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Họ và tên:_______________________________________________ Lớ p:________________________

1. Vocabularies
No Word Part of Pronunciation Meaning
1 Allowed adj /ə'laʊd/ Đượ c phép
2 Alcohol n /'ælkəhɔːl/ Đồ uố ng có cồ n
3 Automatic adj /,ɔːtə'mætɪk/ Tự độ ng
4 Bumpy adj /'bʌmpɪ/ Gồ ghề (đườ ng)
5 Careful adj /’keəfʊl/ cẩ n thậ n
6 Carry V /'kærɪ/ Mang theo, chở ngườ i
7 Cross V /krɔːs/ Bă ng qua
8 Crossroad n /'krɔːsrəʊd/ Giao lộ
9 Corridor n /'kɔːrɪdɔːr/ Hà nh lang, dả i phâ n cá ch
10 Crash (into) V /kræʃ/ Đâ m và o
11 Cyclist n /'saɪklɪst/ Ngườ i đi xe đạ p
12 Driving license n /'draɪvɪŋ 'laɪsns/ Bằ ng lá i xe
13 Daily adj /'deilɪ/ Hằ ng ngà y, thườ ng ngà y
14 Dangerously adv /'deindʒrəsli/ Mộ t cá ch nguy hiểm
15 Examine V /ɪg'zæmɪn/ Khá m nghiệm, kiểm tra
16 Experience n /ɪk'spɪrɪəns/ Kinh nghiệm
17 Experienced adj /ɪk'spɪrɪənst/ Có kinh nghiệm
18 Inexperienced adj /.ɪmk'spɪrɪənst/ Thiếu kinh nghiệm
19 Engine n /'endʒɪn/ Độ ng cơ
20 Especially adv /ɪs'peʃəlɪ/ Đặ c biệt là
21 Footpath n /'fʊtpæθ/ Lố i đi bộ
22 Fasten V /'fæsn/ Thắ t, cà i
23 Fine V /faɪn/ Phạ t
24 Give a signal V /gɪv ə 'sɪgnəl/ Đưa tín hiệu, xi nhan
25 Handlebars n /'hændlbɑːz/ Ghi đô ng xe đạ p
26 Helmet n /'helmɪt/ Mũ bả o hiểm
27 Indicate V /'ɪndɪkeit/ Chỉ, xá c định cá i gì
28 Increase n, V /ɪn'kri:s/ Tă ng, sự tă ng lên
29 Install V /ɪ'stɔːl/ Lắ p đặ t, cà i đặ t
30 Installation n /.ɪnstə'leiʃn/ Sự lắ p đặ t, cà i đặ t
31 Junction n /'dʒʌŋkʃn/ Giao lộ , điểm giao nhau
32 Lane n /lein/ Là n đườ ng
33 Cycle lane n /'saikl lein/ Là n đườ ng cho xe đạ p
34 Law n /lɔː/ Luậ t
35 Illegal adj /ɪ'li:gl/ Bấ t hợ p phá p
36 Left-handed adj /.left 'hændɪd/ Thuậ n tay trá i
37 Right-handed adj /.rait'hændɪd/ Thuậ n tay phả i
38 Light-coloured adj /,lait 'kʌlərd/ Mà u sá ng
Means of /mi:nzəv
39 n Phương tiện giao thô ng
transport 'trænspɔːrt/
40 Legally adv /li:gəlɪ/ Mộ t cá ch hợ p phá p
41 Mechanical fault n /mə'kænɪkl fɔːlt/ Lỗ i kĩ thuậ t
42 Obey V /ə'bei/ Tuâ n thủ
43 Obedient adj /ə'bi:diənt/ Biết nghe lờ i
44 Obedience n /ə'bi:diəns/ Sự tuâ n thủ
45 Open-air market n Chợ trờ i
'eər 'mɑːrkɪt/
46 Overweight adj /'əʊvəweit/ Quá câ n, thừ a câ n
47 Prohibit V /prə'hɪbɪt/ Cấ m
48 Pavement n /'peivmənt/ Vỉa hè
49 Pond n /pɒnd/ Ao (nướ c)
50 Passenger n /'pæsɪndʒər/ Hà nh khá ch
51 Pedestrian n /pə'destriən/ Ngườ i đi bộ
52 Poor-quality adj /pʊr'kwa:lətɪ/ Chấ t lượ ng kém
53 Prevent V /prɪ’vent/ Ngă n chặ n
54 Queue V /kju:/ Xếp hà ng
55 Reverse V /r'ɪvɜːrs/ Lù i xe (ô tô )
56 Rush hour n /rʌʃ 'aʊər/ Giờ cao điểm
57 Reduce V /rɪ'dju:s/ Giả m
58 Safe adj /seif/ An toà n
59 Safely adv /'seiflɪ/ Mộ t cá ch an toà n
60 Safety n /'seiftɪ/ Sự an toà n
61 Seatbelt n /’si:tbelt/ Dâ y an toà n
62 Sign n /sain/ Biển bá o
63 Signal n /'sɪgnəl/ Tín hiệu, xi nhan
Phiếu phạ t tiền vì vi phạ m tố c
64 Speed ticket n /spi:d 'tɪkɪt/
65 Speed limit n /spi:d 'lɪmɪt/ Giớ i hạ n tố c độ
66 Suffer from V /'sʌfər frɒm/ Gá nh chịu hậ u quả từ ...
67 System n /'sɪstəm/ Hệ thố ng
68 Suburb n /'sʌbɜːrb/ Vù ng ngoạ i ô
69 Stuck adj /stʌk/ Bị mắ c kẹt
70 Traffic jam n /'træfɪk dʒæm/ ù n tắ c giao thô ng
Traffic /'træfɪk
71 n Ù n tắ c giao thô ng
congestion kən'dʒestʃən/
72 Traffic lights n /'træfɪk laits/ Đèn giao thô ng
73 Traffic accident n /'træfɪk Tai nạ n giao thô ng
74 Traffic signals n /'træfɪk 'sɪgnəlz/ Tín hiệu giao thô ng
75 Tricycle n /'traisɪkl/ Xe đạ p 3 bá nh
76 Vehicle n /'vi:əkl/, /'vi:hɪkl/ Xe cộ
77 Warn (of) V /wɔːrn/ Cả nh bá o (về)
78 Wave V /weiv/ vẫ y, gọ i
79 Watch out V /wɒtʃ aʊt/ Coi chừ ng, cẩ n trọ ng
80 Zebra crossing n /'zi:brə 'krɔːsɪŋ/ Vạ ch sang đườ ng

2. Collocations
No. Collocation Meaning
1 Be allowed to V
2 Be good / bad for sb / sth
3 Fall off
Fall down
Fall over
4 Get in >< Get out of
Get on >< Get off
5 Get stuck
6 Go out = Hang out
7 Help sb with sth
8 Let sb + V
9 Take sb to + N
10 Warn sb about sth

3. Word form
No. Word Part of speech Meaning
1 Cycle V Đạ p xe
n Ngườ i đạ p xe
adj Tuầ n hoà n, có tính chu kỳ
adv Đều đặ n, theo chu kỳ
2 Distance n Khoả ng cá ch
adj Xa xô i
adv Xa cá ch, lạ nh nhạ t
3 Obey V Tuâ n theo, vâ ng lờ i
n Sự tuâ n theo >< Sự khô ng tuâ n theo
adj Biết tuâ n theo, vâ ng lờ i >< Khô ng biết

tuâ n theo, vâ ng lờ i
Mộ t cá ch ngoan ngoã n, vâ ng lờ i ><
Khô ng phụ c tù ng, vâ ng lờ i
4 Sign V Ký, ra dấ u hiệu
Sign n Dấ u hiệu, ký hiệu
n Tín hiệu
V Bá o hiệu
n Chữ ký
adj Đượ c đá nh dấ u >< Khô ng đượ c đá nh dấ u
adv Mộ t cá ch nổ i bậ t, đá ng chú ý
5 Turn V Quay, rẽ
Turning n Ngã rẽ, lố i rẽ

/aɪ/ /eɪ/
Nguyên â m đô i Nguyên â m đô i
(Phân loại âm)
 Phá t â m bằ ng cá ch đọ c â m /a/,  Phá t â m bằ ng cá ch đọ c â m /e/, sau
sau đó di chuyển về phía â m /ɪ/. đó di chuyển về phía â m /ɪ/.
 Khi bắ t đầ u, miệng mở hình  Khi bắ t đầ u, miệng mở rộ ng thoả i
How to
ovan, lưỡ i hạ thấ p chạ m hà m má i, đầ u lưỡ i chạ m hà m ră ng dướ i,
ră ng dướ i. Sau đó , mô i dầ n kéo hà m hạ . Sau đó , mô i dầ n kéo sang hai
(Cách phát âm)
sang hai bên về phía tai, hà m bên về phía tai, hà m dướ i nâ ng lên
dướ i nâ ng lên mộ t chú t. Kết thú c mộ t chú t.
â m, mô i mở hờ . Kết thú c â m, mô i mờ hờ .
Letters ie (pie), i_e (side), i (sign), y (try), ay (stay), ai (main), ea (great), a_e
(Dấu hiệu) ye (bye), uy (buy) (indicate), ey (prey)

Exercise 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. Rest B. Help C. Garden D. Identify
2. A. Traffic B. Pavement C. Plane D. Station
3. A. Recycle B. Vehicle C. Helicopter D. Decent
4. A. Sign B. Mistake C. Triangle D. Drive
5. A. Nearest B. Head C. Bread D. Health
6. A. Railway B. Mail C. Sail D. Captain
7. A. Game B. Arrange C. Skate D. Cake
8. A. Hobby B. Doll C. Collect D. Clock
9. A. Difficult B. Unusual C. Uncle D. Result
10. A. Piano B. Fish C. Like D. Badminton
Exercise 2. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. Cyclist B. Corridor C. Increase D. Bumpy
2. A. Prohibit B. Overweight C. Signal D. Seatbelt
3. A. Examine B. Experience C. Mechanical D. Passenger
4. A. Reduce B. Seatbelt C. Reverse D. Prevent
5. A. Legally B. Pavement C. Obedient D. Suburb
6. A. Tricycle B. Congestion C. Vehicle D. Zebra
7. A. Illegal B. Legally C. Safety D. Seatbelt
8. A. Examine B. Footpath C. Engine D. Dangerously
9. A. Install B. Begin C. Fasten D. Especially
10. A. Handlebars B. Junction C. Obey D. Helmet
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and complete the words with the clues given.

1. H_ _M_T 2. L_N_ 3. P_ _ _ _B_ _

4. P_N_ 5. Q_ _U_ 6. Z_ _ _ _C_ _ _S_ _ _

7. S_ _N 8. T_ _C_ _ _ _ 9. T_ _ _F_ _L_ _ _ _S

10. C_ _S_ 11. _ _ _A S_ _ _ _ _ 12. O_ _ _W_ _ _ _T

Exercise 2. Choose the word(s) that doesn’t belong to the group.
1. A. Pavement B. Pond C. Crossroad D. Junction
2. A. Illegal B. Law C. Fine D. Lane
3. A. Prevent B. Queue C. Rush hour D. Reverse
4. A. System B. Suburb C. Stuck D. Tricycle
5. A. Safely B. Pavement C. Installation D. Helmet
6. A. Prohibit B. Obedient C. Wave D. Obey
7. A. Install B. Indicate C. Reduce D. Safe
8. A. System B. Obedient C. Pavement D. Law
9. A. Reverse B. Rush hour C. Safety D. Sign
10. A. Corridor B. Allowed C. Crossroad D. Footpath
Exercise 3. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meaning on the right.
1. helmet A. an official document that shows that you are qualified to drive
B. a person who is travelling in a car, bus, train, plane or ship and who is not
2. alcohol
driving it or working on it
3. driving
C. a flat part at the side of a road for people to walk on
D. a type of hard hat that protects the head, worn, for example, by a police
4. junction officer, a soldier or a person riding a bike or motorbike or playing some
E. a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to
5. passenger
another, such as a car or lorry
6. rush hour F. drinks such as beer, wine, etC. that can make people drunk
G. a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move
7. pavement
very slowly
8. suburb H. the place where two or more roads or railway lines meet
9. traffic jam I. an area where people live that is outside the centre of a city
J. the time, usually twice a day, when the roads are full of traffic and trains
10. vehicle
are crowded because people are travelling to or from work
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases in the box to complete the
sentences below.
careful carry dangerously fined passenger
prohibit prevent safe vehicle system
1. Please be more _______________ next time.
2. Don’t go near the edge. It isn’t _______________.
3. Dave saw a _______________ sprinkling water on the street.
4. The fire is sparking _______________,
5. Could you help me _______________ my luggage?
6. The government decided to _______________ the import of toxic waste
7. Nobody can _______________ us from getting married.
8. Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be _______________ heavily.
9. A new computer _______________ entails a lot of re-training.
10. _______________ ships are a costly way to travel.
Exercise 5.
Task 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each sentence.
1. People should obey traffic rules.
A. take B. hear C. listen D. follow
2. Do you usually ride to school?
A. fly B. go C. cycle D. drive
3. Pedestrians should cross the road at the zebra crossing.
A. had better B. can C. need D. ought
4. My mother sometimes goes to work by bus.
A. on bus B. with a bus C. on a bus D. in a bus
5. We are not allowed to cross the road on a red light.
A. don’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
Task 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each sentence.
1. In Moscow, police will fine you if you drive a dirty car.
A. catch B. reward C. punish D. penalize
2. I got up late, so I couldn’t catch the bus in time.
A. newly B. previously C. early D. recently
3. You must slow down at crossroads.
A. speed up B. reduce speed C. stop D. delay
4. The public transport in this city is very cheap.
A. good B. expensive C. clean D. available
5. My father drives very carefully.
A. don’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
Exercise 6. Put the means of transport into the correct group.
tram (street car) lorry bicycle (bike) motorbike underground
helicopter caravan moped kayak train
boat bus plane car van
coach ship taxi
Road Air Sea

Exercise 7. Match the collocations on the left with their meaning on the right.
A. to allow something to happen or someone to do something by not doing
1. allow
anything to stop an action or by giving your permission
2. bad for B. to fall to the ground
C. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right,
3. fall down
especially secretly or by force
4. get in D. to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent
something from happening
5. get stuck E. to make someone realize a possible danger or problem, especially one in
the future
6. hang out F. unpleasant and causing difficulties
7. help G. to succeed in entering a place, especially by using force or a trick
8. let H. unable to move or to be moved
I. to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of
9. steal
the work themselves or by providing advice, money, support, etc.
10. warn J. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with suitable collocations in the box.

allow to fell down bad for hang out get in
help with get stuck warned stealing let
1. John has one or two shirts to _______________.
2. It’s _______________ your health to be physically inactive.
3. You can _______________ with this set of keys.
4. Jack slipped on the banana peel and _______________.
5. _______________ cool for 20 minutes before serving.
6. Follow your own course, and _______________ people talk.
7. Our friends _______________ us about the dog across the street.
8. She admitted _______________ the money from her employers.
9. He needs more _______________ the project.
10. If you _______________, click on Help.
Exercise 9. These pairs of words are easily confused. Choose the best word for each
1. The bus was really crowded / crowed, and we had to stand.
2. There is a traffic jar/ jam on the highway.
3. Jack put on his helmet and mounted his bike/ fine.
4. Some tours are taken in a helicopter/ photographer.
5. Peter opened the passenger floor/ door with a hopeful smile.
6. Bob ate/ eight another cookie in troubled silence.
7. I will wait/ weight for you to come to the library.
8. She’ll have to stay hear/ here tonight.
9. I saw Jane’s picture on your/ you’re refrigerator.
10. The rush-hour/ rush-our trains are normally extremely busy.
Exercise 10. Choose the correct answers.
1. Drivers have to _______________ your seatbelt whenever they drive.
A. put B. tie C. fasten D. put on
2. We should wait for the traffic lights _______________ before we cross the street.
A. turn green B. to turn green C. turn yellow D. to turn yellow
3. All of us have to obey _______________ strictly.
A. traffic rules B. traffic C. traffic jam D. regular
4. Cyclists and motorists have to wear a _______________ when they ride a motorbike.
A. hard hat B. cap C. mask D. helmet
5. He forgot to give a _______________ before he turned left and got a ticket.
A. signal B. sign C. light D. hand
6. _______________ does it take from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City by plane?
A. How far B. How much C. How long D. How many
7. There _______________ a bus station in the city centre, but it has been moved to the suburbs.
A. used to be B. used to have C. use to have D. were
8. I _______________ marbles when I was young, but now I don’t.
A. play B. used to play C. have played D. didn’t use to play
9. “_______________ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” - “About 50 metres.”
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much
10. We should _______________ the street at the zebra crossing.
A. walk B. walk on C. walk through D. walk across
11. Lan used to go to school _______________.
A. with bicycle B. by foot C. in car D. by bus
12. Public _______________ in my town is good and cheap.
A. transport B. tour C. journey D. travel
13. _______________ is not very far from here to the city centre.
A. That B. This C. It D. There
14. When there is a traffic jam, it _______________ me a very long time to go home.
A. costs B. takes C. lasts D. spends
15. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school _______________ her school is very far from her house.
A. but B. though C. because D. or
16. Yesterday Hoa and Lan _______________ round West Lake. It took them an hour.
A. cycle B. cycles C. cycling D. cycled
17. Minh used to _______________ his homework late in the evening.
A. does B. do C. doing D. did
18. If people _______________ the rules, there are no more accidents.
A. follow B. take care of C. obey D. remember
19. You should _______________ right and left when you go across the roads.
A. see B. look C. be D. take
20. Hurry up or we can’t _______________ the last bus home.
A. keep B. follow C. go D. catch


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