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Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education

An ISO 45001:2018 Certified Institution


The year 2023-2024, the Platinum Jubilee year of South Point, has been marked by many
celebratory events and milestones. On Saturday, January, 20, 2024 and Sunday, January 21,
2024 the next leg of the celebrations will unfold at the Gitanjali Stadium with “Celebration
Carnival” which promises to be two fun-filled days of activities, games and delicious food.
Prizes galore will be up for grabs for those favoured by the stars. So do come and be a part of
the fun-fiesta.

There will be many activities and games that may be enjoyed by all age groups- there is a
promise of good times for tiny toddlers, accompanying grand dads as well as young adults.
Parents and children will both find something of interest. So come one and all for a good time
under the winter sun.

The Merry-go-around, a universal favourite, a Trampoline for our jumping jacks, a Ball
pool and a Giant Ludo will enhance the excitement and fun quotient of our carnival while a
Caricaturist will be at hand for those who would like a fun portrait of themselves. A Tattoo
Artist at the venue is sure to be a star attraction for many, while we expect a rush to the Juke
Box counter where songs will be played at request, of course for a tiny payment. A “Bull
Ride”, A Mechanised Basket Ball Game and even a Virtual Reality Game will be some of
the exciting experiences on offer. In between do visit the Popcorn and Candy Floss stalls.
Well who can resist these all- time favourites that bring back childhood memories?

The fun will continue in our very own Play Zone. Popular games like Toss the Ring, Can
the Can, and Coin the Bangle are sure to be big hits. There is something for all. Some may
find Archery to be their favourite game while others would like to spin the Wheel Of
Fortune and pray for the blessings of Lady Luck. The Wire Game will be a test for steady
hands while you will need perfect aim to Feed the Clown. Formula 1, Tail the Donkey and
Balloon Dart are some of the other attractions that are sure to be crowd-pullers. In short there
is much to do and a lot of delectable food to eat. There will be many food stalls set up by
well-known restaurants and food chains selling a wide range of sweets and savouries that will
keep your taste buds tingling.

Games can be played by buying coupon booklets at the venue. Food purchase will be through
cash payment.

There will be a stall selling Platinum Jubilee Memorabilia too so that you can take home a
piece of South Point history to be treasured forever.

All pupils will receive invitation cards which clearly specifies the entry timings of each class.
So do come and partake of the Fun. South Point promises you a jolly good time!


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