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To my mind our modern 21st century societies are to some extent characterised by
indifference. It is a state when people do not care about what is happening around them. A
selfish attitude may prevent from reacting to seeing an accident or a person in pain. It goes
without saying that people don’t focus on the lives of those around them. What causes such
a non-empathic behaviour?
Indifference may stem from the fact that in current world people are overstimulated
by tragic stories seen in media. News about dramatic accidents or hazardous crimes appear
on our screens so often that we got used to them. In comparison to all this news small
everyday misfortune of a friend, or especially a stranger doesn’t evoke even a slightest
compassion, because we see worse things happening daily. On the top of that, people are
extremely addicted to their phones. It blocks them from being present and reacting in a
situation. This way, other people’s suffering doesn’t even get our attention.
To combat this severe problem people should break away from the digital world and
start living more in presence. By experiencing the reality, coexisting, and creating
connections with others we will relearn the lost need to respond to another person’s
To conclude indifference is a massive flaw of our society. Fortunately, it can be easily
overcome it by putting our smartphones aside, escaping from the vastness of tragic news in
media and existing with people in reality.

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