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Self Study is really important for students, however most of them do not do self study.

are three reasons that do not do self study. First, Students depend on teachers or school.
They think that study from school is enough for them. Then they no need to care about
study anymore. Second, they have low motivation. Like, when they start to study a few
minutes, they easy to drop out. Also, Students always fall asleep when they study. Third,
Some students are busy with work. Like they help parent works, or clean house.
So They do not have enough time for study. For example, students who are having bad
situation, they have to find currency to support their study. To Sum up, Three reasons why
students do not do self study are depend on school, low motivation and Busy with work. In
my opinion we should do self study more because it can increase your knowledge and you
also get high score from exam.

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