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In this part, the researcher will briefly discuss the topic of Understanding the Role of

Meditation in Alleviating Anxiety.

Background of the Study

Anxiety is the anticipation of the future, thus making someone afraid of taking

risks, constantly thinking the ‘what if’ questions, overthinking things. It affects one's

daily activity, and even his ability to make decisions in life, making them indecisive. It

is an emotion characterised and mostly controlled by feelings of tension, worried

thoughts and physical changes such as losing weight in just a matter of time. Anxiety

has become increasingly prevalent among students, affecting their academic

performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. According to the American

Psychiatric Association, Anxiety is a mental disorder which affects 30% of adults in

today's world. Anxiety is a common issue that many individuals, including students,

face in their daily lives. It can affect our mental and emotional well-being, leading to

stress, difficulty in concentration, and a decline in overall performance. This mental

disorder was mainly criticised by the society, making it more and more concerning.

One of the reasons for this mental disorder is the stress and pressure one receives

from the social society. Thus, students are no exception to this, making it harder for

them to study and give their best shot in life.

Recognizing this issue, it is essential to explore effective approaches to support

students in managing anxiety and promoting their mental health. Meditation has

been practised for centuries and is known for its potential to cultivate a sense of

calmness and inner peace. It involves training the mind to focus and redirect

thoughts, ultimately leading to a state of deep relaxation. Through regular practice,

meditation can help individuals develop coping mechanisms and reduce the impact

of anxiety on their lives. Meditation is a practice that helps one to focus

concentration, bringing oneself to the present and to avoid thinking if the future.

Meditation addresses stress, whether positive or negative. In addition to that,

meditation can also reduce other illnesses, other than anxiety, chronic pain,

depression, heart disease, anger issues and high blood pressure.

Statement of the Problem

How does meditation impact anxiety levels among individuals?

Meditation impacts anxiety levels by activating the relaxation response in the body,

which leads to decrease physiological arousal and a sense of calm. It regulates the

autonomic nervous system, shifting individuals from a state of stress and balance.

Meditation also reduce the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, which are

associated with anxiety and chronic stress and it enhances emotional regulation by

fostering self-awareness and mindfulness.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study is specifically focused on selected JHS students at

Blessed Land Academy. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of meditation

techniques in managing anxiety symptoms and promoting mental well-being among

these students. The study primarily involves collecting and analysing data from JHS

students within Blessed Land Academy. It focuses on their experiences with anxiety

and the impact of meditation practices on alleviating anxiety-related symptoms.

In addition to that, the study examines the specific meditation techniques utilised by

the students and their perceived effectiveness in reducing anxiety. This research

also will encompass a comprehensive review of existing literature and studies on the

benefits of meditation for anxiety reduction. It will consider various meditation

techniques, such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, and guided imagery, to

provide a holistic understanding of their role in alleviating anxiety. While the study

aims to generate insights into the effectiveness of meditation in alleviating anxiety.

The study is limited to selected JHS students at Blessed Land Academy and may not

be generalizable to other schools or student populations. Additionally, the study does

not account for individual differences in anxiety severity or underlying psychological

conditions. The study also acknowledges that the implementation of meditation

practices might vary among individuals and may require ongoing commitment and

practice to yield significant results. Therefore, the study does not aim to provide

immediate solutions to anxiety but rather seeks to shed light on the potential benefits

of incorporating meditation into the lives of JHS students.

Limitation of the study

This study focuses on a specific group of students within the school and premises of

Blessed Land Academy. This limits the generalizability of the findings to other junior

high school students in different settings. Additionally, the study may not account for

individual differences and other factors that could influence the effectiveness of

meditation in alleviating anxiety. There are several limitations to consider in our study

about understanding the role of meditation in Alleviating Anxiety among selected Jhs

students in Blessed Land Academy Cultural and contextual factors : The study may

focus on JHS students in Blessed Land Academy , which may limit the

generalizability of the findings to other cultural or contextual settings. Cultural Beliefs,

Values, and the educational system can influence the effectiveness and acceptance

of meditation as an Anxiety-Alleviating practice.

External factors : The study may not account for external factors that could influence

Anxiety levels, such as Academic pressure, family issues, or personal

circumstances. These factors could confound the results and limit the study's ability

to establish a direct causal relationship between meditation and Anxiety reduction.

Self reporting bias: The study may not rely on self-report measures to assess

Anxiety levels and the effectiveness of meditation. Self-report measures are subject

and may be influenced by social desirability bias, where participant's may provide

responses they believe researchers want to hear instead of their true experiences.
Sample size : The study may have a limited number of participants, which may not

accurately represent the entire JHS student population in Blessed Land Academy. A

small sample size may affect the generality of the findings and limit the study's

external validity .

Definition of terms

The study about understanding the role of meditation in Alleviating Anxiety

aims to explore and comprehend the impact of meditation practices and reducing

anxiety levels among Junior High Student ( JHS ) student in Blessed Land Academy

This study specifically targets ( JHS ) students in Blessed Land Academy to

investigate how meditation practices can potentially Alleviating anxiety symptoms in

this particular age group. The ( JHS ) student often face various stressors , including

academic pressures, social changes, and personal challenges, Understanding the

role of meditation in reducing anxiety levels among these students can provide

valuable insight into promoting their mental health and well-being.

These research will involve contacting surveys, interviews, and observation to gather

the data on the anxiety levels of ( JHS ) student before and after engaging in regular

meditation sessions. The study will also explore the student's perception of

meditation and it's impact on their anxiety symptoms.

By comprehending the role of meditation in Alleviating anxiety among ( JHS )

students, Blessed land academy can potentially integrate meditation practices into

their curriculum or extracurricular activities. This integration would provide students

with affective coping mechanism to manage anxiety and enchance their overall

mental health.


Meditation, a practice that has been around for centuries, offers a potential solution

to combat anxiety and its effects. It involves calming the mind and focusing on the

present moment, allowing individuals to gain a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

By incorporating meditation into our lives, we can develop essential skills to manage

and alleviate anxiety effectively.

In recent years, scientific research has shed light on the numerous benefits of

meditation for mental health. Studies have shown that meditation can reduce stress

levels, improve attention and concentration, enhance emotional regulation, and

promote overall psychological well-being. These findings highlight the potential of

meditation as a valuable tool for JHS students in managing anxiety and optimizing

their academic performance.

Understanding the role of meditation in alleviating anxiety among JHS students is

particularly relevant due to the unique challenges they face during this critical stage

of development. The pressures of academic expectations, social relationships, and

personal growth can contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels. By introducing

meditation as a proactive approach, Blessed Land Academy aims to equip students

with effective strategies to navigate these challenges and promote their mental well-


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