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NCM 100 – TFN

Week 2 Assignment



1. Give your short description of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale came from a well-known family. She is a woman with full of
compassion. Nightingale is an ambitious woman that no one could stop her even her
family for doing what she really loves. She is not interested of marriage and the things
that she had in life. She is very wonderful woman that she decided or chose to help
other people with whole-heartedly instead of getting married and become happy
without experiencing sufferings and sacrifices. Florence Nightingale was very skilful,
committed and courageous women and I think it’s rare to meet such person nowadays.
She was brave enough to face alone the challenges in her life.
2. Identify and describe the part of the movie clip that made an impact on you.
The part of the movie clip that made an impact on me was the time of the war.
Many soldiers got wounded and sick. No one else who willingly offered their help for at
least relieve the sufferings of those soldiers. But because of the mercy and compassion
that Florence Nightingale had, she and other group of women sent to help the soldiers.
It was just a little bit disappointment when they are degrading Nightingale because of
the fact that she is a women. But eventhough the ambassador and the doctor doesn’t
have full reliance about Nightingale’s ability, she continue to care, assist and help the
wounded soldiers. I was amazed by her when she said “No one can stop us from
showing compassion”.
3. Write your insights about the movie clip
The movie clip is about the short story of Florence Nightingale. For my own
opinion, Nightingale didn’t actually wanted to become a nurse. She just simply wants to
help individual who has an illness and severe injuries but ended up inventing nurses.
Florence Nightingale is a hero. She is a good epitome for every individuals especially for
us students who wants to be a part of medical field someday. She made me increases
my devotion in nursing. This movie clip is indeed encouraging me to pursue nursing and
made me realized that my choice was right. Nightingale inspires me through this movie
clip that nursing is not just gaining knowledge but the application of your knowledge.
Being compassionate is very crucial for a person to possess. Caring is a human nature
but not all human beings knows how to take care of others. As for Nightingale, she was
very busy taking care of other people that even her own health is unattended to her.
She prioritize her patient’s health before her health. “The simple act of caring is heroic”
– Edward Albert.

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