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The Effects Of Family Problems On The Academic Performance And Social Life Of The Grade

12 Stundents In The Lovelace Academy.

Chapter 1
The respondents were choosen using a cluster sampling technique. According to the study, the family issues have a
significant impact on students’ attendance support affects students’ attendance and performance. Lack of financial support affects
students’ attendance and compliance with the school projects and activities. Students choose not to attend the class rather than
stay hungry one day in school. Family issues involving financial difficulties, relationships, and bad habits are contributing factors
in the performances of the students. On the other hand, family relationships have an emotional impact on students. It has an effect
on their performance in class. Students with the wrong family culture develop undesirable habits and bad behaviour. Family
issues are unavoidable and have a significant negative impact on student’s academic achievement. Family has a significant part in
the educational aspect of their family members as the fundamental unit of society. Even when challenges are unavoidable, a
student’s behaviour or academic academic performance may be negatively impacted by their failure to manage them. In order to
help students overcome their family problems and identify the problems they are currently dealing with, this study set out to
ascertain the effects of family problems on the academic performance of grade 12 students at Lovelace Academy. The impact of
family problems on the academic performance of grade 12 students was a topic that needed to be discussed, thus the researchers
employed quantitative methods and descriptive research to get a general understanding of the topic.
Clearly explains that parental participation in schooling helps the student to be productive, responsible member of
society. This indicates that including parents in their children’s education is equivalent to claiming that the school is proactive in
making changes or growth among the students. As parental participation grows, teachers and school officials have a better chance
of implementing excellent education reform. For the family that is having stuggles and always arguing day-to-day life, the
possibility of laziness and disinterest in the learning of a chid will expand. Difficulty cincentrating impedes student progress, and
severe family challenges destroy the students ability to focus. The problem may also destroy the student’s ability to sleep and
participate in previous activities, and by that, children or students may fail on their studies.s
The goal of this study is to explore and understand why and how the event occured as well as how the situation impacts
students academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study sought to find out the effects of family problems on the academic performance and social life of the grade 12
students in the Lovelace Academy. This study specifically aims to answer the following questions;
1. What is the level of impact of family matter to the senior high school students interms of; parental educational background,
parental occupation, and family size?
2. Is there significant relationship between the level of impact of family problems and academic performance of grade 12 students
in Lovelace Academy?
This study aimed to determine the effects of family problems to the academic performance and social life of grade 12 students.

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