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Chapter 4 (Prof Ed 312)

Activity No. 12 Name: ____________________________________________

Program/Year: ____________Date Submitted: ___________
𝑐𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒

Title: Arts/Creativity Literacy

Performance Objective:
Make a toolkit for variety of activities where in you can integrate the arts to your field of
Supplies: Bond paper (Long), ballpen, pencil, coloring materials
Equipment: PC, printer with ink,

1. Think of variety of activities (at least 5) where in you can integrate the arts (art, music & dance).

2. Use the template below.

Intended Learning Outcomes Arts Activities Resources

Ex: Illustrate the importance Mind mapping pencil, pentel pen, color
of making mind map. pen, ¼ white cartolina,

3. Out from the activities mentioned, pick one (1) activity that you may perform/create.


4. Submit your work/output to your professor.

Assessment Method:
Content- 10pts
Relevance 10pts

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