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Високий рівень
марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Любий учасник

Поки що називаю тебе ще не студентом, бо цей

марафон – це посвята у наші студенти. 

Найголовніше, вивчаючи мову, змінюють своє

життя, починають заробляти стільки, скільки
хочеться. Кожен, хто приходить до нас у школу,
знає , що англійська зі Study Less - це бути в
комʼюніті з однодумцями та в команді
професіоналів. Study Less - це пройти курс і
отримати результат, це про вивчити англійську
раз і назавжди.

Наталія Дудченко,

засновниця школи та творець марафону

W o r k b o o k
марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

 Закріплюємо тему
1 тему в день практичними завданнями

вступ Зна й о м ство учасників з м енеджеро м
та наставнико м чату


Правила марафону і як він проходитиме
Виконання завдання 1 дня
Вебінар-практикум дня

Tuesday life SPH ERES

Виконання завдання 2 дня
Вебінар-практикум дн
Отримання Workbook за виконання 1-го завдання

time management
Середа Виконання завдання 3 дня
Вебінар-практикум дня

Четвер Виконання завдання 4 дня
Розмовна практика на Speaking Clubs

Виконання завдання 5 дня
Розмовна практика на Speaking Clubs

випускний нагородження пере м ожців

Відповіді на тестові питання практичної частини кожного дня є в кінці зошита


марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Доросла людина Зрозумійте навіщо ви
виконує тільки те, що прийшли на марафон і
вважає важливим та який результат ви хочете
значущим для себе отримати за 5 днів

Ви можете дати собі спочатку

будь-яку установку. Я пройду/ Кожне виконане завдання в чаті
не пройду марафон. Я займу принесе вам не лише перемогу
призове місце. Я виграю. і стипендію, а й дофамін.
Обережно підбирайте слова Гормон, який відповідає за
та думки. Запишіть ціль на відчуття щастя. Ви
аркуші паперу, напишіть дату перебуватимете в піднесеному
обіцянки та повісьте на настрої і будете сповнені сил.
видиме місце.

Щоб підтримувати свій Старайтеся відвідувати

стан, спілкуйтеся в чаті, практикуми. Закріплювати
ставте запитання в чаті. матеріал обовʼязково
потрібно практикою

П рийміть той факт, що Ви самі несете

помилки - це абсолютно відповідальність за свій
нормально. За них не має бути результат, а наша команда
соромно. Це частина навчання. допоможе та підтримає.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Наталя Менеджер Наставник
Дудченко групи групи
творець марафону “Страх головний по організаційним головний в чаті з англійської
Говорити”, провідний питанням. Можна поставити будь- мови, викладач школи. Можна
викладач школи. яке питання, що стосується поставити будь-яке питання, що
марафону та навчання стосується англійської

Buddy (баді) Публічна обіцянка

друг по віртуальній парті. Хтось з вашої спеціальна обіцянка, яку ви даєте
групи. З ним можна практикувати осознанно та публічно з метою завершити
англійську під час та після марафону. почату справу до кінця.

Стипендія пере ожця м

бонусні бали можна обміняти на долари. алі витратити їх на основний курс у


школі Study Less. Стипендія переможця надається одноразово та не сумується з

іншими стипендіями. ісля марафону можна отримати . бо можна виграти
П $75 А

стипендію переможця.

Страх говорити Пісенний Хештег

англійською клуб
виникає у людини, коли практичний вебінар спеціальний символ у соціальних

недостатньо практики розвитку навички мережах. Виглядає так - #

спілкування англійською. сприйняття на слух. Використовується на марафоні для

навігації відповідей. Щоб після марафону

я змогла знайти всі свої завдання, я буду

підписувати їх хештегом -

#NatalieDudchenko і день #Day1

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Це чек-лист, можете сміливо відзначати
галочкою пункти, що вже зробили

Подумайте, про що ви розповідатимете.

Пропишіть план свого оповідання, але не

записуйте кожне слово. Можна прописати
речення вашою рідною мовою, потім
прочитати та перекласти англійською. Якщо
не знаєте важливих слів, подивіться у словник.

2 рази ВГОЛОС проговоріть собі перед

дзеркалом свої думки. Нехай вони будуть не
послідовні, нехай будуть роїтися і плутатися,
нехай будуть не ідеальні з погляду граматики.

Поставте камеру перед собою та починайте

запис. Кривляйтеся перед камерою, широко
відкривайте рот, висовуйте язик і корчіть
гримаси. Це називається розминка.
Тепер починаємо записувати відео-
відповідь на тему дня. Якщо забули слово,
структуру та заціпеніли від жаху, не
вимикайте камеру! Ні за яких обставин.
Вам потрібно завершити розповідь.
Відразу ж надсилайте це відео до чату.
Якщо починається смикатися око від своєї
неідеальності – можна записати ще одне
відео та відправити його. Ви побачите,
наскільки стало легше говорити.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Понеділок /Monday
1 Теоретична частина
It is very important to be able to make a good first impression. Today we will talk about
effective communication. Watch the video below and look through the vocabulary of the

2 Подивіться

3 Практична частина

TEST Choose the correct option

____ , what's up?

Howdi Howdy Hawdy


I ____ in the educational field because I want to

make a difference in society.

2 do work marketing

She proudly announced, "I am _____!" to

her friends and family.
3 engage engaged engaging

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Over the years, I developed a _____ for cooking

4 and experimenting with new recipes.

passion likeness

Being a music lover, I am ____ on

attending live concerts.

like passion big

She is a ________, and her passport is filled with

stamps from all over the world.

As a ____ ______, she finds beauty in the simple

7 moments of life.

wanderlust person driven person

free spirit

Even in the face of challenges, he remains a ________

________, never letting negativity get the best of him.

light-hearted person
timekeeper person

She's a _____ ______ who believes that hard

work and determination can lead to

9 free spirit light hearted

driven person

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

She was known as the office _____ because she

always kept meetings punctual.

driven timekeeper wanderlust

Практика говоріння

Step 1: Come up with a story about yourself. Use the
example of Ellen below.

Step 2: Record an audio or video message of this story and

4 Task. For the chat send it in Telegram to your group chat.

Step 3: Sign the task with hashtags like:

#Day1 #namesurname #audio (if it's an audio)

#Day1 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)


Hey, how's everything?

I'm Ellen, I was born in Metairie, Louisiana. I work as a
comedian, actor and producer. My "TheEllenShow"
has won 33 Daytime Emmy Awards One of my
viewers has learnt English watching it! 

I'm married. I'm fond of dancing. I am a wanderlust,

and I find inspiration for my show while visiting new
countries and exploring new places
I have been to more than 20 countries! When I'm
travelling, I feel motivated and inspired to move
I am also a light-hearted person who is constantly
cheerful and relaxed. I enjoy my life and everything in

That's all. Have a good one, bye!

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

45 Лексика дня Howdy, what's up? – Привіт, як справи?

I work what's up? field
in marketing – Привіт, як справи
– Я працюю у маркетинговій сфері

I work
educational in marketing/
field – educational/
навчальна engineering
field – Я
працюю у маркетинговій/ навчальній/ інженерній сфер
I am marriedfield інженерна
to/ –engaged сфер
divorced – Я
to/ single/
I am married toзаручений/
– Я одружений
неодружений/ розлучени
натисни сюди I
I am developed
engaged atopassion
– Я for...
– Я надзвичайно сильно
I amsingle
I am big on... Я маю ентузіазм до..
– Я–неодружений

щоб потренувати нові слова To be

I am a wanderlust
divorced – Я – Про людину, у котрої є жага до

I developed
A free spirita–passion
Про людину,for... – Явільну
в думкахсильно
та вчинказахопився...

A light-hearted
I am person
big on... – Я маю – Про оптимістичну
ентузіазм до...
та веселу
ToA be a wanderlust – Про людину, у котрої є жага до подорожей

driven person – Про цілеспрямовану та вмотивовану

free spirit – Про людину, вільну в думках та вчинках

timekeeper –personПро компетентну та відповідальну

– Про оптимістичну та веселу людину

A drivenкотрій
personподобається керувати
та вмотивовану людину

– Про цілеспрямовану
A timekeeper – Про компетентну та відповідальну

людину, котрій подобається керувати

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Вівторок /Tuesday


1 Теоретична частина
Today we will talk about different spheres of life. You will find a new vocabulary of the
day. Watch videos below to start this topic.

2 Подивіться

3 Подивіться

4 Практична частина

TEST Choose the correct option

If you want to find a healthy work-life balance,

it's essential to ________________________________.

1 set clear boundaries for work hours

work around the clock
never define your working hours

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

_______________________________ is how most

people support themselves financially.

2 Earning a living
Giving away money
Avoiding any income source
A good practice is to __________________

to reach financial stability.

3 spend money recklessly

save up some money
never think about finances
For better health, it's advisable

to ___________________________.
4 consume nutritious food
eat junk food daily
avoid eating altogether
strengthens family bonds.
5 Valuing quality time with loved ones
Avoiding all family interactions
Never spending time with family
Some people ________________________________
on weekends.
hang out with friends
6 isolate themselves from everyone
dislike socializing
Many couples ____________________________ .
enjoy romantic getaways
7 avoid all vacations
never take a break

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

____________________________ can have a positive

impact on your mental health.

8 Limiting screen time

Spending endless hours online
Ignoring your well-being

To progress in your career, it's

crucial to _______________________________.
9 engage in continuous learning and

skill development
never learn anything new
avoid gaining new skills

_____________________________ is important for

reducing stress and improving well-being.

10 Emphasizing the importance of downtime

and relaxation
Working non-stop
Ignoring your mental health

Some people prefer to __________________________ for

a more active lifestyle.

11 reside in a bustling city
avoid cities entirely
live in a deserted place
For a sense of tranquility, consider ____________________.
surrounding yourself with nature
12 staying indoors all the time
never experiencing the outdoors

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

To boost your energy levels and feel more active, it's

a good idea to ________________ .

13 watch TV all day

work out to stay energized
avoid any form of exercise
In order to maintain a healthy mind and body, it's
important to ______________________ and spend time
in nature.

14 avoid all outdoor activities

embrace outdoor activities
focus solely on work

One way to show your appreciation for family and

friends is to _______________ and cherish the time
you spend together. 

avoid quality time with loved ones
value quality time with loved ones
spend time with strangers

When life gets busy, it's easy to forget to _____________.

However, it's crucial for your overall happiness.

16 prioritize self-care and mental well-being

neglect everything else
focus only on work

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Практика говоріння

Step 1: Make a story about each sphere of life. Use the

vocabulary of the day and the example of the task as a guide.

5 Task. For the chat Step 2: Record an audio or a video story about your spheres
of life and send it in your Telegram chat group.

Step 3: Sign the task with hashtags

#Day2 #namesurname #audio (if it’s an audio)

#Day2 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)


Hello, I'm Brian Tracy from Canada. In terms of my career, I make sure that I set clear boundaries
for work hours.

It's crucial to strike a balance between work and personal life.

For my Finances, I work hard to earn a living, but I also spend money sensibly and try to save up
some money for the future.

My Health is a top priority. I enjoy healthy food to stay strong and work out regularly.

When it comes to Family and friends I spend quality time with loved ones and always value time
with family. But I think I can do even more.

In matters of Romance, I believe in enjoying romantic getaways and getting along with my

For Personal growth, I make an effort to limit screen time. I meditate to reduce stress and
continuously acquire new skills.

Fun and recreation are essential too. I like to chat on social media but also embrace outdoor

Lastly, I am mindful of my Physical environment. I live in a city, but I also surround myself with
nature to find peace and balance. It's all about finding harmony in these aspects of life.
марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

6 Лексика дня (Business/carrier)

Set clear boundaries for work hours - встановлювати

чіткі межі для робочого часу

Efficiently manage my workload - ефективно

управляти своєю роботою


Earn a living - заробляти на життя

натисни сюди Save up some money - накопичувати гроші


щоб потренувати нові слова Consume nutritious food - споживати поживну їжу

Work out to stay energized - займатися спортом,

щоб залишатися енергійним

(Family and friends)

Value quality time with loved ones - цінувати час

із родиною

Hang out with friends - тусуватися із друзями


Enjoy romantic getaways - насолоджуватися

романтичними відпочинками

Get along with - ладнати з кимось, добре


Hit it off - добре ладнати

(Personal growth)

Limit screen time - обмежувати час, проведений

перед екраном 

Engage in continuous learning and skill development -

займатися постійним навчанням та розвитком

(Fun and recreation)

Emphasize the importance of downtime and relaxation

- підкреслювати важливість вільного часу та

Embrace outdoor activities - віддавати перевагу

активностям на свіжому повітрі

(Physical environment)

Reside in a bustling/chill city - проживати в

рухливому/спокійному місті

Surround yourself with nature - оточити себе


марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

середа /Wednesday
тема: time management
1 Теоретична частина
Have you ever wondered why some people get things done and others don't? It's not about
doing less, it's about managing time effectively.

2 Подивіться

3 Подивіться

Here are five common time management tips:

1 Prioritize tasks: Start by identifying the most important and urgent tasks.
Organize your to-do list based on priority and tackle the high-priority
items first.

21 Set goals: Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals. This will
help you stay focused and allocate your time accordingly.

3 Create a schedule: Develop a daily or weekly schedule outlining specific

blocks of time for different activities. This will help you allocate time for
work, breaks, and other commitments.

4 Minimize distractions: Identify and eliminate potential distractions such

as social media notifications, unnecessary meetings, or excessive
multitasking. Create a dedicated work environment and set boundaries to
stay focused.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

51 Take regular breaks: Breaks are important for maintaining productivity

and avoiding burnout. Schedule short breaks between tasks, allowing your
mind to rest and rejuvenate.

4 Практична частина

TEST Choose the correct option

When trying to improve your time management

skills, it's important to _________________
1 distractions in order to stay focused on your tasks.

eliminate unwind juggle

After a long day at work, it's essential to find
ways to _________________ and relax.
turn up at a workshop
2 carve out time for extra work tasks

Be careful not to _________________ yourself

with too many tasks; it can lead to burnout.

3 adjust overload

Successful professionals often need to ________________

responsibilities between their work and personal lives.

4 juggle overload
To improve language skills, it's helpful to _______________ 

them into your daily routine.

5 adjust implement be crucial

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Time management is _________________ for

achieving your goals and being productive.

6 crucial a distraction
catching up with friends

You need to learn how to ________________ some

time for exercise in your busy schedule.

7 unwind overburden carve out

If your daily plan isn't working, don't hesitate to

________________ to make it more efficient.
8 procrastinate adjust your schedule
juggle responsibilities

Many people choose to _________________ a workshop

or class to enhance their skills.

turn up at eliminate overload

Don't forget to _________________ your colleagues

to stay updated on the latest developments.

adjust implement catch up with

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Практика говоріння

Step 1: Plan your day by example.

‍S tep 2: Record an audio or video story about

5 Task. For the chat your plans for the day and send it in the
Telegram chat of your group.

‍S tep 3: Sign the task with hashtags

‍# Day3 #surname #audio (if it's an audio)

#Day3 #surname #video (if it's a video)

Here's my schedule:

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM: I am going to eliminate distractions and focus on my morning routine.

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM: I will unwind by dedicating this time to studying English.

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM: I will not overload myself with too many tasks but rather focus on crucial work.

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: I plan to take a lunch break to recharge.

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM: I'll adjust my schedule to continue working efficiently.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: I've implemented learning English into my daily tasks and will use this time for
language practice.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: I will carve out time for finishing work and checking emails

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: I'll adjust my schedule for exercise and relaxation.

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: I will turn up at an English workshop to improve my language skills.

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Dinner is crucial family time.I won't juggle responsibilities during this hour.

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: After dinner, I'll relax and read.

9:00 PM: Finally, catching up with my bedtime routine.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

6 Лексика дня
Eliminate a distraction - позбутися відволіканн
To unwind - розслабитис
To overburden/overload - взяти на себе надто
багато обов'язкі
To juggle responsibilities - поєднувати
(жонглювати) обов'язк
To implement learning English into daily tasks -
впровадити вивчення англійської в щоденні
натисни сюди справи
Crucial - головний
щоб потренувати нові слова To carve out time for - виділяти час (на щось
To adjust a schedule - корегувати графі
To turn up at a workshop/ a class - відвідувати
тренінг/ заняття
To catch up with - зустрічатися з кимось/
виконувати завдання

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

четвер /Thursday
1 Теоретична частина
Today we are going to relax, to talk about humor and tell stories.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a comedy woman who is good at humor, stand-up and
telling different stories in an interesting way.

In the video from Natalie you’ll find the information about conducting a conversation,
telling stories, hurry up and watch it.

We’re going to talk about family.

2 Подивіться

TED talks typically follow a structured format which includes the

following elements:
Opening: TED talks often begin with a strong opening that captures the audience's
1 attention. This could be a personal anecdote, a surprising fact, a provocative statement,
or even a captivating visual or prop.

Introduction and Background: The speaker introduces themselves and provides a brief
21 background to establish their expertise or experience in the topic they will be
discussing. This helps establish their credibility with the audience.

Storytelling or Personal Narrative: Many TED talks incorporate storytelling as a

31 powerful way to connect with the audience emotionally. This can involve sharing
personal experiences, adventures, or anecdotes related to the topic. The personal
narrative engages the audience and creates a connection between the speaker and the

Core Idea: The speaker introduces the core idea or message they want to convey. This
4 the central theme or concept that the entire talk revolves around. It should be concise, is
memorable, and thought-provoking.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

51 Supporting Concepts and Evidence: The speaker presents supporting concepts, facts,
research, or evidence that reinforce the core idea. This provides substance and credibility
to their claims, helping the audience understand and accept the main message.

61 Examples and Demonstrations: Speakers often incorporate real-life examples, case

studies, or demonstrations to make their ideas more relatable and tangible. This helps the
audience grasp the practical applications and implications of the core idea.

7 Visuals
1 and Multimedia: TED talks commonly utilize visual aids, such as slides or videos,
to enhance the storytelling and presentation. Visuals are used strategically to engage the
audience visually and amplify the impact of the speaker's message.

Call to Action or Implications: Towards the end of the talk, speakers often provide
81 to action or discuss the broader implications of their ideas. They may encourage the a call
audience to take specific steps, make changes, or adopt a different perspective related to
the topic.

91 Conclusion: The speaker wraps up the talk by summarizing the key points and reiterating
the core idea. A memorable closing statement or call-to-action leaves a lasting impact on
the audience

Overall, TED talks aim to inform, inspire, and entertain the audience by combining
engaging storytelling, compelling visuals, and powerful messages rooted in personal
experiences and strong evidence.

Let’s see an example:

The Extraordinary Power of Superman
1 Opening:

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever dreamt of having superhuman abilities? Of being
faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall
buildings in a single bound? Well, today we're going to dive into the captivating world of
Superman, the iconic superhero with extraordinary powers, and explore what makes him
so intriguing.

21 Introduction and Background:

Before we delve deeper, let me introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I have
been a lifelong fan of superheroes, particularly Superman. Growing up, I was fascinated
by his incredible strength, unwavering sense of justice, and his ability to save the day.

31 Storytelling or Personal Narrative:

I remember that magical moment as a child, donning my makeshift red cape, and
pretending to soar through the sky just like Superman. His character provided hope,
inspiring me to believe that even an ordinary individual can rise above adversity and
make a positive impact on the world.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

4 Core Idea:

Superman represents more than just a fictional figure with super strength. He embodies
the innate human desire for power, protection, and purpose. He reveals our own hidden
potential, urging us to embrace our inner hero, however small or grand it may be.

51 Supporting Concepts and Evidence:

Consider Superman's origin story. He was sent to Earth as an infant from the doomed
planet of Krypton, adopted by the humble Kent family, and raised with a strong sense of
responsibility. Despite his extraordinary abilities, it is his humanity, his compassion, and
his unwavering dedication to truth and justice that truly define him.

61 Examples and Demonstrations:

Throughout his countless adventures and battles with foes, Superman consistently
serves as a symbol of hope and inspiration. His unwavering commitment to protecting
the weak and standing up for what is right resonates with people from all walks of life.
His selflessness reminds us that we all possess the power to make a difference, no
matter our circumstances.

71 Visuals and Multimedia:

(Show relevant images of Superman in action, his iconic "S" emblem, and iconic
moments from comics or movies)

81 Call to Action or Implications:

So, what can we learn from Superman? We may not have superhuman abilities, but we
do have the power to be kind, compassionate, and to make a positive impact on the lives
of others. We can be everyday heroes in our own way—by lending a helping hand,
standing up against injustice, or simply spreading joy and positivity. Small acts of
kindness can ripple through society, creating a better world for everyone.

91 Conclusion:

In the extraordinary world of Superman, we find a reflection of our own aspirations and
dreams. Let us be inspired by his unwavering determination, his commitment to
goodness, and his enduring belief in the potential of humanity. Remember, whether
small or large, we all have the power to be heroes in our own right. So, go forth, embrace
your inner superhuman, and make this world a better place, just like Superman.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

3 Практична частина

TEST Choose the correct option

The___________ raised a significant amount of

money for the local homeless shelter.
1 charity event dainty

She wore a___________ necklace that

added a touch of elegance to her outfit.

awful scandalized dainty

Before the party, she spent hours ___________ in

3 front of the mirror, making sure every detail was perfect.

hanging out falling over herself

Athletes from around the world will ___________

4 in the upcoming Olympic Games.

tuck them in be scandalized compete

Her high ___________ gave her a

5 striking and unique appearance.

competition primping cheekbones

The bride looked absolutely ___________

in her wedding gown.
scandalized tucked in gorgeous

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

After a long week of work, I like to___________

with friends at our favorite coffee shop.

compete hang out fall over myself

She ___________ trying to impress the hiring

manager during the job interview.

8 fell over herself tucked her in

was scandalized
Every night, she _______ her children ____,

making sure they are warm and comfortable.

hangs ___ out tucks ____ in
primps ___ up

Some people may ___________ by his unconventional

10 behavior, but he doesn't care what others think.

be scandalized fall over themselves

Практика говоріння

Step 1: Today we have 2 task options for you to
choose from.

- O ption 1: R ecord an audio or video of you reading

M aisel ’ s joke. T ry to imitate M eisel's intonation and

4 Task. For the chat - O ption 2: R ecord an audio or video and tell your
own story, a joke, imagining yourself as a famous

Step 2: Send the task to the Telegram chat of your


Step 3: Sign the task with the hashtag s

#Day4 #namesurname #audio (if it's an audio)

#Day4 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)


марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий


Shy Baldwin. So you’ve heard of him, he's

pretty great, ha. You know where we met? In
the ladies’ room. No, seriously, we did. At a
charity event. I mean picture it: this pretty
dainty elegant thing primping in the mirror...
And there I was right next to him. How do you
compete with those cheekbones? Those Ava
Gardner cheekbones. The man is so gorgeous
that Arthur Miller is sniffing around him. He's
the only person gorgeous enough to play
Romeo & Juliet.

So I've been hanging out with Shy on tour

and I discovered that all he has to do is sit. He
has a guy for everything else.

You see him on the road, his guys falling over

themselves outside his door: “Whatever you
need, Shy. Let me tuck you in, Shy. Let me get
that makeup off your collar, Shy”. Don't be
scandalized, it's his.

6 Лексика дня charity event - благодійний захі

dainty - витончени
primp - чепуритис
compete - змагатис
cheekbones - скул
gorgeous - прекрасний, розкішний
натисни сюди hang out - тусуватися, проводити разом
щоб потренувати нові слова fall over yourself - зі шкури лізти, дуже
прагнути щось зробит
tuck someone in - укладати когось,
особливо дітей, в ліжко, поправляючи
be scandalized - обурюватися, не
схвалювати чиюсь поведінку

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

п’ятниця /Friday
1 Теоретична частина
Today we will talk about self-expression and self-confidence. We want to tell you
about the Burning Man festival. This annual event is famous for its unique culture
that combines art, self-expression and self-confidence.

2 Подивіться

3 Подивіться

Here are the principles or "commandments" of the Burning Man

1 Radical Inclusion: Everyone is welcome at Burning Man. It's a diverse and inclusive
community that encourages participation and self-expression.

21 Gifting: Instead of commercial transactions, participants are encouraged to offer gifts to

one another. This fosters a sense of generosity and community.

марафон страх говорити рівень високий

31 Decommodification: Burning Man is a place where commercial sponsorships,

transactions, and advertising are not allowed. It's about authentic experiences, not

41 Radical Self-reliance: Participants are expected to be self-reliant. They bring their own
food, water, and shelter and are prepared to take care of themselves and their needs.

51 Radical Self-expression: The festival encourages participants to express themselves

creatively. This can be through art, clothing, performance, or any other form of self-

61 Communal Effort: Cooperation and collaboration are central to Burning Man. Participants
are encouraged to work together to build and maintain the community.

7 Civic Responsibility: Participants are expected to take responsibility for their actions and
for the well-being of the community.

81 Leaving No Trace: The principle of "Leave No Trace" means that participants clean up after
themselves and ensure that the desert environment is as pristine as when they arrived.

91 Participation: The festival is not a spectator event. Everyone is encouraged to actively

participate, whether by creating art, performing, or contributing in other ways.

101 Immediacy: Participants are encouraged to engage in the present moment, to be open to
the experience, and to create a sense of immediacy.

These principles create a unique and transformative experience at Burning Man, fostering
creativity, community, and self-discovery.

4 Практична частина

TEST 1 Choose the correct option

Many young athletes _______________

their sports heroes as role models.
look up to inspirational
strike a chord with

W o r k
Workbookb o o k
марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

A _______________ person doesn't boast

2 about their achievments.

proactive humble endearing

His _______________ nature helped him overcome

difficulties and kept moving forward.
resilient desire to personality traits

Her story is truly _______________ and encourages

people to make positive changes.

inspirational inspirational
to go through something
Being _______________ means taking action
rather than waiting for things to happen.
endearing proactive humble

His _______________ personality makes him really

popular among his friends.

6 personality traits inspirational
She _______________ to improve her skills and
get a promotion.
has a desire look up strike a chord

The film's theme of friendship and loyalty

_______________ people of all ages.
struck a chord with looked up
had a desire to

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Understanding one's _______________ can lead to personal

9 growth and better communication with other people.

inspirational personality traits humble

People who _______________ challenges often

10 become more resilient.

look up to go through endearing

TEST 2 Choose the correct option

The city's architecture blends historical 

and _______________ styles.

contemporary picturesque
The _______________ scenery of the countryside

attracts tourists and photographers.

peaceful picturesque well-kept
The shopping district is always _______________

during the holiday season.

3 crowded scruffy

The _______________ atmosphere of the village

makes it an ideal place to unwind.

crowded sprawling areas

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

The neighborhood is known for its

_______________ gardens and tidy streets.
5 well-kept crowded

The city has several _______________ that are perfect

for hiking and exploration.

6 sprawling areas picturesque

The _______________ architecture of the cathedral

amazed visitors.
7 well-kept magnificent

Far from the well-kept city centre, tourists can

see a lot of _______________ areas.
8 scruffy contemporary

The remote island remains _______________ by

modern development.
unspoiled sprawling

The stunning natural beauty of the national park

can easily _______________.

steal your heart picturesque

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

Практика говоріння

Step 1: Choose what you are going to talk about: the city or
the person you are proud of and make a story.

5 Task. For the chat Step 2: Record an audio or a video story and send it in the
Telegram chat of your group.

Step 3: Sign the task with hashtags

#Day5 #namesurname #audio (if it's an audio)

#Day5 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)

Example of the story about a city:

I was born and raised in Chernivtsi. It is a regional capital,

located in the western part of Ukraine. To start with,
Chernivtsi is a combination of contemporary buildings and
picturesque places. Even though during the day it gets really
crowded beyond the city center, there are sprawling areas of
unspoiled nature and a variety of well-kept parks and gardens
where you can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. 

However, not all parts of the city are so well-kept.

Unfortunately, some areas are a bit scruffy and it’s really
upsetting for the locals.

One of the best things about my hometown is its magnificent

architecture. The historic buildings and churches are just
amazing. One of the most popular tourist attractions is
Chertnivtsi National University with its beautiful botanical
garden. Visitors are always amazed by the city’s culture and
rich history. The locals are incredibly friendly and kind and
always ready to help. No matter where you go in this city, it
has the power to steal your heart.

Example of the story about a person:

The famous Ukrainian I look up to is Anton Ptushkin. Anton is

an endearing traveler whose experience is really inspirational
for many people, including me. In my opinion, he is a resilient
person. It is not easy to travel all the time, so he constantly goes
through many challenges. What’s more, Anton is really
proactive - he can find the way out of any situation. I guess it’s
an important personality trait for any person and I would really
like to develop it as well. I think it's difficult for him to set clear
boundaries for work hours but I can feel that he absolutely
loves what he does. 

To sum up, I have a great desire to visit as many as possible and

that’s why Anton’s story really strikes a chord with me.

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

6 Лексика дня.

Говоримо про людину.

to look up to - рівнятись на когос
humble - скромни
resilient - життєрадісний, такий, що додає всі

перешкоди і труднощ
inspirational - надихаючи
натисни сюди proactive - проактивний, той, хто готовий діят
endearing - той, хто всім подобаєтьс
to have a desire to do something - мати бажання

щоб потренувати нові слова

робити щос
to strike a chord with - те, що відгукується, чіпляє
personality traits - риси характер
to go through something - проходити через щось,

переживати якісь події

7 Лексика дня.

Говоримо про місто.

contemporary - сучасни
picturesque - мальовничи
crowded - переповнений людьм
peaceful - спокійни
well-kept - доглянутий
натисни сюди scruffy - недоглянутий
magnificent - величний, чудови
щоб потренувати нові слова sprawling areas - ділянки, які розкинулись на

значну територі
unspoiled - незіпсований
to steal someone’s heart - "вкрасти чиєсь серце"

(коли щось дуже подобається)

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий


Effective communication. Life spheres.

1 Howdy
1 set clear boundaries for work

2 Work
earning a living

3 Engaged
3 save up some money

4 Passion 
4 consume nutritious food

valuing quality time with loved

5 Big
5 ones

6 Wanderlust
6 hang out with friends

7 Free spirit
7 enjoy romantic getaways

Limiting screen time

8 Light-hearted person
engage in continuous learning
9 Driven person
9 and skill development

10 Timekeeper 10
Emphasizing the importance of
downtime and relaxation

11 reside in a bustling city

12 surrounding yourself with


13 work out to stay energized

14 embrace outdoor activities

Time management. 15
value quality time with loved

TEST 16 prioritize self-care and mental


1 eliminate

2 unwind

3 overload


4 juggle
Public speaking
5 implement 
6 crucial
1 charity event

7 carve out
2 dainty

8 adjust your schedule

3 primping

9 turn up at
4 compete

10 catch up with 5 cheekbones

6 gorgeous 

7 hang out

8 fell over herself

9 tucks in

10 be scandalized

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий


Self-expression and self-confidence.

1 look up to
1 contemporary

2 humble
2 picturesque

3 resilient
3 crowded

4 inspirational
4 peaceful

5 proactive 
5 well-kept 

6 endearing
6 sprawling areas

has a desire
7 magnificent

struck a chord
8 scruffy

9 personality traits 
9 unspoiled

10 go through 10 steal your heart

марафон страх говорити Рівень Високий

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