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A Plan for helping the Earth

What: We want to do good things for our area by making insignificant changes, like using less
stuff, saving energy, and living in a way that helps our planet.

Why: Our goal is to make the Earth better for everyone. If we take care of our planet, it will be a
nicer place for us and the people who come after us.

Who: Everyone in our neighborhood is important for this plan. This includes people who live
here, local shops, schools, and town leaders. We will also have a special team of volunteers,
experts, and community leaders.

How: We will talk to people in meetings, workshops, and online to teach them why it is
important to use less stuff and save energy. We will also share effortless tips on how to do this.
We will ask stores in our area to do things that help the Earth. We will give them a special sign if
they do well. We will teach kids in our schools about how to take care of the Earth. We will also
do fun projects, like planting trees and recycling, to get them involved. We will plan fun events,
like clean-up days, planting trees together, and having fairs where we can learn more about
helping the Earth. We will talk to people who make rules for our town and ask them to make
rules that help the Earth, like using more green energy and recycling more. We will keep track of
how well we are doing by counting how much stuff we use and how much energy we save. If we
see we can do better, we will change our plans.

Where: We will start making these changes in one part of our neighborhood and then do these
good things for the Earth in all the places where we live.

When: We want to start making these changes in the next three months. We will keep checking
to see if we are doing better. This is something we want to keep doing for a long time.

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