракоподібний
Підтягніть фал! Зв'яжіть залишки!
64.Barnacle –молюск
13.What am I gonna steer with? – чим я буду
65.Algae –водорості
16.Solid –міцний
14.Deal with – справитись з
67.Bupkiss – означає «нічого»
15.Worth a shot – варто спробувати
68.Cursed –проклятий
16.Muscle up – накачати м’язи
69.Cracked –розбитий, розколений
17.Ripped off –вкрадений
70.Prove –доказ
18.Take a hike – прогулятися, звали звідси
71.Hesitate – вагатися, соромитися
19.To throw smb off –збити з толку
72.Proud –гордий
20.I have no excuse – non ho scuse, мені
73.Reveal –розкрити
немає виправдання (пробачення)
74.To descend –спускатися
75.Tide –прилив
76.Goddess –богиня
List of characters

Moana Heihei

Maui Chief Tui

Tala Sina

Pua Te Ka

Tamatoa Te Fiti
Task 1 Fill the crossword
Part I. Pre-watching

Horizontally area of the sea, a lake, or a river where the water is not very deep.
5. a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water,
especially two seas.
7. towards the wind or on the side facing the wind.
8. a pole with a flat blade, used to row or steer a boat through the water.
10. a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand
12. a small sea creature with a shell, that sticks very tightly and in large
numbers to rocks and the bottom of boats

2. a fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or something similar on itself and
tightening it. (plural)
3. food placed on a hook or in a net, trap, or fishing area to entice fish or other animals
as prey.
4. an arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as a crab, lobster,
shrimp, or barnacle.
6. a current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any
surface current.
9. the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a
particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.
11. very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary
leaves or roots
13. facing away from the wind
Task 2 Unscramble the words

rteriTcks iMsiucohves waHk

_________________ _________________ _________________

Symil ahtP amRal

_________________ ___________________ ___________________

veroP secstAnor hifCe

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Task 3 Create sentances using words from task 2

Task 4
Crack the code to complete the words

1. D2 – C1 – B7 – A4 – C4 – C1 – C7 – C5
2. A1 – B7 – A3 – A5 – C5 – C6 – C1 – C4 – C5
3. A7 – C1 – A4 – A4 – A5 – C5
4. A3 – C7 – C4 – A5 – A4
5. C5 – A5 – B5 – A6 C6 – A1 – C7 – A7 – B1 – C6
6. C1 – A1 – C4
7. A4 – A5 – B6 – B2 – A7 – C1 – A4
8. D1 – C1 – D4 – A1 – A7 – A5 – C4 – C5

Task 1
Part II. After-watching
Put the pictures in the correct order.
Task 2
Describe your favourite moments
Task 3
Match the phrases with characters

There will come a time when you will

stand on this peak and place a stone on
this mountain, like I did, like my father
did, like his father and every chief that
has ever been.

There is nowhere you could go that

I won't be with you.

Are you just trying to get me to

talk about myself? Because if you
are ... I will gladly do so—in song

Listen. For a thousand years, I've

only been thinking about keepin'
this hair silky, getting my hook,
and being awesome, again.

Sometimes, who we wish we were,

what we wish we could do, it's just
not meant to be.

Sometimes our strengths lie

beneath the surface … Far beneath,
in some cases.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
Task 4
Devide adgectives between herous.

crazy lady, friendly, stupid, humorous,cute, friendly,

chosen, brave, well-liked, giant, cross-eyed, vain,
narcissistic, strong, godlike, ridiculous, powerful,
Task 5
Fill the gaps to make true stories about herous

His name is _______________ and he is a ______________________ of

South Pacific legends. Despite his status, Maui
finds himself torn between the worlds of
humanity and deity, feeling "stuck in the
_________________________". Nevertheless, he finds enjoyment
in showcasing his ____________________ abilities to others

Her name is ___________________and she is the ___________-

year old daughter of a South Pacific chief. As a
child, she was ______________________ by the Ocean to
return the _____________________ of Te Fiti, and when her
_______________________starts being overcome by
darkness, she undertakes this quest to save the
lives of her people, learning about herself and
her heritage along the way

The Goddess of _________________, who created every

_____________________________ in the world. After Maui steals
her _______________________, she is transformed into Te
Kā and could only roar in anger and madness.
After her ______________________ is restored, her
response to Maui's "How've ya been?" makes it
clear that she was aware of what was going on
the whole time.

His name is _____________________ and he is a very

stupid _________________________ that accompanies
Moana and _________________________ on their journey of
exploration. Maui nicknames him
"_____________________________", and makes no secret that
he wants to … him.
Task 6
Scan QR code and answer the questions

Share your impressions after watching



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