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Jhana Marielle C. Amante

Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I want to talk to you about a problem that has been in
our society for far too long: catcalling. Catcalling is a form of harassment that mostly
affects women, and it is a serious issue that we need to address. First, let me be
clear: catcalling is not a compliment.

It is not a harmless act that should be brushed off. It is a form of harassment that
makes women feel uncomfortable, objectified, and unsafe in their own
neighborhoods. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress
disorder. Women deserve to feel safe and respected in public places and catcalling
takes away that sense of security. We must also recognize that catcalling is not just a
personal issue; it is a societal issue.

By accepting catcalling as a norm, we perpetuate a culture that tolerates the

objectification and sexualization of women. This kind of behavior is unacceptable,
and it needs to stop. So, what can we do to stop catcalling? Firstly, we must educate
ourselves and others about what constitutes respectful behavior. We need to teach
our children and young people about the importance of consent, respect, and
healthy relationships.

We also need to hold perpetrators/evil doers accountable for their actions, and
create laws and regulations that protect women from harassment. But above all, we
need to change the culture that allows catcalling to thrive. We need to create a
society where women are respected and valued, and where their safety and well-
being are a top priority. We need to create a world where every woman can walk
down the street without fear of being harassed.

In conclusion, catcalling is a serious issue that affects women everywhere. It is time

for us to stand up against this unacceptable behavior and create a culture of respect
and equality. Let us work together to make our streets safe and welcoming for
everyone. Thank you.

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