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What is a force?

Force is a push, pull, turn and friction.

What can forces do? Please provide examples for each.

1 It can make an object move

e.g: A boy exerting a push force when blowing a ball

2 It can make an object stop

e.g: A goalkeeper exerting a push force when catching the ball

3 It can change the speed of an object

e.g: A hockey player exerting a push force by moving a slow-moving ball using a hockey stick

4 It can change the direction of an object

e.g: A football player exerting a push force by kicking the ball to another direction

5 It can change the shape or size of an object

e.g: A boy exerting a force by squeezing a ping-pong ball

How do we measure a force? What is the SI unit of force?

We measure force by using a force meter/spring balance. The SI unit of force is Newton (N)

this type of force is small.
E.g : weighing an apple (equal to gravitational force/weight) or pulling force to peel a banana.

What are the two main forces?

i. Contact forces
ii. Non-contact forces

When does force (i) occurs?

It occurs when the object exerting a force touches the other object on which the force acts.

What are the 4 types of forces for (i)

a) Impact force b) Tension force

c) Strain force d) Friction force

Define a) A force exerted when a moving object collides with a stationery object.

Define b) A strain force exerted by stretching a rope or string.

Define c) A force acting in opposite directions to the force acting on them.

Define d) A force act acting in opposite directions that tries to stop things sliding past each other

Name a type of force a) with an example

A car crashing into a lamp post

Name a type of force b) with an example

Playing tug of war

Name a type of force c) with an example

Stretching a rubber band

Name a type of force d) with an example

Car tyres

Define friction

Is the force that act on opposite direction that tries to stop objects from sliding past each other

What type of force is friction? Explain?

Friction is a contact force because the surfaces of two object that acts on it touches each other

What causes friction?

The uneven surfaces of two objects causes friction

What is static friction?

Friction that exist between two objects when there is no movement

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