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By : Salsabila Hasibuan, S.Pd

Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang Saudara dapatkan dari materi di mata kuliah lain,
kemukakan bagaimana upaya Saudara untuk:

1. Mendeteksi kemungkinan terjadinya bullying sebelum berkembang menjadi lebih parah?

Jawab : Detecting possible bullying before it becomes more severe is an important step in
prevention efforts. Here are some signs that may indicate potential bullying:

a. Behavioral changes: Sudden changes in a child's behavior, such as becoming more

withdrawn, anxious, or aggressive, can be a sign of a problem.
b. Decline in academic performance: A sudden decline in academic performance or interest
in school can be an indicator of social problems.
c. Social isolation: If a child begins to avoid friends or social activities, this could indicate
that there is an interpersonal problem.
d. Lack of friends: Children who have difficulty establishing or maintaining social
relationships may become targets for bullying.
e. Physical changes: Physical signs such as cuts, bruises, or missing items can be clues to a
f. Reduced self-confidence: Children who experience bullying may experience a decrease
in self-confidence. They may feel insecure or worthless.
g. Being aggressive or domineering: While most focus on the victim, bullies or bullies may
also show certain signs, such as aggressive or domineering behavior towards their friends.

Observing a combination of these signs can help identify possible bullying before
it reaches a more severe level. It is important to communicate openly with children and
young people, and involve schools and parents to create a supportive and safe environment
for all students.

2. Menghadapi peserta didik yang berpotensi sebagai bully?

Jawab : Dealing with students who have the potential to become perpetrators of bullying requires
a careful and comprehensive approach. Here are some strategies that can help:

a. Open communication: Create an environment that supports open communication between

students and teachers. Build positive relationships with students, provide support, and show
that you care about their situation.
b. Anti-bullying education: Provide anti-bullying training or programs in schools to increase
students' awareness and understanding of the negative impacts of bullying behavior.
Engage students in activities that encourage empathy and social skills development.
c. Immediate intervention: Respond to adverse actions quickly and decisively. Speak
privately with the students involved to understand their motivations and provide insight
into the negative impacts of the behavior.
d. Guidance and counseling: Provide guidance and counseling for students involved in
bullying behavior. Focus on understanding the root of the problem and helping them
develop social skills and self-control.
e. Involving parents: Inform parents about their child's behavior and work together to
resolve the problem. Involve parents in solutions and together create an environment that
supports children's positive development.
f. Providing appropriate consequences: Apply appropriate consequences to bullying
behavior, but ensure that the actions are educational and support positive change. Focus on
learning rather than punishment alone.
g. Monitoring and follow-up: Carry out regular monitoring of students to ensure that
positive changes occur. Provide additional support if needed and stay in communication
with all parties involved.

It is important to remember that changing bullying behavior takes time and

consistency. Collaboration between teachers, schools, parents and students is essential to
creating a safe and supportive environment for all students.

3. Membimbing peserta didik yang berpotensi sebagai victim agar berani untuk membela
diri mereka sendiri?

Jawab : Guiding students who are potential victims of bullying to have the courage to defend
themselves is an important task. Here are some strategies that can help them develop the skills and
confidence to cope with such situations:

a. Confidence Building
b. Social Skills Development
c. Education About Bullying
d. Importance of Reporting
e. Consider Group Support
f. Guidance in Setting Boundaries
g. Model Positive Behavior
h. Developing Coping Strategies
i. Encourage Empathetic Education
j. Counseling Support:

It is important to continuously monitor students and provide consistent support. Collaboration with
parents and school staff is also very important in creating a safe and supportive environment for
students who may be victims of bullying.

4. Membelajarkan sikap kepada para peserta didik agar menjadi upstander saat melihat
bullying terjadi di sekitarnya?


a. Instill good self-confidence in students so that they become brave enough to overcome
b. Don't join in bullying
c. Report to the principal, teacher, or adult
d. Reprimand the bully
e. Embrace the victim and stay away from the bully.

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