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Application letter

Definition =
An application letter is a formal letter written to apply for a job

Application letter is an important information and includes reason for applying for the position.

What is the purpose ?

1. To apply for a job
2. Format of application letter

Generic structure =
1. Application address
2. Date
3. Employer’s address
4. Salution
5. Opening paragraph
6. Body of letter
7. Closing paragraph
8. Closure
9. Signature

+ enclosement ; resume, identity card and recent photo

Offering help

1. Offer means to give something to someone
2. Offer help is an expression that is used to give help to someone
Example ; can i help you ?
let me help you
do you want some help ?

Social function ;
To offer assistance for people who are in need

Expressions =

Formal : informal :
1. May i … ? can i … ?
2. Shall i … ? do you want me to … ?
3. Would you like me to … ? let me …

How to give response =

Accept : reject :
1. Yes, please no, thank you
2. Yes, please do no, please don’t
3. How kind of you that’s awfully kind, but there’s no need
4. That’s very good you it’s all right thanks, I can manage that alone
5. What a good idea no, thank you. But I am very grateful
6. That’s terribly kind
7. Thanks. That would be excellent
Procedur text

Is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something

Social function ;
To describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps

Use procedure text ;

1. To explain how to use instruction
2. To instruct how to do a particular activity
3. To give tips

Generic structure ;
1. Goal/purpose = menjelaskan tujuan dari menulis procedur text, bisa digunakan sebagai judul
2. Materials/tools = menjelaskan bahan bahan atau peralatan yang dibutuhkan
3. Steps/methods = langka langka atau proses dalam melakukan sesuatu

Unsur kebahasaan ;
1. Use adverb of sequence ; kata hubung yang menunjukkan urutan.
Example ; first, second, the last, etc
2. Use imperative sentence ; kalimat perintah. Menggunakan “verb 1”
Example ; put the noodles on…, cut the onion, etc
3. Use action verbs ; kata kerja yang menunjukkan tindakan
Example ; make, take, boil, etc

Caption text

Definition =
Caption is brief description that identifies or introduces a document, graphic, photograph or table

Social function =
To help the readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos

Types of caption text =

1. Identification bar

2. Cutline

3. Summary

4. Expended

5. Group identification

6. Quote

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