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Ideal Jawa Rotary School

A Visit to The Silk Factory for the year 2023-24

Date: 9-9-2023.
Time: 9:45am.
Venue: Silk Factory,
In-Charge: CTs and CCTs of 9R3, Management Staff…

It was the most exciting day for 9th R3 students on the 9th of September, 2023;
that took place under the observation of the principal, CTs and CCTs, and Management
Staff and the in-charge teachers… which brought in a learning opportunity to the
students, through a Visit to The Silk-Factory.

Various knowledge was provided by the staff of the silk factory, on how the silk is
extracted, the types of silk-worms used, the different types of qualities, and the input
and output for a single day, the particular way in which the construction of the factory
had taken place to support production of Silk, the cost and production, etc… Overall,
we are thankful for the principal, and management and the staff or arranging the trip
that was very exciting, and also knowledgeable too.

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