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Mathematics 4 Circles

Mathematics 4

Roxanne A. Anunciado
Mathematics Unit
Philippine Science High School
Brgy. Paraiso, Koronadal City

January 12, 2024

Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


By the end of this lesson, the student will have

been able to identify the properties of chords and
radius of a circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Definition of a Circle
A circle is a set of all points in a given plane that
are of equal distance from a fixed point in the
plane. The fixed point is called the center and
the segment joining the center and any point on
the circle is called the radius.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Since any circle is defined mainly by its center and

its radius, we can further illustrate the following
Definition of Concentric Circles
Two or more circles which are on the same plane
and with the same center are called concentric
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

The figure below shows an example of concentric

circles. They share the same center, point O, but
their radii OA and OB have different lengths.
Interestingly, the word concentric came from con
which means together and centric which means
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Definition of Congruent Circles

Two or more circles are congruent if their radii are
Moreover, a point is
inside a circle if its distance from the center
is less the radius
outside a circle if its distance from the center
is greater than the radius, and
on a circle if its distance from the center is
equal to the length of the radius
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

A chord of a circle is a segment joining any two
points on the circle. If the chord passes through
the center of the circle, then it is called a
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Properties of Chords and Radius of a


1 If a radius is perpendicular to a chord, then

it bisects the chord.
2 If a radius of circle bisects a chord that is not
a diameter, then it is perpendicular to that
chord. (Converse of the first property)
3 The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes
through the center of the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


The circle is centered at A and radius AC is perpendicular

to chord BE. Thus, AC bisects BE. As a result, BD ∼= DE.
Since AD ⊥ BE, the measure of AD is also known as the
distance from the center of the circle to a chord.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Example 1
In the figure, the center of the circle is O and its
radius is 13 in. The length of chord PQ is 10 in.
1 OQ and

2 the distance from PQ to the center O.

Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Example 2
Find the length of a chord that is 15 cm from the
center of a circle with a radius of 17 cm.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


1 Chord AB is 12 mm long. A circle centered at

P has radius 10 mm. Find the distance from
AB to point P.
2 Find the distance from the center of a circle
to a chord 30 m long, if the diameter of the
circle is 34 m long.
3 Find the radius of a circle if a 24 cm chord is
9 cm from the center.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

A Cat House Diagram

Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


A secant line is a line that intersects a circle at

exactly two points. Every secant contains a chord
of the circle.

A secant segment is the part of a secant line that

joins a point outside the circle to the farther
intersection point of the secant and the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

A Cat House Diagram

Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


A tangent line is a line that intersects a circle at

exactly one point. This point is called the point
of tangency or point of contact.

A tangent segment is the part of a tangent line

joining the point of contact and a point along the
line but outside the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

A Cat House Diagram

Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Properties of Tangents to Circles

A tangent line is perpendicular to the radius drawn

to the point of contact. Its converse is also true,
i.e., if a line is perpendicular to a radius at its outer
endpoint, then it is tangent to the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

What about if two tangents are drawn to a circle

from an external point?

Two Tangent Theorem

If two tangent segments are drawn to a circle
from an external point, then those segments are
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Example 1
The center of the circle is L and IG is tangent to
the circle at G. The radius of circle L is 9 mm.
The tangent segment IG is 40 mm long. Find the
length of IL.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

Example 2
Each side of quadrilateral ORQS is tangent to the
circle, with SO = 10; OR = 15; SQ = 18. Find
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines


1 The center of the circle is A and its radius is

11 cm. Tangent segment BC is 60 cm long.
Find the length of AC.
2 Concentric circles with radii 8 and 10 have
center P. XY is a chord of the outer circle
that is tangent to the inner circle. Find XY.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Properties of Chords, Radius, and Tangent and Secant Lines

1 Find the perimeter of right triangle MNO, if
the radius of circle Q is 4 and MO = 20
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

By the end of this lesson, the student will have
been able to solve problems about central angles,
inscribed angles, and intercepted arcs on a circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Definition of a Central Angle

In a circle, a central angle is an angle whose vertex
is the center of the circle, and whose sides are rays
intersecting the circle at two different points.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

The shorter arc is called a minor arc and its

length is less than half the circumference of
the circle.
The longer arc is called the major arc and its
length is more than half the circumference of
the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

It can be said that the central angle ∠AOB

intercepts the minor arc, or that the minor
arc subtends the central angle ∠AOB.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

If points A and B are collinear with the center of

the circle (O), then the two arcs with endpoints
A and B are equal in length and the sum of their
lengths is equal to the circumference of the circle.
In this case, the arcs are called semicircles.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Notation and Naming of Arcs

Naming an arc requires two or three points with

> >
an arc symbol above them (e.g., AB or XYZ).

Suppose an arc is named as XYZ. The leftmost
and rightmost points, X and Z, correspond to the
endpoints of that arc, while the point Y is a point
along that arc different from either endpoint.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Name the major and minor arcs:

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Measures of Arcs
The degree measure of a minor arc of a circle is
defined to be the measure of the central angle
that intercepts it. As a consequence, the degree
measure of the corresponding major arc is equal
to 360 minus the measure of the minor arc.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Example 3
Consider the figure below. If m∠AOT = 44, find
the measures of the following arcs:
> > > >
1 AST 2 SB 3 BT 4 ATB
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Definition of an Inscribed Angle

In a circle, an inscribed angle is an angle whose
vertex lies on the circle and its two sides are
extended chords of the circle, intersecting the circle
at two different points.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Property 1
In a circle, the measure of an inscribed angle
is equal to one-half times the measure of its
intercepted arc.

1> 1
m∠APB = AB = m∠AOB
2 2
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Property 2
In a circle, if an inscribed angle intercepts a
semicircle, then it is a right angle. Conversely,
if an inscribed angle is a right angle, then the arc
it intercepts is a semicircle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Property 3
a) In the same circle, if two inscribed angles
intercept the same arc, then the angles are
b) If the inscribed angles intercept two different
but congruent arcs, then the inscribed angles
are also congruent. Conversely, if the two
inscribed angles are congruent, then the arcs
they intercept are congruent.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Property 4
If a quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle, then its
opposite angles are supplementary.
A quadrilateral is said to be inscribed in a circle if
its four vertices lie on the circle, as shown in the
illustration below.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Example 4
In the figure below, O is the center of the circle.
What is the measure of ∠P?
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Properties of Inscribed Angles

Example 5
> >
In the figure, mAD = 150 and mBC = 40. Find
the measures of the numbered angles. Note that
X is not the center of the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

By the end of this lesson, the student will have
been able to:
1 identify and solve problems involving angles

formed by intersecting chords, tangents and

2 differentiate between inscribed and

circumscribed polygons; and

3 solve problems involving inscribed and

circumscribed polygons.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Intersecting Chords
If two chords intercept within a circle, then the
measure of an angle formed is half the sum of the
measures of the intercepted arcs.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Intersecting Tangent and Chord

If a tangent and a chord intersect at a point on
the circle, then the measure of the angle that they
form is one-half the measure of the intercepted arc.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Intersecting Tangents and Secants

If a tangent and a secant, two secants, or two
tangents intersect at a point outside a circle, then
the measure of the angle formed is equal to one-half
the difference of the measures of the intercepted
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs
Angles Formed by Chords, Secants and Tangents

Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons

Definition of an Inscribed Polygon

A polygon is said to be inscribed in a circle if all
of its vertices are points on the circle.
Thus, all sides of an inscribed polygon are chords
of the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons

The following two statements are equivalent:

The polygon is inscribed in a circle.
The circle is circumscribed about the
polygon. (Burrill et al., 1995)
The polygon’s circumcenter is the center of the
circle circumscribed about the polygon.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons

Definition of a Circumscribed Polygon

A polygon is said to be circumscribed about a circle
if all of its sides are tangent to the circle.
Mathematics 4 Circles
Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons

The following two statements are equivalent:

The polygon is circumscribed about a circle.
The circle is inscribed in the polygon.
(Burrill et al., 1995)
The polygon’s incenter is the center of the circle
inscribed in the polygon.

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