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Research Proposal: Understanding Soviet Nostalgia in Moldova

Oleinic Nichita, year 1/Political Science (English Track)/FSPAC

1. Introduction

The remains of the Soviet era linger over Moldova, casting shadows on its contemporary
identity. This research will try to explore deep into the phenomenon of Soviet nostalgia
within Moldova, revealing its origins, manifestations, and implications. By exploring the
sentiments and attitudes of the Moldovan elderly population, this study aspires to
contribute significantly to the academic discourse on post-Soviet nostalgia. Beyond scholarly
pursuits, it aims to offer valuable insights for policymakers, cultural institutions, and the
public, fostering a nuanced understanding of the cultural and social dynamics shaped by
Soviet nostalgia.

2. The Research Problem

Moldova stands at the crossroads of historical transitions, and the persistence of Soviet
nostalgia poses a profound challenge to comprehending its contemporary identity. The
research problem centers on unraveling the dynamics of Soviet nostalgia and its potential
impact on societal cohesion in Moldova. The central question guiding this investigation is:
What are the underlying causes and manifestations of Soviet nostalgia in Moldova, and how
does it influence the cultural and societal landscape?

3. Social Theory: Significant historical events/experiences shape the collective memory

and influence the present day perceptions.

To comprehend the intricate layers of collective memory, cultural identity, and post-Soviet
transitions within Moldova, this research draws on pertinent social theories. Theoretical
frameworks will guide the analysis, shedding light on how historical experiences, particularly
those rooted in the Soviet era, shape the collective memory of the Moldovan population and
influence their cultural and societal perceptions. (Klicperova-Baker, 1999)

4. Justification for Research Design

The research will begin by formulating clear research questions and objectives aligned with
the overarching purpose of understanding Soviet nostalgia in Moldova. This involves
establishing a comprehensive framework for investigation, ensuring that the research is
focused and directly addresses the identified gaps.

A mixed-methods approach will be adopted, combining qualitative and quantitative research

methods. This approach aims to provide a holistic and nuanced exploration of Soviet
nostalgia in Moldova, capturing both the qualitative richness of personal narratives and the
quantitative prevalence and patterns of sentiments.

The research design encompasses various data collection methods, including in-depth
interviews, surveys, content analysis, and focus groups. This multi-pronged approach seeks
to gather diverse and rich data, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of Soviet
nostalgia in Moldova.

The analysis will employ both qualitative and quantitative techniques. This comprehensive
approach ensures that the findings are interpreted within the historical and socio-cultural
context, providing a nuanced understanding of the manifestations and impact of Soviet

The research will conclude by formulating actionable recommendations based on the

findings. These recommendations will address the potential impact of Soviet nostalgia on
cultural institutions, policymaking, and societal cohesion, providing practical insights for

5. Data Collection Methods

1. Qualitative Research Methods:

In-Depth Interviews: Face-to-face or virtual interviews with a diverse range of participants
across different age groups, ethnicities, and regions in Moldova. This method aims to
capture rich narratives, personal experiences, and emotions related to the Soviet era.

Content Analysis: A systematic review of cultural artifacts, media content, and literature
related to the Soviet era in Moldova. This method will provide insights into how
representations of the Soviet era influence contemporary narratives and public discourse.

Focus Groups: Moderated group discussions will be organized to facilitate interaction among
participants. This method aims to explore shared narratives and differences in perspectives
on Soviet nostalgia within the group dynamic.

2. Quantitative Research Methods:

Survey Questionnaires: Surveys will be distributed to a representative sample of the
Moldovan population. These surveys will capture quantitative data on the prevalence and
intensity of Soviet nostalgia, demographic information, and attitudes toward the Soviet era.

Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis will be employed to identify correlations and patterns
within survey data. This method aims to uncover relationships between demographic
variables and the intensity of Soviet nostalgia.

Comparative Analysis: A cross-country comparative analysis will be conducted, comparing

Moldova's data on Soviet nostalgia with that of other post-Soviet states. This approach
provides insights into regional variations and shared experiences.

4. Ethical Considerations:
Informed Consent: Stringent protocols will be in place to ensure that participants provide
informed consent before participating in interviews or surveys.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: Data will be anonymized during analysis and reporting to
protect the privacy of participants. Strict confidentiality measures will be implemented.
Cultural Sensitivity: The research will be approached with cultural sensitivity, recognizing the
potential emotional impact of discussing historical experiences. Interviewers and
moderators will receive training to navigate these sensitive topics with empathy.

6. Existing Literature

Existing literature will be explored in three key thematic areas: post-Soviet studies, nostalgia
research, and Moldova's historical context.

Post-Soviet Studies: Foundational literature in post-Soviet studies will be examined to

understand common themes, transitions, and challenges experienced by former Soviet
states. Example: (Marandici, 2021)

Nostalgia Research: Literature on nostalgia, particularly in post-Soviet contexts, will be

investigated to identify theoretical frameworks and methodologies used in studying
historical sentiment. Example: (Klicperova-Baker, 1999)

Moldova's Historical Context: Literature detailing Moldova's history, with a focus on the
Soviet era and its aftermath, will be reviewed to gain insights into the historical, political,
and cultural factors shaping contemporary sentiments. Example: (Trevor, 1997)

2. Contributions and Gaps in Existing Literature:

The existing literature will be evaluated in terms of contributions and gaps, focusing on three
key areas.

Soviet Nostalgia in Post-Soviet States: Existing research on Soviet nostalgia in neighboring

post-Soviet states will be analyzed to identify commonalities and distinctions that may
inform the Moldovan context.

Generational Perspectives: Literature exploring generational perspectives on Soviet nostalgia

will be examined, highlighting how different age groups may perceive and express nostalgia

Impact on Identity and Culture: Literature discussing the impact of Soviet nostalgia on
cultural identity, societal values, and national narratives will be investigated.

Public Discourse and Media Representations: Studies analyzing public discourse and media
representations of the Soviet era in Moldova will be explored to understand how these
representations contribute to or challenge nostalgic sentiments.

Research Gaps and Unanswered Questions: Explore gaps related to regional variations
within Moldova, youth perspectives, and ethnic and cultural dynamics in existing literature.

7. Discussion of Findings and Explanation

The research findings will be discussed in the context of existing literature, providing a
comprehensive understanding of Soviet nostalgia in Moldova. The articulation of
explanations will consider the socio-cultural and historical factors influencing the
manifestation of nostalgia and its implications for contemporary Moldovan society.

8. Limitations

Anticipated limitations include potential response biases, challenges in accessing certain

demographics, and the subjective nature of content analysis. Mitigation strategies, such as
diversified recruitment and validation techniques, will be used to address these limitations.

9. Future Avenues for Further Research

Future research could explore longitudinal trends in Soviet nostalgia, the evolving impact of
digital media, and deeper analyses of regional and demographic variations within Moldova.
Additionally, comparative studies with other post-Soviet states can provide broader insights
into regional dynamics.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, this research proposal outlines a comprehensive approach to understanding

Soviet nostalgia in Moldova. By employing a mixed-methods design, the study aims to
contribute valuable insights to academic discourse while addressing the practical
implications for Moldovan society.

Klicperová-Baker, M., Feierabend, I. K., & Hofstetter, C. R. (1999). Post-communist
syndrome. Budapest: Open Society Institute, 5-6.

Marandici, I. (2022). Nostalgic Voting? Explaining the Electoral Support for the Political Left in Post-
Soviet Moldova. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 63(4), 514-542.

Waters, T. (1997). Problems, progress and prospects in a post-Soviet borderland: the Republic of
Moldova. Conflict Studies Research Centre.

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