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AN ȘCOLAR 2022-2023
Limba engleză
Clasa a VI – a L1

Numele și prenumele elevului _____________________________

Data susținerii testului __________________________________
 Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor se acorda 90p.
 Din oficiu se acorda 10p.
 Timp efectiv de lucru 40 minute

PARTEA I____________________________________________________ _____60 de puncte

1. Fill in the gaps using the following words:
cooks, Italian, computer, spaghetti, mother, Friday, bank, people, food, dishes

My dad works in a bank. He works there from Monday to 1) ______________________. He

helps 2) ________________________. He counts money, he uses the 3) __________________. His
job is important. He is an important man at the 4) ___________________.

Dad also works at home. On weekends he 5) ______________________ dinner. Usually he

fixes 6) ________________ food. On Saturdays he makes 7) __________________. On Sundays he
makes pizza. Sometimes he fries chicken or fixes Chinese 8) ___________________ My 9)
_________________________ watches and helps. I wash the 10) ________________________.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. The children _________________________ (play) football in the courtyard every weekend.

2. My friend __________________________ (work) in the office right now.
3. Listen! The baby ________________________ (cry).
4. They _______________________ (not read) a book at the moment.
5. John sometimes ____________________ (drive) to work.
6. Our parents _______________________ (not go) on holiday every summer.
7. You never ________________________ (drink) coffee.
8. We ____________________________ (swim) in the ocean now.
9. Many people ________________________ (visit) New York every year.
10. Mother ____________________________ (cook) dinner at the moment.
3. Write the correct plural form of the words:

a. dog - ____________________ b. child - ____________________

c. man - ____________________ d. tomato - __________________
4. Fill in who, whose, what, when, where, why, how much, how many:

a. ______________ are you wearing a coat? Because it’s very cold outside.
b. ______________ is your party? On Sunday.
c. ______________ mother is she? She’s Paula’s.
d. ______________ money have you got? £ 1000.
e. ______________ is your house? It’s near the school.
f. ______________ pencils have you got in your pencil-box? Four pencils.
g. ______________ is the milk? It’s in the fridge.
h. ______________ is your mother’s name? Monica.
i. ______________ is that boy over there? He’s my brother.
j. ______________ is your birthday? In December.


PARTEA a II-a _______________________________________________________(30 de puncte)

Write a letter to Jessica telling her about you and your family. Use the letter above as an
Do not use more than 80 words.

Anul scolar 2021-2022
Limba engleză
Clasa a VI- a L1


• Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalități de rezolvare corectă a cerințelor.
• Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărțirea punctajului total
acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 10 x 1p=10 points
1) Friday; 2) people; 3) computer; 4) bank; 5) cooks; 6) food; 7) spaghetti; 8) food; 9) mother; 10)

2. 10 x 1p= 10 points
1) play; 2) is working; 3) is crying; 4) are reading; 5) are not reading; 6) do not go; 7) drink;
8) are swimming; 9) visit; 10) are cooking.

3. 4 x 0,5 p= 20 points
a) wishes; b) children; c) photos; d) tomatoes.

4. 10 x 2p=20 points
a. Why; b. When; c. Whose; d. How much; e. Where; f. How many; g. Where; h. What; i. Who;
j. When.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Marking Scheme

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter:

- 2 points the beginning: Dear + the friend’s name/ Hello
- 2 points the ending: Best wishes + the sender’s name
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content)
2 points for the general impression

Limba engleză, clasa a VI-a, L1 –Nivel A2

Matricea de specificaţii

Conţinuturi Cunoaşte Înţelege Aplicar Analiză Sinteză Evaluar TOTAL

re re e e


I.1 Identificarea 1 1
informaţiilor necesare din
liste sau din texte
funcţionale simple

I.2 - Prezentarea unei 1 1 2

activităţi în scris

I.3 - Prezentarea unei 1 1 2

activităţi în scris

I.4 - Completarea unui 1 1

formular cu informaţii de

II. - Participarea la 1 1
schimbul de mesaje

TOTAL 4 3 7

PONDERE 0% 60% 40% 0% 0% 0% 100%

(conform programei)

I.1 10 Fill in the gaps using I.1 - Identificarea informaţiilor Să înţeleagă

the following words necesare din liste sau din texte contextul şi să
funcţionale simple folosească corect
cuvintele date

Put the verbs in brackets

into the Present
I.2 10 Continuous or Present I.2 Prezentarea unei activităţi Să relateze
Simple. în scris activităţi la prezent

Write the correct plural Să înţeleagă

form of the words contextul şi să scrie
I.3 20 I.3 - Prezentarea unei cuvintele corecte
activităţi în scris

Fill in who, whose, Să înţeleagă

what, when, where, why, contextul şi să
I.4 20 how much, how many I.4 - Completarea unui folosească corect
formular cu informaţii de structurile
identificare gramaticale

Write a letter to Jessica

telling her about you
II. 30 and your family. Use II. - Participarea la schimbul Să redacteze o
the letter above as an de mesaje scrise scrisoare în care să
example. relateze lucruri
Do not use more than despre familie
80 words.

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