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生词 我的释义 我的笔记

[inspection] 視診
[palpation] 觸診
[percussion] 叩診
[auscultation] 聽診
[olfactory examination] 嗅診
[light (deep) palpation] 淺(深)觸診法
[deep slipping (deep press,bimanual,ballottement] 深部滑行(深壓,雙手,衝擊)觸診法
[indirect (direct) percussion] 間接(直接)叩診
[percussion sound(hyperresonance,resonance,dullness,叩診音(過清音,清音,濁音,鼓音,實音)
[thoracic (abdominal) breathing] 胸(腹)式呼吸
[mouth (buccal) breathing] 張口呼吸
[periodic respiration] 週期性呼吸
[Kussmaul`s respiration] 庫斯毛氏呼吸`
[Cheyne Stokes (tidal) respiration] 陳施(潮式)呼吸
[Biot`s breathing] 間歇呼吸
[dyspnea at rest (on exertion)] 靜息下(活動時)氣促
[acetone (ammoniacal, alliaceous) odor] 丙酮(氨臭,蒜臭)味
[hepaticus fetor] 肝臭
[bromidrosis] 腋臭
[active (passive, forced ) position] 主動(被動、強迫)體位
[upright (sitting, dorsal) position] 立(坐、臥)位
[supine (prone) position] 仰臥(俯臥)位
[left (right) lateral (decubitus) position] 左(右)側臥位
[coiled position] 蜷腿位
[semi reclining (semi recumbent) position] 半臥位
[orthopnea position] 端坐位
[knee chest (knee elbow) position] 胸膝(膝肘)位
[dorsosacral (obstetric) position] 截石(分娩)位
[opisthotonus position] 角弓反張位
[compulsive squattin] 強迫蹲位
[alternative position] 輾轉體位
[high (low) head and low(high) legs] 頭高(低)腳低(高)位
[alert (semi conscious)] 清醒(半清醒的)
[comatose (semi comatose)] 昏迷(半昏迷)的
[listless] 無精打采的
[somnolent (drowsy, sleepy)] 思睡的
[lethargic] 昏睡的
[anxious (restless, apprehensive)] 焦慮不安的
[excited (irritable)] 激動的
[confused] 精神錯亂的
[distrubance of consciousness] 意識障礙
[delirium] 譫妄
[convulsion] 抽搐
[stuporous] 木僵的
[cooperation is good (not good enough, bad)] 合作佳(欠佳、差)
[have a dull reaction] 反應遲鈍
[be oriented (disoriented)] 有(無)定向力
[be in a mist tent] 朦朧狀態
[blurred (dim, vague) mind] 神志模糊
[loss consciousness(unconsciousness)] 失去知覺
[reaction to painful stimuli] 對疼痛刺激的反應
[be in acute (chronic) distress] 呈急(慢)性面容
[critical facies] 病然面容
[hippocratic facies] 瀕死面容
[sardonic facies] 苦笑面容
[anxious (distressing) expression] 表情不安
[ haggard expression] 神情憔悴
[anemic (nephrotic, hepatic) facies] 貧血(腎病、肝病)面容
[mitral (typhoid) facies] 二尖瓣(傷寒)面容
[moon (masked) facies] 滿月(面具)面容
[acromegaly facies] 肢端肥大症面容
[hyperthyroid (myxedema) facies] 甲亢(粘液性水腫)面容
[senile feature] 老年貌
[reddy (pale) facies] 顏面潮紅(蒼白)
[florid facies] 面色紅潤
[body height (length)] 身高
[stature (tall, dwarf)] 身材(高大、矮小)
[physique (strong, weak)] 體格(強壯、脆弱)
[adolescent spurt] 青春期
[habitus] 體型
[well (middle, under) nourished] 營養良好(中等、不良)
[well (poorly, fairly)] 良好、不良,中等
[obesity (overweight,fat)] 肥胖
[emaciation (underweight, thin, lean)] 消瘦
[cachexia] 惡液質
[buffalo hump] 水牛背
[ataxic (incoordination) gait] 共濟失調步態
[scissors gait] 剪刀步態
[festinating gait] 慌張步態
[steppage gait] 跨域步態
[swaying gait] 搖擺步態
[reeling (staggering, waddling) gait] 蹣跚步態
[Romberg`s sign] 閉目難立征`
[intermittent claudication] 間歇性跛行
[pallor (redness, dusky redness, flush, pinky)] 蒼白(紅色、暗紅、潮紅、粉紅色)
[be (look) pale] 顯得蒼白
[cyanosis (acrocyanosis)] 紫紺(手足發紺)
[jaundice (stained yellow)] 黃疸(黃染)
[melanin] 黑色素
[hyper pigmentation (depigmentation)] 色素沉著過多(減退)
( )[pigmentation increase decrease)] 色素沉著增加(減少)
[vitiligo (leukoplakia)] 白癜(白斑)
[fleck (senile plague)] 雀斑(老年斑)
[purple (pregnant) striae] 紫(妊娠)紋
[be plethoric] 多血症
[be severely (moderately, slightly) cyanosis] 重度(中度、輕度)紫紺
[skin eruption] 皮疹
[maculae] 斑疹
[roseola (rose spots)] 玟瑰疹
[papule] 丘疹
[maculopapule] 斑丘疹
[rubella] 風疹
[belbs] 皰疹
[patch] 斑片
[plaque] 斑塊
[urticaria (hives)] 蕁麻疹
[desquamation (excoriation)] 脫皮(屑)
[spider angioma] 蜘蛛痣
[subcutaneous nodules] 皮下小結
[scar] 瘢痕
[sudamen] 痱子
[water (blood, pus ) bpister] 水(血、膿)皰
[vesicle (bulla)] 小(大)水皰
[herpes simplex] 單純皰疹
[wheal (cyst, tumor)] 風團(囊腫、腫瘤)
[furfur (scale)] 皮屑(鱗屑)
[crust (eschar)] 結痂(焦痂)
[ulcer (erosion, fissure)] 潰瘍(糜爛、皺裂)
[liver (erythema) palms] 肝掌(朱砂掌)
[chloasma] 黃褐斑
[circinate erythema] 環形紅斑
[pigmented nevas] 黑痣
[birthmark] 胎記
[werruca (clavus)] 疣(雞眼)
[pernio] 凍瘡
[bedsore (decubitus)] 褥瘡
[exudate] 滲液
[petechia] 瘀點
[purpura] 紫癜
[ecchymosis] 瘀斑
[hematoma] 血腫
[splinter hemorrhage] 片狀出血
[oozing of the blood] 滲血
[blanch on pressure] 壓之褪色
[hair loss (alopecia areata, baldness)] 脫髮(斑禿、全禿)
[deformities of nail (spoonnail)] 甲變形(匙狀甲)
[thin (brittle) nail] 薄(脆)甲
[ongchoptosis] 甲脫落
[be no palpable superficial lymph nodes (…can not be 淺表淋巴結未捫及
[enlarged lymph nodes (lymphnode enlargement)] 淋巴結腫大
[general (local)] 全身(局部)
[pre(post) auricular nodes] 耳前(後)淋巴結
[occipital nodes] 枕後淋巴結
[submental nodes] 頦下淋巴結
[submaxillary nodes] 下頜淋巴結
[anterior (posterior) cervical nodes] 頸前(後)淋巴結
[supraclavicular nodes] 鎖骨上淋巴結
[epitrochlear nodes] 滑車上淋巴結
[axillary top (medial,anterior,posterior,lateral)] 腋窩上(內側,前,後,外側)淋巴結
[inguinal nodes (transverse group,longitudinal group) lymphnode]
[irregular] 不規則
[tuberous (granular,spindle shaped)] 結節(顆粒、紡錘)狀的
[smooth (coarse)] 光滑(粗糙)的
[flat (uneven)] 平坦(凹凸不平)的
[globular (elliptical,oval,circular)] 球(橢園,卵園,園)形的
[hardness and mobility] 硬度和活動度
[hard (soft)] 硬(軟)
[of stone like (bone like)] 石頭(骨)樣硬
[movable (fixed)] 可活動(固定)的
[be fixed to the surrounding tissues (structures)] 與周圍組織(結構)固定
[tenderness] 壓痛
[fusion (adhesion)] 融合(粘連)
[swelling (fistula)] 腫脹(疤痕)
[deforming skull] 頭顱變形
[head contour (circumference)] 頭形(圍)
[microcephalism (acrocephalia,large skull)] 小顱(尖顱,巨顱)
[dolichocephalia (brachycephalism)] 長(短)頭
[squared (tower) skull] 方(塔)顱
[sitting sun phenomenon] 落日現象
[cranial suture] 顱縫
[anterior (posterior) fontanel] 前(後)囟門
[bulging (edpressed) fontanel] 囟門膨出(塌陷)
[delayded (earlier) closure of the fontanel] 囟門晚(早)閉
[ocular bobbing] 眼球浮動
[eyeball rupture] 眼球破裂
[ocular perforating injury] 眼球穿孔傷
[intralcular foreign body] 眼球內異物
[ocular hypertelorism (hypotelorism)] 眼距增寬(變窄)
[atrophy of eyeball] 眼球萎縮
[exophthalmos (enophthalmos)] 眼球突出(凹陷)
[nystagmus] 眼球震顫
[eyeball fixation (stare)] 眼球固定
[limitation of eye movement] 眼球活動受限
[ocular prosthesis] 假眼
[extraocular movements] 眼外肌運動
[entropion (ectropion)] 瞼內(外)翻
[lacrimation] 流淚
[ptosis] 上瞼下垂
[blepharospasm (blepharo chalasis)] 眼瞼痙攣(鬆馳)
[edema (redness and swelling) of the eyelids] 眼瞼水腫(紅腫)
[nictitation diminution(lid lag )] 瞬目過少
[frequent nictitation (blinking)] 瞬目過多
[blepharophimosis (blepharodia stasis)] 眼裂縮小(增寬)
[blepharal hyperemia] 眼瞼充血
[conjunctival reflexes] 結膜反射
[congestion] 充血
[redness (pallor)] 紅(白)
[chemosis] 球結膜水腫
[conjunctival follicle (folliculosis)] 結膜濾泡(濾泡增生)
[trachoma] 沙眼
[pterygium] 胬肉
[watery (purulent) discharge] 水樣(膿性)分泌物
[corneal reflexes] 角膜反射
[cornea opacity] 角膜混濁
[transparent (opaque)] 透明(不透明)的
[foreign body] 異物
[arcus senilis] 老年環
[ulcer (perferation)] 潰瘍(穿孔)
[stained yellow (anicteric)] 黃染(無黃染)
[OD (oculus dextet)] 右眼
[OS (oculus sinister)] 左眼
2mm [2mm in size] 2大小2
[be equal and round ] 等大等園
[unevenness of pupils (anisocoria)] 瞳孔大小不一
[fixed] 固定
[contraction of pupils (miosis)] 瞳孔縮小
[dilation of pupils (platycoria)] 瞳孔散大
[deformity (seclusion) of pupils] 瞳孔畸形(閉鎖)
[direct (consensual) response to light] 直接(間接)對光反射
[good (poor) light reflex of pupils] 瞳孔對光反射(佳)(差)
[retain light reflexes] 對光反射存在
[accommodation reflex] 調節反射
[convergence reflex] 輻輳反射
[blurred (impaired, poor) Vision] 視力模糊(減退,差)
[amblyopia] 弱視
[double vision (diplopia)] 複視
[strabismus] 斜視
[paralytic squint] 麻痹性斜視
[hemiscotosis] 偏盲
[amaurosis (blindness)] 失明
[night blindness] 夜盲
[color blindness] 色盲
[achromatopsia] 全色盲
[achromatopsia green(blue) blindness] 綠(藍)色盲
[red green blindness] 紅綠色盲
[color weakness] 色弱
[far sightedness (far –sighted,hyeropia)] 遠視
[short sightedness (short sighted,nearsightedness,myop近視
200 [200 degree,OD(OS)] 右(左)眼200度200
[OS(OD) vision] 左(右)眼視力
[full (intact) visual fields] 視野完整
[tetarfanopia] 象限視野缺損
[unilateral (bitemporal) defect] 單側(雙顳側)缺損
[visual field defect] 視野缺損
[contraction of visual field] 視野縮小
[fundoscopy (ophthalmoscopy)] 眼底鏡檢查
[fundi are clear] 眼底清晰
[arteriole (venule)] 小動脈(小靜脈)
[narrow arteriole] 小動脈狹窄
[arteriolosclerosis] 小動脈硬化
[microaneurysm] 微動脈瘤
[A V nicking] 動靜脈壓跡
[punctate (flame) hemorrhage] 點狀(頭焰樣)出血
[pigmentation of disc (retina)] 視乳頭色素沉著
[papilledema (papilloedema)] 視神經乳頭(視神經)水腫
[excavation (pallor) of optic disc] 視乳頭凹陷(蒼白)
[retinal hemorrhage (edema,exudation)] 視網膜出血(水腫,滲出)
[pigmentary degeneration of retina] 視網膜色素變性
[retinodialysis] 視網膜剝離
[retinal degeneration (injury)] 視網膜變性(損傷)
[intraocular pressure measurement] 測眼壓
[increase (decrease) of intraocular pressure] 眼壓升高(降低)
[redness (swelling,pain,tenderness)] 紅(腫、痛,壓痛)
[erosion (exudate,purulent discharge)] 糜爛(滲出物,膿性分泌物)
[herpes (fistula,visicle,blood blisters)] 皰疹(瘺管,小水皰,血皰)
[stenosis (clausura)] 狹窄(閉鎖)
[cerumen (ceruminal impaction,ceruminosis)] 耵聹(耵聹栓塞,耵聹過多)
[furuncle of ear ] 耳癤
[otopyosis (otopyorrhea)] 耳化膿(溢膿)
[pseudocyst of auricle] 耳廓假性囊腫
[foreign body of external auditory canal] 外耳道異物
[cerumen hook (forceps)] 耵聹鉤(鉗)
[myringorupture] 鼓膜破裂
[hyperacusis (hypoacusis)] 聽覺過敏(減退)
[dysacousis (bradyacusia, dysacusis)] 聽覺不良(遲鈍,障礙)
[auditory sensation area] 聽覺域
[normal hearing] 聽力正常
[auditus depression (amblyacousia)] 聽力(覺)遲鈍
[dysaudia] 聽力障礙
[hearing loss (disability)] 聽力喪失
[conductive (neural,sensorineural) deafness] 傳導性(神經性,感音神經性)耳聾
[presbycusis] 老年性耳聾
[tuning fork test] 音叉試驗
[rosacea] 酒渣鼻
[flaring (movement) of alae nasi (nasal ala flap)] 鼻翼扇動
[fracture of nasal bone] 鼻骨骨折
[dry (pale,red ) mucosa] 鼻粘膜乾燥(蒼白,紅)
[nasal foreign body] 鼻腔異物
[nasal mucosa atrophy (hypertrophy,swelling)] 鼻粘膜萎縮(肥厚,腫脹)
[naris (turbinates)] 鼻孔(甲)
[superior (middle,inferior ) turbinates] 上(中、下)鼻甲
[deviation (perforation,swelling,hematoma,ulcer) of nasal septum]
[nasal (paranasal) sinus] 鼻(副鼻)竇
[frontal (maxillary,sphenoid,ethmoid) sinus] 額(上頜,蝶,篩)竇
[tenderness over sinuses] 鼻竇壓痛
[rhinoscopy] 鼻鏡檢查
[hyposmia (oxyosmia)] 嗅覺減退(敏銳)
[heterosmia] 嗅覺異常
[measurement of olfaction] 嗅覺測定
[paraosmia (olfactory hallucination] 嗅覺倒錯(嗅幻覺)
[anosmia] 嗅覺缺失
[aphtha] 口瘡
[cheilosis (angular cheilosis)] 唇(口角)乾裂
[ehagades] 皺裂
[oral fissure] 口裂
[herpes labialis (of mouth)] 口唇(腔)皰疹
[false (artificial tooth)] 假牙
[prosthesis] 假牙
[insert tooth] 鑲牙
[decayed teeth (dental caries)] 齲齒
[glossocoma] 舌後墜
[tongue tip numbness] 舌尖麻木
[coated (furred) tongue] 舌苔
[no enlargement of tonsil] 扁桃體不腫大
[no injection (congestion) and exudate] 無充血和滲出
[beads of pus (follicle, white particle)] 膿點(濾泡,白色小點)
[hemorrhage (infection, hypertrophy, ulcer) of tonsil] 扁桃體出血(感染,肥大,潰瘍)
[swelling of tonsil] 扁桃體腫大
[tonsillar (retrotonsillar, peritonsillar) abscess] 扁桃體(後,周圍)膿腫
[tonsil deletion] 扁桃體缺如
[tonsillar crypts (fossa)] 扁桃體隱窩(窩)
[pharyneal foreign body (ulcer, secretion)] 咽部異物(潰瘍,分泌物)
[retropharyneal folliculosis] 咽後壁淋巴濾泡增生
[dryness (herpes, congestion, swelling) of throat] 咽部乾燥(皰疹,充血,水腫)
[pharynx reflex] 咽反射
[laryngemphraxis (laryngeal obstruction)] 喉梗阻
[laryngeal spasm(laryngo stenosis)] 喉痙攣(狹窄)
[laryngospasm] 喉頭痙攣
[laryngeal edema] 喉頭水腫
[hypertrophy of vocal cords] 聲帶肥厚
[vocal cord paralysis] 聲帶麻痹
[vocal nodule] 聲帶小結
[polyp of vocal cord] 聲帶息肉
[neck trauma] 頸部創傷
[cervical lymph node (cyst)] 頸部淋巴結(囊腫)
[carotid sinus massage] 頸動脈竇按摩
[neck rigidity (stiff neck rigidity, stiff neck)] 頸強直
[soft neck (supple)] 頸軟
[torticollis] 斜頸
[opisthotonus] 角弓反張
[jugular pulse (varicosity)] 頸靜脈搏動(曲張)
[jugular vein distention (JVD)] 頸靜脈怒張
[jugular vein is full(distention and prominence)] 頸靜脈充盈(怒張)
[Kussmaul`s sign] 庫斯毛氏征`
[hepatojugular reflex] 肝頸反流
[systolic (diastolic) thrill] 收縮期(舒張期)囊顫
[abnormal carotid pulsation (increase,decrease, disapp頸動脈搏動異常(增強、減弱、消失)
[diffuse (local, nodular) thyroid enlargement] 彌漫(局灶,結節)性甲狀腺腫大
[thyroid tremor] 甲狀腺震顫
[thrill] 震顫
[thyroid vascular murmur] 甲狀腺血管雜音
[isthmus of thyroid gland] 甲狀腺峽部
[parathyroid gland] 甲狀旁腺
[thyroid cyst (follicle, tumor, hemorrhage)] 甲狀腺囊腫(濾泡、腫塊,出血)
[endotracheal intubation] 氣管插管
[tracheospasm] 氣管痙攣
[tracheal cyst (polyp, stenosis ,displacement)] 氣管囊腫(息肉、狹窄、移位)
[displacement of trachea (tracheal deviation to the righ氣管(向右)偏移
[trachea is in the midline] 氣管居中
[intratracheal foreign body] 氣管內異物



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