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Elvito Auriga Antares, 230422604897

State University of Malang, Malang

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of students seeking higher education opportunities
through various scholarships from leading companies and the government to pursue their studies

There are many reasons why students in the current era are encouraged to study abroad, one of which is
because the quality of education abroad is more promising, as we know, Indonesia is arguably still in the
back row when discussing about education, even Indonesia itself lags behind other Asian countries. In
addition, another reason is because the curriculum abroad is considered more relevant, the choice of
diverse fields of study and the way teachers provide material that is easy to digest are also the main
reasons many students are encouraged to pursue education abroad.

In this regard, there are many pros and cons. According to some people, pursuing education abroad is a
promising thing, because as discussed in the first paragraph, there are no disadvantages when we study
abroad, in addition to improving our academic level, studying abroad also gives us an idea of how people
out there think and live.

Behind the positive things that happen, there must be risks that await, but some people think that as long
as they can control themselves, then they will still be good regardless of how the association there,
besides that they also feel that teenagers aged 18 years and over can be responsible for whatever they

However, there are also many people who are against what is happening, preferring to continue their
education in the country. According to some people's views, a person's academic quality is not seen from
where they graduate, but rather seen from how a person pursues something they learn.

Many people think that teenagers who go abroad will experience shock, it happens because they feel
free. When a teenager feels free, the majority of them will try to do many things that can be said to be

In the end, we can conclude that the phenomenon can have two opposing opinions, in the first opinion
many people feel that teenagers aged 18 and over already have responsibility for themselves, so
whatever they do then they are ready to bear the risks. On the other hand, there are also many people
who think that pursuing education or knowledge does not need to go abroad, because they think that
one's academic quality is not determined by the university, but by how seriously one studies.

So, it can be concluded that everyone has their own opinion on what has happened, this all goes back to
each person, because whether you want to study at home or abroad also depends on the seriousness of
the person himself.

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