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Action Research
Project work :2
Date: 2080-01-02
Title: Why student feel difficulty in reading text in grade eight?
Background: Teaching passage is to comprehend the massage,
ideas, information from the text. The students in government school
get uneasy because of poor base or background of the student as well
as lock of sufficient use of English language and the contemporary
situation. My students are also found less active in reading any
TEAK 77%)

यही निर

Most of the students are coming from poor background. they are not
case to learn them silver because of lack of vocabulary power. Not
only that, they are not able to produce exact sound of the word. they
don't manage their study time properly.
Stage I Student of the problem: The numbers of students in my
class eight is more as well as they are not much interested among
thirty five students, only five student's hardly read the text and eager
to read and understand the meaning of difficult word, remaining
number of students are found passive and responsible. some of the
students are not able to read new vocabulary, even they could not
pronounce correctly so I realized that teaching passage in a
traditional way or lecture method is not helpful and i have to change
the way of teaching style. on the be
of basic survey in Shree Bhavani
secondary school, students in basic level without teaching
vocabularies even simple it would be hard to develop reading habit
and get information from the text i found that.
. Some student having more difficulty in reading passage.
Something new ideas to be done to enhance their reading skills
. Their inability to read and comprehend passage has been boring
factor for the teacher and the school.
. Their inability to read and comprehend passage has been boring
factor for the teacher and the school,
Stage II: Deeper study of the problem

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