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The discussion essay

It is a believed that if someone wants to get a good job, this person

should complete university education. Although I gravitate to those
who believe that getting experience and developing skills is more
important, so there is no general necessity in getting higher education.
Both views will be analyzed on here.
It is often claimed that university education is the most important goal
of entire life without which it is impossible to apply for better job and
build own future career. Firstly, classic linear education path is really
clear and simple, so person is able to major in needed subjects in order
to become an educated specialist. This means that the person who
finished a university has an understanding of profession which is widely
appreciated by employers. Secondly, university students can also have a
true practice that is usually available after the third year of the
university. In particular, many professors of higher education
institutions are in charge of different companies, so that they can hire
especially gifted ones for the purpose of providing internship.
For others, higher education does not play such an important role as
gaining experience or skill development. Recently, it has become more
popular to start working after finishing the school and the reason for
this might be absence of desire to focus on a single career path. For
instance, instead of five years of university studies an individual can try
different jobs and get a great quantity of practice in several fields of the
job market. Another factor that should be mentioned is that this kind of
people is much more capable of working flexibly and of job-sharing too.
At this time less and less employers look for workforce with only one
degree, unlike modern part-timers that work at diverse jobs during the
In the final analysis, both sides of the argument have precise
advantages supported by certain facts. However, having analyzed the
two camps, I am of the opinion that getting a job doesn’t depend on
one’s university degree overall. Old standards of finding own niche,
working day form nine to five and of course being bound with only one
specialty are gradually disappearing.

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