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Darrel Jane L.

Hermogenes GEE 11

 Ecology is considered as the core of environmental

science. It is defined as the scientific study of the relationship between
organisms and their environment. In this context, explain fully the meaning
of the words “relationship” and “environment”.

The term "relationship" in ecology refers to the complex relationships and

interactions that exist between organisms and their environment. These connections
cover a broad spectrum of dynamics, such as how different species interact with one
another, how they adapt to their environment, and how they affect the accessibility of
resources like food, water, and shelter.
In ecology, the term "environment" refers to the total physical setting of an
organism, including both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) elements. Along with
the living elements like other species, their predators or prey, and the accessibility of
food supplies, this includes the physical characteristics like climate, geology, and
topography. In essence, the environment in ecology refers to the ecosystem that a
living thing inhabits as well as all the variables that affect its development, survival,
and reproduction.
In conclusion, ecology is the scientific study of these intricate connections.
The term "relationship" in ecology refers to the complex interactions between
organisms and their surroundings, while the term "environment" includes all the living
and non-living components that shape and are influenced by these interactions.

 Explain the concept of systems approach in solving the

solid waste pollution problem in your place.

One cannot solve a problem without looking further what caused the problem in
the first place. Looking at the entire waste management process as a connected
system is what the systems approach to managing the solid waste pollution problem
in our area entails. Instead of focusing on a single issue, like clearing up trash, we
take into account how everything is connected.
It entails considering how garbage is produced, how it is collected, where it is
sent, and what happens to it afterwards. Understanding the entire process would
help the people in our barangay come up with better solutions for recycling, waste
reduction, and secure disposal. Looking at the big picture would helps us manage
our waste in the best way possible, protecting the environment and maintaining a
clean environment.

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