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Wesleyan University – Philippines

Cabanatuan City

Marvy Andaya

Narrative report on what I have learned for final period

The main lesson derives from Jose Rizal's writings "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" depicting
the socioeconomic inequalities and colonial abuses endured by the Filipino people during the Spanish
occupation. These literary works offer as powerful reminders of the human struggle against oppression,
tyranny, and the repercussions of unbridled authority.

Rizal highlights the perils of a society characterised by corruption, inequality, and ruthless exploitation of
the marginalised via the experiences of the protagonists. These novels are testaments to the necessity
of social consciousness, the quest of justice, and the human spirit's tenacity in the face of tragedy. They
compel individuals to challenge authority and push for meaningful change by inspiring contemplation on
the cost of apathy and blind allegiance to unfair systems.

Furthermore, these works inculcate in Filipinos a profound feeling of national identity and pride,
building a collective consciousness rooted in the battle for independence, equality, and the quest of a
just society. They continue to act as beacons of inspiration, encouraging readers to stand up to
oppression, champion the cause of justice, and fight towards a future founded on compassion, equality,
and honesty.

The demand for individual responsibility and activity is central to these works, which emphasise the
transformational power of education, critical thinking, and the bravery to oppose conventional
conventions. They inspire intense nationalism among Filipinos, promoting a communal yearning for
dignity, independence, and self-determination.

Furthermore, Rizal's literary talent intertwines the complexities of human nature with societal
difficulties, emphasising the narratives' enduring importance in provoking empathy, thought, and action.
Finally, "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" transcend their historical setting, functioning as
beacons of inspiration and catalysts for societal introspection, guiding future generations towards a
future founded on justice, unity, and the search of a more equal society.

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