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Student’s Name Fiorella Chaves. Level Undécimo
Teachers Denilson Montiel Castillo, Alissa Esquivel Flores.

Title How does psychology help young people?

I. Introduction Paragraph.
a. Hook. Did you now that the 24,9% of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 have use
psychotropic drugs in the last year?
b. Background Information: Psychology is the study of mind and behavior
c. Thesis Statement. The ways that psychology help young people and why is important.

II. First Body Paragraph.

a. Topic Sentence:How psychology help people to improving family relationships
b. First Supporting Evidence: Family relations can affect mental health and development
c. Second Supporting Evidence: Psychology helps to have a better communication, listening skills
and better emotion connection with family.

III. Second Body Paragraph.

a. Topic Sentence. Psychology gives support in career counseling
b. First Supporting Evidence. Helps young people to identify their interests, career inspirations.
c. Second Supporting Evidence: This reduce career confusion and gives chances of career

IV. Third Body Paragraph.

a. Topic Sentence. The most important that psychology help young people is by treating mental
b. First Supporting Evidence:Psychology provides assessment , diagnosis and treatment
c. Second Supporting Evidence. A lot of young people suffer of mental health like depression and
anxiety, psychology helps them.

V. Conclusion Paragraph.
a. Restate the thesis statement.How psychology provides the necessary things to have a good life
being young.
b. Review the 3 main points. Improving family relationships, career counseling, mental health
c. moral for the reader: Don’t Matter how strong you are, always needed support, especially when
you are young

Centro Educativo Bilingüe Inmaculada de Jaco

Zianny Fiorella Chaves Cascante


English Project

Denilson Montiel

How psychology help young people?

Due day: May 5 of 2023

How does psychology help young people?

Psychology studies the behavior and mental processes of humans and animals. It is the
scientific study of the mind, brain, and behavior. Psychology understands how individuals think, feel,
and behave in different situations. Also psychology helps young people in several ways, as it focuses
on understanding human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Here are some of the ways that
psychology helps young people:
Improving Family Relationships is one of the ways that psycology help young people because
family relationships can significantly affect young people's mental health and development.
Psychology helps young people to have better relationships with their families by having better
communication, listening skills, managing conflict, and building healthy emotional connections. the
psychologists teach the teenagers parents that in this phase,they need to include and respect them
that will help them to have a better relationship with their child, parents need to respect limits and they
need to give more space to them. For example their is a case of a girl that is call Ana she suffer of
anxiety as result of that she always want to be alone and she doesnt like to spend time with her
parents, so the psychology advise their parents with what was mentioned before and help Ana with
her anxiety.
Another way is career counseling because psychology helps young people identify their
interests, strengths, and career aspirations. Psychologists help young people navigate career options,
explore career paths, and create action plans. This help can reduce career confusion and increase
the chances of career satisfaction and success. For example, a boy named Luis that doesn’t know
what to study or what he wanted to do so he felt very frustrated. The psychologist taught him career
options according to his interests.
Treating Mental Health Issues is another way and the most important way that psychology
helps teenegers because psychology provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for mental
health concerns among young people. Many young people suffer from mental health problems, such
as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and addiction, and psychology helps to identify, treat, and
manage these conditions. For example, psychology helped a girl named Larissa. She suffered from
depression and anxiety and as a result of that she was involved in drugs. The psychologist sent her a
treatment of psychopharmaceuticals and gave her good therapy, also admitted her to a rehabilitation
clinic so that she quit drugs.
In conclusion, psychology provides several benefits to young people, including assessment
and treatment of mental health, improving family relationships, and career counseling. Also
psychology offers a better life to young people and now their is a low porcentage of young people
who commit suicide.The moral is that no matter how strong you are, always needed support,
especially when you are young.

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