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ISEF Sample Abstract & Certification

PoDD: An Arduino-Based Multifunctional Water and Food Level Detecting Category

Device for Free-Range Backyard Poultry Farms Pick one only—
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Louie Joice S. Martinez Animal Sciences o

Behavioral and Social Sciences o
Narra Integrated School, Narra, Palawan, Philippines Biochemistry o
Biomedical and Health Sciences o
In the Philippines, poultry farming is a crucial and widespread business that many Filipinos engage in. Free-range poultry farming also supports numerous Biomedical Engineering o
Palaweños financially. Unfortunately, it has a higher mortality rate, reduced productivity, and a greater risk of infection. It is also time-consuming and requires Cellular & Molecular Biology o
difficult manual labor. Furthermore, African Swine Fever (ASF), COVID-19, and Avian influenza impacted poultry production causing Filipino consumers to
switch from pig to chicken increasing its demand.
Chemistry o
Computational Biology and o
This study entitled “PoDD: An Arduino-Based Multifunctional Water and Food Level Detecting Device for Free-Range Backyard Poultry Farms” is conducted Bioinformatics
to improve the management system and boost poultry production of free-range backyard poultry farms and meet the demands of consumers using the Poultry
Detector Device (PoDD). The study gathered 10 Kabir raised by free-range method and was divided into two groups: Set A, raised with PoDD, and Set B, Earth & Environmental Sciences o
raised with commercial feeder and waterer. Both consisting 1 rooster and 4 hens with constant age and weight. The researchers raised the chickens and Embedded Systems o
recorded the data every day for 28 days straight. Energy: Sustainable Materials o
The result of the experiment revealed the following: (a) the PoDD has higher and met the expected water and food consumption than commercial feeder and and Design
waterer, (b) the PoDD is efficient in detecting water and food level of the free-range backyard poultry farms, (c) the PoDD successfully notified free-range Engineering Technology: Statics o
backyard poulterers through text, (d) lastly, there is a significant difference between the Set A with PoDD and Set B with commercial chicken feeder and and Dynamics
chicken waterer.
Environmental Engineering o
Materials Science o
Mathematics o
Microbiology o
Physics and Astronomy o
Plant Sciences o
Robotics & Intelligent Machines o
Systems Software o
Technology Enhances the Arts o
Translational Medical Science o

1.  s a part of this research project, the student directly handled, manipulated, or interacted with
(check all that apply):
o human participants o potentially hazardous biological agents

vertebrate animals o microorganisms o rDNA o tissue

2.  his abstract describes only procedures performed by me/us, reflects my/our own independent
research, and represents one year’s work only.

yes o no

3. I/We worked or used equipment in a regulated research institution or industrial setting.

o yes o no

4. T
 his project is a continuation of previous research.
o yes o no

5. M
 y display board includes non-published photographs/visual depictions of humans
(other than myself)

yes o no
6. I/We hereby certify that the abstract and responses to the above statements are ONLY
correct and properly reflect my/our own work.
o✔ yes o no
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2023–2024,

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