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UNIT 10.

No Word Part of speech Pronunciation Meaning
1 Abundant adj /ə'bʌndənt/ Dư thừa
2 Advantage n /əd’vɑ:ntɪdʒ/ Lợi ích, ưu điểm
3 Affect v /ə'fekt/ Ảnh hưởng
4 Alternative adj /ɔ:l'tɜ:nətɪv/ Dùng để thay thế
5 Appliance n /ə'plaiəns/ Đồ dùng, thiết bị (điện)
6 Available adj /ə'veiləbl/ sẵn có
7 Avoid v /ə'vɔid/ Tránh làm gì
8 Biogas n /'baiəʊgæs/ Khí ga sinh học
Tổng khí thải được tạo ra bởi các
9 Carbon footprint n /,kɑ:rbən'fʊtpɪnt/
hoạt động của con người
10 Climate change n /'klaimət tʃeindʒ/ Thay đổi khí hậu
11 Coal n /kəʊl/ Than đá
12 Convert (into) v /kən'vɜ:rt/ Chuyển hóa, biến đổi
Considerate adj /kən'sɪ'dərət/ Quan tâm, tốt bụng
Inconsiderate adj /.ɪ'nkən'sɪ'dərət/ Thờ ơ, lãnh đạm
14 Crack n /kræk/ Chỗ nứt
15 Dam n /dæm/ Cái đập nước
16 Depend (on) v /dɪ'pend/ Phụ thuộc(vào)
Rely (on) v /ri'lai/ Phụ thuộc vào
Effect (on) n /ɪ'fekt/ Sự ảnh hưởng
n /'gri:n haʊs ɪ'fekt/ Hiệu ứng nhà kính
17 effect
Electric adj /ɪ’lektrɪk/ Chạy bằng điện
18 Electrical adj /ɪ’lektrɪkl/ (Thuộc) điện
Electricity n /ɪ.lek'trɪsətɪ/ Điện
Emission n /ɪ'mɪʃn/ Sự thải ra
Emit v /ɪ'mɪt/ Thải ra
Energy n /'enərdʒɪ/ Nguồn năng lượng
Hydro / /'haidrəʊ/
Hydrogen n /'haidrədʒən Năng lượng nước
energy 'enədʒɪ/
Wind energy n /wɪnd 'enədʒɪ/ Năng lượng gió
Solar energy n /'səʊlər 'enədʒɪ/ Năng lượng mặt trời
21 Exhaustible adj /ig'zɔ:stəbəl/ Cạn kiệt
Extreme weather /ɪk'stri:m 'weðər Hiện tượng thời tiết
22 n
event ɪ'vent/ cực đoan
Fossil fuel n /'fɒsl 'fju:əl/ Nhiên liệu hóa thạch
Fuel /'fju:əl/ Nhiên liệu
Generate v /'dʒenəreit/ Tạo ra, phát ra
Produce v /prə'du:s/ Tạo ra, sản xuất ra
25 Global warming n /.gləʊbl 'wɔ:rmɪŋ/ Sự nóng lên toàn cầu
Harm n,v /hɑ:rm/ Mối nguy hại, làm hại
26 Harmful adj /'hɑ:rmfl/ Có hại
Harmless adj /'hɑ:rmləs/ Vô hại
27 Heat n,v /hi:t/ Khí nóng, đốt nóng, sưởi ấm
Increase v /ɪn'kri:s/ Tăng
Increasingly adv /ɪn'kri:sɪŋlɪ/ Một cách tăng dần
29 Install v /ɪn'stɔ:l/ Lắp đặt, cài đặt
Invest (in) v /ɪn'vest/ Đầu tư vào
Investment n /ɪn'vestmənt/ Sự đầu tư
41 Last v /læst/ Tồn tại, kéo dài
31 Lead to v /li:d/ Dần đến, gây ra
32 Light bulb n /lait bʌlb/ Bóng đèn
Limited adj /'lɪmɪtɪd/ Có hạn
Unlimited adj /ʌn'lɪmɪtɪd/ Vô hạn
34 Low-energy adj /ləʊ-'enərdʒɪ/ Tiêu thụ ít năng lượng
Main adj /mein/ Chính
Mainly adv /'meinlɪ/ Chủ yếu
36 Natural gas n /,nætʃrəl 'gæs/ Khí ga tự nhiên
37 Natural resources n /.nætʃrəl rɪ'sɔ:sɪz/ Nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
38 Negative adj /'negətɪv/ Tiêu cực
Non-renewable adj /,nɒn rɪ'nu:əbl/ Không thể tái tạo được
Renewable adj /rɪ'nu:əbl/ Có thể tái tạo được
40 Nuclear adj /'nju:kliə/ Thuộc về hạt nhân
41 Overcool v /,əʊvə'ku:l/ Làm cho quá lạnh
42 Overheat v /,əʊvə'hi:t/ Làm cho quá nóng
43 Panel n /'pænl/ Tấm ghép
44 Plentiful adj /'plentɪfl/ Dồi dào
Pollutant n /pə'lu:tənt/ Chất gây ô nhiễm
Pollute v /pə'lu:t/ Làm ô nhiễm
Polluted adj /pə'lu:tɪd/ Bị ô nhiễm
Pollution n /pə'lu:ʃn/ Sự ô nhiễm
46 Positive ad) /'pɒzətɪv/ Tích cực
Năng lượng, cung cấp năng
47 Power n, v /'paʊər/
lượng để vận hành
48 Produce v /prə'du:s/ Tạo ra, sản xuất ra
49 Reduce v /rɪ'dju:s/ Giảm
50 Release v /rɪ'li:s/ Thải ra
51 Replace v /rɪ’pleis/ Thay thế
52 Run out vphr. /rʌn aʊt/ Hết, cạn kiệt
53 Save v /seiv/ Tiết kiệm
54 Shortage n /ʃɔ:rtɪdʒ/ Sự thiếu hụt
55 Solar panel n /,səʊlar 'paenl/ Tâm năng lượng mặt trời
56 Solution n /sə'lu:ʃn/ Giải pháp
Solve v /sɒlv/ Giải quyết
57 Source of energy n /sɔ:rs əv 'enərdʒɪ/ Nguồn năng lượng
58 Syllable n /'sɪləbl/ Âm tiết
59 Tap n /tæp/ Vòi
60 Trap v /træp/ Giữ lại, mắc kẹt
61 Use v /ju:z/ Sử dụng
62 Waste v /weist/ Lãng phí
63 Wind turbine n /'wɪnd tɜ:rbain/ Tua bin gió

Activity 1. Listen to the recording and tick  the correct pictures. - Track 13

B. 
A. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

Activity 2. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. - Track 14

Daylight saving (1) ______________ in the United States is setting the clock forward by one hour
when there is longer daylight during the (2) ______________ so that evenings have more daylight and
mornings have less. In the U.S., daylight saving time starts on the second (3) ______________ in
March and ends on the first Sunday in November, with the time changes taking place at 2:00 a.m.
local time. With a mnemonic wordplay referring to (4) ______________, clocks “spring forward, fall
back”—that is, in springtime, the clocks are moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., and in fall,
they are moved back from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daylight (5) ______________ time lasts for 34 weeks
(238 days) every year, about 65% of the year.
Activity 3. Listen to the recording and fill in the blank. - Track 15
A. Turn off the TV, computer, and other electrical devices
B. put on more clothing instead of turning up the heating
C. Having a shower instead of a bath
D. when you're not using them
E. When the refrigerator door is left open
Saving Energy at Home
There are many things we can do to save energy around our homes. Saving energy reduces
pollution, which creates a healthier living environment.
There are many easy ways to save energy:
 Remember to turn off the lights (1) ______________
 (2) ______________ when not in use
 Don't leave the refrigerator door open. (3) ______________
 it has to work harder to keep the food cool. Keep the door closed and keep the cool air in!
 Wash clothes at a cooler temperature.
 If you are feeling cold, (4) ______________
 (5) ______________ will save a lot of hot water.
Activity 4. Listen to the recording and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). - Track
Sentences True (T) False (F)
1. Wind energy is a bad example of renewable energy.
2. Wind turbines are generally grouped in windy locations to form wind
3. Nowadays, many countries are developing wind energy.
4. The electricity produced by wind power has increased by more than 14%
in recent years.
5. The world's smallest offshore wind turbines are in Great Britain.

Exercise 1. Read the text below and choose ONE word from the box to fill in each blank.
pollution energy environment solar
alternative heated fossil fuel electricity
(1) ______________ is the most common source of energy today, but it is not considered clean
energy. There are various other sources of (2) ______________ energy that must be incorporated if
the next generations are expected to have (3) ______________. Water, wind, the internal heat of the
Earth, and the sun are all being harnessed to create energy. Geothermal energy and (4)
______________ energy are more common. Homes are being (5) ______________ and cooled, cars
are being driven, and (6) ______________ is used all from these various alternative sources of energy.
All are examples of clean energy, which is better for the (7) ______________ because it does not
cause (8) ___________.
Exercise 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
(1) ______________ is fundamental to human beings. Many poor people in developing
countries do not have modern (2) ______________ of energy like electricity or (3) ______________
which their life can be improved.
People who live in mountainous areas have to gather wood for (4) ______________. This
takes a lot of time. For many people living in rural areas, biogas is the largest energy resource (5)
______________. The main use of biogas is for cooking and heating, but it can also (6)
______________ energy for public transport. As biogas is smoke-free, it helps solve the problem of
indoor air (7) ______________. Moreover, it’s made from plant waste and animal manure. They cost
almost nothing.
The tendency to use (8) ______________ energy sources in developing countries is on the
increase as non-renewable ones are (9) ______________. In the future, the wind and the sun will be
used as the most important (10) ______________ energy sources.
1. A. Power B. Energy C. Electricity D. Pollution
2. A. sources B. resources C. origins D. places
3. A. natural air B. nature gas C. nature air D. natural gas
4. A. light B. electricity C. fuel D. energy
5. A. available B. renewable C. non-renewable D. exist
6. A. create B. provide C. make D. get
7. A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutants
8. A. sources B. renewable C. clean D. convenient
9. A. running on B. carrying out C. using up D. running out
10. A. environmental friendly B. friendly environmental
C. environmentally friendly D. friendly environmentally
Exercise 3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
(1) ______________ energy is the key to our future. If we do not use it, our planet will not (2)
______________. We do not have enough resources on Earth to (3) ______________ our , energy
needs. We are slowly using solar energy more. Most places you go in the world today you can see
solar (4) ______________ on people’s houses. I hope that in the future, all houses (5)
______________ solar power. It’s so simple. In fact, it’s free. All you have to do is (6) ______________
for the solar panels and some other equipment, and then you have free (7) ______________.
Research into solar energy is still in its early days. I think in the future it will be everywhere. We’ll be
able to buy solar panels from our local DIY store. I also think we’ll be wearing clothes that provide
solar power, and we’ll be driving cars (8) ______________ by solar energy.
1. A. Solar B. Sun C. Non-renewable D. Renewable
2. A. die B. survive C. pollute D. extinct
3. A. make B. produce C. supply D. use
4. A. energy B. panels C. power D. systems
5. A. use B. have used C. used D. will use
6. A. buy B. pay C. use D. get
7. A. energy B. meals C. sources D. electricity
8. A. ran B. made C. powered D. equipped
Exercise 4. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Solar power is an energy obtained from direct sunlight. It is one of the many renewable sources of
energy which you can convert into usable energy for various purposes. The use of solar power energy
has been gradually improving, and as much as many have been adopting it, there are a few challenges
they face. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of this type of energy.
One of the main benefits of using solar power energy is that it is clean and renewable. This means it is
environment-friendly and will not pollute it in any way possible. Second, the panel systems used in
converting sunlight into solar power energy do not require a lot of maintenance because the inverter
requires replacement after five or ten years. Next, solar power energy is adequate to power most
homes in terms of lighting. In addition to that, it can be used for other household purposes such as
cooking and heating up your home. This helps reduce greatly the cost of paying utility bills that are
quite expensive.
On the other hand, solar panels rely on the only source of solar power that is sunlight and its rays to
produce energy. So, during the night, there is no production of solar power energy. Besides, solar
energy is restricted to production during the day when sunlight or sunrays are available. That means,
if you want to use solar power at night, you have to store it in large batteries, and the batteries cost
quite a lot and they need good maintenance to keep them working properly.
Solar power energy is advantageous in many ways, but at the same time, it is bound to some
disadvantages. The main aim is to harness solar power energy and replace other sources of power
that are dangerous to the environment.
1. What kind of energy is mentioned in the text?
A. Wind power B. Water power C. Thermal power D. Solar power
2. What is the main idea of the text?
A. advantages of a type of energy
B. disadvantages of a type of energy
C. advantages and disadvantages of a type of energy
D. how to use energy effectively
3. Which of the following is the benefit of using solar power energy?
A. it’s inadequate to power most homes in terms of lighting
B. it’s non-renewable
C. the panel systems require a lot of maintenance
D. it’s environment-friendly
4. The word “expensive” is CLOSEST in meaning to __________.
A. cheap B. inexpensive C. affordable D. costly
5. Which of the following are the disadvantages of using solar power energy, EXCEPT __________?
A. there is no production of solar power energy during the night
B. it is restricted to production during the day
C. the batteries cost a small amount of money
D. the batteries need good maintenance to keep them working properly
Exercise 5. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Earth Hour is an annual event which asks you to switch off all your lights for one hour. The aim is to
involve as many people as possible in positive change for our planet.
What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and it’s a big event usually at the
end of March every year. On this evening, people ‘go dark’- that is, switch olf lights in their homes,
schools and businesses all at the same time for one hour. Earth Hour started in Australia in 2007,
when 2.2 million people in Sydney turned off all unnecessary lights for an hour. Since then, it has
grown into an international event, and many countries around the world have taken part. Famous
buildings that have gone dark for Earth Hour include the Sydney opera House and Harbour Bridge, the
Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace in London, the
Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Forbidden City in Beijing and New York’s Empire State Building.
What’s the idea behind Earth Hour?
The idea is to raise awareness of environmental issues and call for action to protect nature, so that
people enjoy healthy, happy and sustainable lives now and in the future. It’s true that switching off
the lights for just one hour saves only a small amount of power. But this is only the beginning. On one
level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think about the problem of climate change and what we can
do in everyday life to protect nature.
What does ‘60+’ mean?
The logo of Earth Hour is ‘60+’. The number 60 is for the 60 minutes of Earth Hour, and the plus
invites people to keep on taking action even after Earth Hour is finished. In fact, people who join Earth
Hour say that taking part makes them want to do more for the environment. The climate activist
Greta Thunberg says that ‘Earth Hour is every hour of every day.’
1. What is the aim of the Earth Hour event?
2. When is this event usually organized?
3. How many famous buildings have gone dark for Earth Hour?
4. What’s the idea behind Earth Hour?
5. What does plus “+” in the logo “60+” mean?
Exercise 6. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).
Energy is the power derived by using chemical or physical resources, and it is the strength and
vitality required for sustained mental or physical activity. People and animals get energy from eating
food. The plants receive their energy from the Sun, and in turn people eat the plants and animals that
have also eaten plants-all made possible by the food chain.
Non-renewable energy sources are those that take millions of years to form and will run out
some day. It is energy that comes from fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels
are mainly made up of carbon and were formed millions of years ago. However, renewable energy
sources will never run out, are better for the environment and do not cause pollution. They can
sometimes cost a little more money. Renewable energy sources include the Sun, wind, water, heat
from the earth, and biomass (plants).
Renewable energy is often called green energy because it is a natural energy, always available
and does not have to be formed like nonrenewable energy. The green energy is always there. For
example, the Sun consistently shines, water is abundant, and the winds blow throughout the year.
The five types include solar, energy from the Sun; geothermal, energy from heat within the Earth;
hydroelectric, energy from moving water; biomass, energy from dead plants and microorganisms and
finally, energy from the wind.
1. People and animals get energy from the Sun.
2. Non-renewable energy sources take millions of years to form and will run out some day.
3. Non-renewable energy comes from the sun, water, wind...
4. Renewable energy sources are better for the environment.
5. Geothermal is a kind of energy from heat within the Earth.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Exercise 1. Add -ing to the following verbs.
No. V V-ing
1 heat
2 use
3 come
4 call
5 replace
6 find
7 provide
8 change
9 put
10 reduce
11 recycle
12 ride
13 look
14 talk
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "to be".
1. __________ you watching TV? Can I turn it off?
2. Look! They __________ launching a new spacecraft.
3. What courses __________ Tracy taking this semester?
4. She __________ not doing her homework now. She __________ looking after her baby sister.
5. Every day I go to school by bus, but today I __________ going to school in my mother’s car.
6. Jack __________ studying for a science test tomorrow, so he can’t come to the party.
7. My English skills __________ getting better.
8. Be quiet! My children __________ sleeping in the room.
9. Where is your granddad? - He __________ planting some trees in the garden.
10. I __________ not writing an essay about global wanning at the moment.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using Present continuous.
1. He (do) _________________ a project on energy sources.
2. They (not build) _________________ a large hydroelectric dam in this area.
3. _________________ (they / put) solar panels on the roof of my house to produce solar energy?
4. People (reduce) _________________ the use of fossil fuels because they’re exhausted.
5. My sister (not check) _________________ the electric fan.
6. Our government (look) _________________ for new sources of energy to replace coal and gas.
7. Scientists (develop) _________________ new sources to protect the environment.
8. I (talk) _________________ about the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy.
9. My brother (always / leave) _________________ the tap on while brushing his teeth.
10. They (play) _________________ golf these days.
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using Present simple or Present continuous.
1. My daughters always (help) _________________ me with the housework in their free time.
2. Our summer vacation always (start) _________________ in June and (last) _________________ for
almost three months.
3. What (you / do) _________________ to protect the environment these days?
4. Nick (have) _________________ maths classes three times a week.
5. My brothers (go) _________________ cycling every afternoon.
6. Joe and Eddy (have) _________________ dinner with their sister now.
7. Bill usually (watch) _______________ movies at home, but sometimes he (go) ______________ to
the cinema.
8. They (talk) _________________ about Linh’s behaviour at the moment.
9. I (not/ play) _________________ football with my friends now.
10. Wind energy (be) _________________ convenient and abundant.
Exercise 5. Underline the correct answers.
1. We are doing / do / did a test on sources of energy at present.
2. People in developing countries are using / use / used energy from the sun, the wind, and the water
these days.
3. Last year, we spent / spend / are spending a lot of money on heating because it was very cold.
4. The electrician is replacing / replace / replaced the old bulbs with low energy light ones in the
classrooms at the moment.
5. Our teacher shows / showed / is showing a video on types of renewable energy sources yesterday.
6. Is / Does / Did the plumber checking cracks in the pipes in the bathroom now?
7. Did / Was / Is your father pay the electricity bill last week?
8. What will / do / are you do to reduce carbon footprint in the future?
9. We will walk to school to keep / keep / keeping fit and protect the environment.
10. My uncle will install / install / installed new glass in the windows to stop heat escaping tomorrow.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
solar alternative panels non-renewable station
protect run pollution electricity harmful
1. What will happen to us when they _________________ out?
2. When we burn coal, it causes _________________.
3. We can _________________ the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
4. _________________ energy is plentiful and it can be replaced easily.
5. Renewable sources are less _________________ to the environment.
6. The workers are putting solar _________________ on the roof of our house.
7. Are they building a huge hydro power _________________ this year?
8. The _________________ sources of energy like the sun and wind are not only abundant but also
clean and safe to use.
9. We can use renewable and non-renewable energy sources to make _________________.
10. Coal, oil and natural gas are _________________ energy sources.
Exercise 7. Circle the correct answers.
1. I think I have a small carbon _________________.
A. amount B. dioxide C. footprint D. energy
2. A wind _________________ turns wind energy into electricity.
A. engine B. turbine C. machine D. fan
3. Solar energy is a clean and _________________ energy source.
A. unlimited B. dangerous C. non-renewable D. limited
4. fuels include oil, coal, and natural gas.
A. Ancient B. Cold C. Fossil D. Frozen
5. Solar power can be used to _________________ or cool our houses.
A. hotter B. heat C. hot D. heating
6. Coal is a _________________ source.
A. non-renewable B. plentiful C. clean D. unlimited
7. In the future, the wind and the sun will be used as the main _________________ energy sources.
A. environmental friendly B. environmentally friendly
C. environmental friend D. environment friendly
8. Those non-renewable sources are going to _________________ soon.
A. exhausted B. lack C. use up D. run out
9. _________________ is a new source of energy available for poor people.
A. Nuclear power B. Biogas C. Gasoline D. Oil
10. Alternative energy sources are _________________, clean, safe, and cheap.
A. abundant B. exhausted C. limited D. expensive
Exercise 8. Underline and correct the mistake(s) in each of the following sentences.
1. The students doing a project in the classroom now. ________________
2. Be careful! The car is comes towards us. ________________
3. Is he watch a film in his bedroom now? ________________
4. We are discuss about saving natural resources at the moment. ________________
5. What you doing in the gym? ________________
6. They aren’t have English on Thursday. ________________
7. Where they are having dinner at the moment? ________________
8. The earth is running out fossil fuels. ________________
9. Do they mending the roof right now? ________________
10. Your grandmother is telling a story now? ________________
Exercise 9. Turn the following sentences into affirmative, negative, or interrogative forms.
1. (+) We are searching for information about global warming.
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
2. (+) _____________________________________________________________________________
(-) She isn’t reading a book at the moment.
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
3. (+) _____________________________________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) Are they taking a new course this term?
4. (-) She isn’t doing well at school this year.
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
5. (+) My dad is changing some old light bulbs.
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
6. (+) _____________________________________________________________________________
(-) It isn’t snowing outside.
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
7. (+) _____________________________________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) Are the children talking about sources of energy?
8. (+) They are buying some new household appliances now.
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
9. (+) _____________________________________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________________________________
(?) Is John repainting his room?
10. (+) ____________________________________________________________________________
(-) They aren’t taking a test at the moment.
(?) _______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 10. Make questions for the underlined parts.
1. We are very excited because our alternative energy proposal has been accepted.
2. The new dam will supply water and electricity for 30 million people.
3. Solar energy can be an alternative source of energy.
4. Non-renewable sources of energy are going to run out.
5. Linda gave a talk about solar energy yesterday.
6. The Earth is becoming more and more polluted.
7. We are going to visit Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant tomorrow.
8. We are discussing some solutions for the greenhouse effect issue.
9. I usually recycle things at home.
10. The earthquake destroyed a lot of tall buildings last week.
Exercise 11. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Wind energy is cheaper than natural gas. (more)
2. Scientists are trying to find cheap, clean and effective sources of energy for the future. (looking)
3. Carbon dioxide has a negative effect on the environment. (negatively)
4. Alternative sources of energy are abundant. They are also clean and safe. (not only)
5. Wind and solar accounted for 10% of the world’s electricity in 2019. (made)
6. It’s a good idea to leave the tap off while brushing your teeth. (shouldn’t)
7. Although nuclear power is dangerous, it can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs for
hundreds of years. (Despite)
8. It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels in this century. (exhausted)
9. People in the countryside usually use biogas for cooking. (cook)
10. Unluckily, fossil fuels are harmful to the environment. (environmentally friendly)
Exercise 12. Reorder the words / phrases to make sentences.
1. Nuclear / power / they / can / generate / are / but / to / plants / harmful / environment. / the /
2. heat / traps / dioxide / the / sun's / the / in / and / atmosphere / heats / Carbon / the / planet.
3. People / are / energy. / the / to / of / electricity / reducing / use / save
4. Non-renewable / being / sources / are / used / up.
5. converting / systems / sunlight / used / The / panel / in / into / solar / power / energy. / are
6. Viet Nam / energy / still / mostly / non-renewable / on / sources. / relies
7. Coal / disappears / after / use / again. / and / can’t / each / used / be
8. largest / world’s / Great / offshore / The / turbines / are / in / Britain. / wind
9. “Earth Hour” / people / event / protect / encourages / the / take / action / to / environment. / to
10. Solar / power / advantageous / is / energy / in / ways. / many
Exercise 13. Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about a renewable source of energy which is used
widely in your area.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- Which source of energy is it?
- What is it?
- How can people use it?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of this energy power?

Describe a source of energy you know.
 What it is
 Where you can find it
 What it is used for
 What its advantages and disadvantages are
 Why it is important
environmentally friendly: produce electricity: sustainable energy sources:
thân thiện với môi trường sản xuất điện các nguồn năng lượng bền vững
run out: install solar panels: lắp đặt các take part in activities:
cạn kiệt tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời tham gia các hoạt động
safe: reserve: make use of:
an toàn trữ lượng tận dụng

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