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Call it courage

Questions and Answers

1. Why do you think courage is the most important quality to the people of Hikueru? (Interpret)
Ans -> Courage was the most important quality for the people of Hikueru to face the treacherous ocean for food to
feed their families and keep their tribe alive, and also fight the other opposing tribes to protect their homes. These
were the most important works that needed courage to overcome their fears being inhabitants of the large, infinite

2. In your own words, explain why Mafatu is afraid of the ocean. (Summarize)
Ans-> Mafatu is afraid of the ocean, as there was a tragedy that he came across that no one could forget when he
was three years old. As Hikueru was a hurricane prone area, disasters mostly happened and the peaceful village
would be destroyed every time a storm came. One day, Mafatu's mother went with him to the reef to fetch sea
urchins. The day looked stormy, and the fishermen returning with a lot of fish warned his mother about the upcoming
storm. His mother ignored this very message and went to the reef to collect urchins. Soon a tremendous storm
occurred, and the boat that his mother used was rocking and stirring in the harsh sea currents. When the storm got
worse his mother could not handle the boat and she was screaming despairingly. Mafatu at that very age, did not
understand anything but realised his mother was suffering. Finally, when his mother reached the shore, she was in a
life and death situation where her son clung his head into her cold neck. Just as the shore was nearby, she saw a
coconut crack open. She was able to press the cold, sustaining flesh of the coconut into her child's lips before she
died. Even 12 years after the incident, Mafatu still seemed to see the faces of the fishermen who had found his dead
mother and her whimpering, helpless child by the shore. The tragedy was caused by the mighty ocean, which
permanently made him a coward.

3. What do Mafatu's mother's last actions reveal about her personality? (Character)
Ans-> Mafatu's mother's last action reveals that she was a loving, protective, responsible and brave mother for her
child .

4. Describe the relationship between Mafatu and his father.

Ans-> The relationship between Mafatu and his father was bad due to his fear of the sea and the fact that his father
was the chief. This made him look like a useless person in front of the tribe because of the name he gave his son,
"Mafatu" which means stout heart. Due to Mafatu's cowardice and fear of overcoming death in the sea, his
relationship with his father worsened and deteriorated, making his name sound bitter in his father's mind.

5. Compare Mafatu to his animal companions, Uri and Kivi. What do they all have in common or what similarities do
they share? (Identity)
Ans-> Mafatu and his animal friends "Kivi and Uri" were all the same: imperfect, having a fear of something, sharing
the same personality, and deprived of maternal love but selfless love for each other but having selfless love for each

6. When Kana is speaking to the other boys as they ready the boats for the next morning, Mafatu hears their
conversation. How do Kana's words affect Mafatu?
Ans-> Kana's words were bitter because of how he used to act friendly in front of Mafatu. It made him feel like
Kana's voice was a spear thrust through his heart. This affected Mafatu by urging him to face and overcome his fear
of the ocean. He also realised that all these years he had been a coward, fearing the ocean when other people didn't.

7. What realization does Mafatu make after overhearing that conversation?

Ans-> Mafatu, after hearing the conversation, realised he was a coward and that now he needed to face the ocean
and prove his courage to himself, to his father, Kana, and the whole tribe, or he could no longer live with them. At any
cost, he must overcome his fear by conquering Moana, the sea god.
8. Write two quotes that show Mafatu is afraid of the choice he has made to leave the island. Use quotation marks
and write the page number of each quote.
Ans-> The two quotes that show Mafatu is afraid to leave the island are as follows:
· "You cheated me once ,Mafatu, but someday, someday I will claim you !" Page # 6
· " His heart was hammering on his throat” page # 14

9. Is Mafatu making the right choice to leave Hikueru? Explain your answer.
Ans-> Yes, Mafatu made the right choice to leave Hikueru as the offspring of a brave father with great responsibility
as a leader to the people of his tribe. Mafatu must pursue the legacy of his father and be a good future leader.
Therefore, he wants to prove himself brave and courageous in front of his father, tribe, and friends, who all thought he
was a coward. He has an aim to overcome his fear of the ocean to show he is also capable of being a good
fisherman and a warrior to fight other opposing tribes to protect their homes and dignity instead of making spears,
nets, and sharkline for other boys, which were considered work done by women.

Call it courage

Questions and Answers

1. Why do you think courage is the most important quality to the people of Hikueru? (Interpret)

Ans -> Courage was the most important quality for the people of Hikueru to face the treacherous ocean for food to
feed their families and keep their tribe alive, and also fight the other opposing tribes to protect their homes. These
were the most important works that needed courage to overcome their fears being inhabitants of the large, infinite

2. In your own words, explain why Mafatu is afraid of the ocean. (Summarize)

Ans-> Mafatu is afraid of the ocean, as there was a tragedy that he came across that no one could forget when he
was three years old. As Hikueru was a hurricane prone area, disasters mostly happened and the peaceful village
would be destroyed every time a storm came. One day, Mafatu's mother went with him to the reef to fetch sea
urchins. The day looked stormy, and the fishermen returning with a lot of fish warned his mother about the upcoming
storm. His mother ignored this very message and went to the reef to collect urchins. Soon a tremendous storm
occurred, and the boat that his mother used was rocking and stirring in the harsh sea currents. When the storm got
worse his mother could not handle the boat and she was screaming despairingly. Mafatu at that very age, did not
understand anything but realised his mother was suffering. Finally, when his mother reached the shore, she was in a
life and death situation where her son clung his head into her cold neck. Just as the shore was nearby, she saw a
coconut crack open. She was able to press the cold, sustaining flesh of the coconut into her child's lips before she
died. Even 12 years after the incident, Mafatu still seemed to see the faces of the fishermen who had found his dead
mother and her whimpering, helpless child by the shore. The tragedy was caused by the mighty ocean, which
permanently made him a coward.

3. What do Mafatu's mother's last actions reveal about her personality? (Character)

Ans-> Mafatu's mother's last action reveals that she was a loving, protective, responsible and brave mother for her
child .
4. Describe the relationship between Mafatu and his father.

Ans-> The relationship between Mafatu and his father was bad due to his fear of the sea and the fact that his father
was the chief. This made him look like a useless person in front of the tribe because of the name he gave his son,
"Mafatu" which means stout heart. Due to Mafatu's cowardice and fear of overcoming death in the sea, his
relationship with his father worsened and deteriorated, making his name sound bitter in his father's mind.

5. Compare Mafatu to his animal companions, Uri and Kivi. What do they all have in common or what similarities do
they share? (Identity)

Ans-> Mafatu and his animal friends "Kivi and Uri" were all the same: imperfect, having a fear of something, sharing
the same personality, and deprived of maternal love but selfless love for each other but having selfless love for each

6. When Kana is speaking to the other boys as they ready the boats for the next morning, Mafatu hears their
conversation. How do Kana's words affect Mafatu?

Ans-> Kana's words were bitter because of how he used to act friendly in front of Mafatu. It made him feel like
Kana's voice was a spear thrust through his heart. This affected Mafatu by urging him to face and overcome his fear
of the ocean. He also realised that all these years he had been a coward, fearing the ocean when other people didn't.

7. What realization does Mafatu make after overhearing that conversation?

Ans-> Mafatu, after hearing the conversation, realised he was a coward and that now he needed to face the ocean
and prove his courage to himself, to his father, Kana, and the whole tribe, or he could no longer live with them. At any
cost, he must overcome his fear by conquering Moana, the sea god.

8. Write two quotes that show Mafatu is afraid of the choice he has made to leave the island. Use quotation marks
and write the page number of each quote.

Ans-> The two quotes that show Mafatu is afraid to leave the island are as follows:

 "You cheated me once ,Mafatu, but someday, someday I will claim you !" Page # 6
 " His heart was hammering on his throat” page # 14

9. Is Mafatu making the right choice to leave Hikueru? Explain your answer.

Ans-> Yes, Mafatu is making the right choice to leave Hikueru as he was an offspring of a brave father having a great
responsibility of a leader to his people of his tribe. Mafatu must pursue the legacy of his father in order to be a good
leader in the future. Therefore, he wants to prove himself brave and courageous in front of his father, Tribe and
friends who all thought he was a coward. He has an aim to overcome his fear of the ocean to show he was also
capable to be a good fisherman and a warrior to fight other opposing tribes to protect their homes and dignity instead
of making spears, nets and sharkline for other boys which were considered work done by women.

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